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 Sep 2015 Constantine
Rhet Toombs
Make my heart stir once more

Furthering a silicon sickness

Unreachable this time

Sworn from these graces so long ago

An immense melody scarring reflections

This too will haunt our past

Speaking with bruised wrists

All roads home are now erased

Mountains yielding permanence

Emerging with gorgeous anticipation

Shed their fallen attempts

For your eyes are not green

They were born from the most ancient of moss

Wrapped in a dripping globular of starlit jade
 Sep 2015 Constantine
Rhet Toombs
We will share this death
Unrest with subtle detection
Further collapse
A lighter consumption
Agony prone
Shutters open to relax veins
Focus with a decayed world
You're still learning to stand
Remembering the end
Passing twisted resonance
Bottled winter
Half-bruised with buried innocence
You want to be known
 Sep 2015 Constantine
RH 78
Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Washed up.
All for a new life too far to reach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
What happened to the human rights we all preach?

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
Displacing people no home and no speech.

Why is there a little boy lying on the beach?
A son.
No future.
We hang our heads and weep!
Broken hearted and deeply affected by pictures I saw in the news depicting the lifeless body of a little boy no older than three who was photographed washed up on the shore line of Turkey. The result of further illegal human smuggling, people trafficking promising to get families to Europe on a false promise. All too often, people are put into small boats unable to sustain the weight of all the people put upon it and not fit for purpose. This is yet another shocking event in the wake of atrocities taking place in North Africa where the displacement of millions of innocent people continues. Governments are too busy counting the pennies and quarrelling amongst themselves in addition to wasting precious time as gangs and smugglers take advantage of the situation by sending people to their death profiting from the desperation of families searching for a place to call home. When will this end? RIP to the little boy, his brother and mother who all perished.
 Sep 2015 Constantine
I don't wish
for myself to die,
but I wish that
I was never born
I wouldn't die
after I'm broken,
but I'd be dead
before I'm torn

I am ready to be your star
who can fall for you
to make your wish come true !!

# your star
 Sep 2015 Constantine
Sunkissed skin and tan lines,
Tussled hair and rose petals,
A love story that's never going to be told.
Shaking fingers sliding over satin
Finding little grasps of hope with
Moon light shining through the window,
A glow so sweet and soft settling into the night.
His bleeding love and her torn soul igniting fire with dry eyes and wet slithers of empty happiness.
These old bones rattle together, an urgent  meeting of compassion too powerful for a boy and a girl combined with love and moonlight.
If only the sun set hadn't come early, and danger didn't sound so **** and the feel of lathering skin wasn't so appealing, two lonely hearts would still be two hearts, and not a mixture of blood and shattered glass.
 Sep 2015 Constantine
Rhet Toombs
Because you prefer it
Winding down with a stranger in bed
Your prayers and future lost
Better fasting in mind
With a heart that jumps too freely
Just a window glow
As night comes for these shards
Your swiftly torn undercarriage
Vexed to the incalculable
Bleeding out under hot water faucets
 Sep 2015 Constantine
Rhet Toombs
Shattered glass as the curtain drops
Noticeable yawns of immortality
Agreed now we breathe
A ***** of pain
I die twice on tile floors
However we will change
To a gradual descent
Your bloodline dead
Teeth keep you still
Everything left to God is quiet now
Simple dreams
Our mistakes lay downstairs
There's nothing more
 Sep 2015 Constantine
Myaja Black
Im 17 and I still have my flower the
petals have yet to fall keep trying to  
       tell these boys you gotta have it all
I need someone who can keep up with my
         Pace or maybe a little  faster
Not someone who wants me to chase after
I just want a boy who wants to see me  
      Make it and not see my naked
                 Momma raised a queen
         These heels to tall to chase a boy
Im far too good to be played with do I look
                           Like a toy?

all is not lost



(C) 9/5/2015
For those who need hope
in people
in the world


— The End —