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Mar 2019 · 664
Lasso di tempo
Sophia Margarita Mar 2019
Un respiro.
Un exhalo.
Poco a poco,
el cuerpo
analiza lo pasado.
Apago los ojos,
solo veo blanco.
Blancas las sabanas de la cama desordenada,
durante el momento en que dos almas se reencontraban.
Blanca la tela que el torso cubría,
al caminar sintiendo la arena, por la oscura noche en la que dos corazones corrían.
Blanco el destello de las estrellas percibidas,
que hacía arriba era lo que veían.
Blanca la mente, ya que fascinada y demente se encuentra.
Empeorando al desvanecerse en aquellas brillantes ventanas de tonos cafés que mesmerizan.
Mariposas blancas aleteando colman
todo aquello que al cuerpo conforma.
Un respiro.
Un exhalo.
Ahora la mente
se encuentra en relajo.
Jan 2019 · 538
Perfect Deficiency
Sophia Margarita Jan 2019
Mistakes don’t describe
Who we are now
Or even
Who we will be.
Because only we can decide
How we want to be
Or what we will make
out of this life.
If change is wanted
With all our might,
Then a difference is started,
And change will happen
In the soul and mind.
Jan 2019 · 326
What Makes Me Human
Sophia Margarita Jan 2019
I make mistakes,
And that's ok.
I may drown in sadness,
And that's ok.
I have imperfections,
And that's ok.
That's what makes me human.

Are seen negatively,
When they actually are
An important piece
Of our essence inside.

However we are,
With the good things and bad,
loving ourselves
is what we need to achieve.
It will give us
A certain peace of mind.
We will fly free
Over the whole world
Outside to the universe,
And finally discover ourselves.
At the end,
We are perfect and unique,
With a personality each
That generates the real
us from within.
Jan 2019 · 1.0k
Harmonious Soul
Sophia Margarita Jan 2019
A melody
Passes through my soul
With  much ease and calmness,
Across all the pieces
That make me whole.

Puts together
The distant parts
Of my heart and mind,
That time
Managed to pull apart,
But finding myself,
Redirected to unite again.

This melody
Is greatly appreciated,
As it represents
What we are
And what we could be.
My mind
My heart
All of those
Magnificent memories
Flash through my mind
At the instant
When that melody
Passes Through
my heart.
Jan 2019 · 378
Sophia Margarita Jan 2019
Cuando la mente
se llena de anestesia,
es porque esta
en un paraíso oculto
de aquellos pensamientos
que me mandan a otro planeta.
Nov 2018 · 206
Sophia Margarita Nov 2018
From here to there,
my city to yours,
it's the distance between us,
physically separating,
your heart from mine.
But we shouldn't give it,
the unique satisfaction,
of maintaining us apart:
because in reality,
our hearts are together,
and love radiates,
no matter how far away we are.
So just like that,
our hearts are like one.
Giving all the greatness we can
to feel as if we aren't apart.
And when the day comes,
and we finally see each other,
we will already know
how each beat is for us.
Nov 2018 · 472
Interior Darkness
Sophia Margarita Nov 2018
No more captivating colors,
as with our eyes,
we welcome a greyness
created by us.

Sadness conquers,
missiles are dropped,
a whole lot of places,
are being undone.

Bodies fall to the ground,
meanwhile sitting at home,
lingers the woman
who can't sleep at night,
waiting for the nightmare
to cease at time.

Later, the wind
happens to come,
bringing devastating news,
about all of those
who at the end are lost.
Adding more
broken hearts and tears,
to an already filled up
list of heartbroken shields .

Ashes are seen
all over the sky,
but they would be better
if they had never come alive.

Memories are lost,
people are in grief,
No more battle,
please let us live.
Sep 2018 · 616
Mitos Reales
Sophia Margarita Sep 2018
Lo que muchos creen
que es solo un mito
otros notan
lo asombroso que llega a ser.
Están abiertos a el
y lo reciben como es.
Para otros, en cambio
no es tan fácil aceptarlo.
Lo desprecian y malinterpretan.
Pero cuando les aparece,
no lo alejan si no que lo aceptan.
Descubren, al igual que los demás,
lo asombroso que llega a ser.
No se sabe que es algo real
y que es lo irreal,
ya que todos tienen realidades diferentes.
Lo que sucede,
es que ahora mismo
para mi,
ese sentimiento,
que me hace volar,
me hace ir a otro planeta,
y explorar,
es tan real
como cuando vemos
a una estrella tintinear.
Ya no es un mito,
aunque para mi nunca lo fue,
solo que me lo probaron
más temprano de lo que pensé.
Sep 2018 · 225
En lo profundo
Sophia Margarita Sep 2018
Nunca se sabe
que nos vamos a encontrar
en las profundidades del mar.
Cuando arde
en el fondo de nuestra alma,
un deseo de hallar
lo que no sale de nuestro pensar,
ese es el momento
en que debemos parar
esa búsqueda
de algo que,
si se rastrea,
nunca podremos encontrar.
Justo en ese instante,
en que por fin paramos de buscar,
llegará a nosotros
lo que siempre se quiso alcanzar;
por aquellas dichas,
profundidades del mar.
Sep 2018 · 705
Sophia Margarita Sep 2018
igual que el viento,
las personas fluimos,
sentimos, y cambiamos.
Hay brisas fuertes,
parecidas a momentos impactantes
en los cuales logramos desviarnos
del camino que preferimos.
Pero después de chocar
con algo que nos devuelve el sentido
regresamos al camino
por el cual,
igual que el viento,
aveces seguimos .
Sep 2018 · 406
*The day´s not over*
Sophia Margarita Sep 2018
A day without it
is a wasted day.
It´s a day conquered
by some darkness within.
Don´t let it get to you.
Show it you´re strong.
Show it what you can achieve.
Don’t let it succeed.
Let yourself
have one of those
that are special and true.
Enjoy it,
because its yours.
It´s a trophy
only for you to see
because when others watch
they don’t notice what is behind.
If its true,
if it has meaning,
if it is real,
then it yours to cherish
and yours to retain.
Be fond of it,
after all its unique.

— The End —