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Feb 7 · 175
showyoulove Feb 7
It's never safe, and it's rarely very easy
It's a wild ride and it can make me queasy
Even though your heart might break
It's never more than you can take
It's quite a risk and you might lose a lot
And still, you gotta give it all you got
It's dangerous, that much is true
It's dangerous, and it's coming for you
Some call you crazy, others "out of touch"
To some it is crazy, it's all a bit much
He turned love totally upside down
He came to serve, not the other way 'round
His love was radical and reckless and free
To show a crazy world how it really ought to be
He was passionate, but tender and mild
And he looked with the eyes of a child
He went to the outskirts and healed the sick
The infirm in the flesh or in the spirit
The very light of the world died
For the sake of the life of the world
He challenged our thinking, had a wild streak
But you'd be amazed if you heard him speak
So, even in the risk and the danger
There is something even stranger
None of it matters, none of it could
Because he isn't safe, but he is good
Feb 7 · 115
Come Sit With Me
showyoulove Feb 7
Come sit with me by the fire
Take in the glow and warmth
The lights are low and the night is young
Time for a chat, a look back
The mood is fine and all is divine
Sit back, relax, and ease your mind
Let's pause and now rewind the time
To replay the moments: highs and lows
Looking at some decisions you chose

Come sit with me for a little while
Come close and let me hold you child
The storm outside is full of fury and sound
But in here you are on safe solid ground

Come sit with me for a moment or two
In this space, it's just me and you
Let me tell you a story from many years ago
A tale of love and honor suffering and glory
But there is something else you must know
It is as yet unfinished even to this day
Still, it remains the Life, the Truth, the Way

It begins at the beginning the first husband and wife
Everything was perfect and they knew no strife
They walked freely with God in complete honesty
And all the world was blessed in perfect harmony
Possibly unfinished with room for more, but this was all I had written at the time
Feb 7 · 156
Giving Thanks
showyoulove Feb 7
We remember those around us
That make us feel special and loved
We celebrate the many blessings
Showered on us from up above
We give thanks for the food we share
We gather together 'round the table
With laughter and hugs we show we care
And pray for those who are not able
showyoulove Feb 7
Lord, I don't know where to begin. Life has thrown me a crazy curveball right now and I'm feeling a little anxious about it. I know that this is supposed to be a time of joy, celebration and thanksgiving, but I haven't been feeling it quite so much. I know there are lots of things to be joyful and thankful for: friends, family, my faith, food, water, clothing, shelter, a good job, being alive, being able to see a sunrise or sunset and the list goes on. Thank you for these Lord, and please help me always be mindful of the many blessings you have given me in my life!

Lord, you are the Prince of Peace. Right now, I could use some peace of mind, body and spirit in this crazy world.
You are the King of the Universe and all creation; help me rest in the knowledge that everything is under your command. You are in control.
You are the Divine Physician, healer of body and mind. Please Lord, heal what ails me physically and cast out any fear or doubt with your perfect love.

In the meantime, help me find my strength and comfort in You. Help me carry this cross of mine and, by it, help me to become more holy, more empathetic to those who are also in need of Your Comfort. Walk with me Lord on this road I am on and, if necessary, carry me.

Sometimes it's hard to see you, and sometimes it seems you are far away. Give me the grace to see with eyes of faith and seek you and find you all around me in big and small ways. But you say: "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. You will call on me and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me, and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart". (Jeremiah 29: 11-13)

Help me see you in someone who smiles at me as they pass by, the joy that comes in a walk outside on a nice fall day, the incredible beauty of a sunrise or sunset, on a good day with little pain, or having the strength and endurance for a long day and still feeling good afterwards.

Lord, I trust you. Help me trust you in this too and lean on the support and encouragement of my friends, family, spouse, church, and most importantly, You my Lord God. Please help me make a speedy and full recovery, so I can get back to the great work that you have so blessed and gifted me to be able to do. Help me continue to find joy in the job and strength for the journey. Bless my work Lord, that it may be a blessing for others and a blessing for you that others might change lives and hearts for the better and bring people closer to you!

Feb 5 · 150
showyoulove Feb 5
Today, Catholics celebrate the Presentation of Mary (by her parents to the church). In the days of old, the church was the primary medium of education and, in some cases, parents would dedicate their first born to the church as a sort of tithe giving back to God in gratitude for the first fruits of their blessings.

When we are young our parents took us and presented us to the church, and we are placed in the care of wise men and women to be taught and brought up in the life and the way and the truth. This is in hopes that we would grow in wisdom and age and favor before both God and man. When we are a little older, we can choose to present ourselves before the Lord and confess by our lips and our actions that we believe and serve. We take ownership of our faith. It is not simply our parents' faith anymore.

The presentation is an offering, a sacrifice, a return in gratitude of blessings. Let us, then, come daily before the Lord Our God and present ourselves to Him, to thank Him, to offer Him all our joys and sorrows, blessings, temptations, work and play. Let us begin by presenting Him with our day.

What would happen if WE would rededicate our hearts, our days, and our lives to Christ our Lord? Doing it can't make things any worse than they are by not doing it. So why not give it a shot?
Written November 21, 2019
Feb 5 · 113
It's Love
showyoulove Feb 5
What would drive me to make a journey so far
What would give me patience through obstacles
What would give me such joy to finally arrive
And to be where you are one more time
I think it must be love

It is love that gives me the strength to go on
It is love that propels me when the road is long
It is the stars to guide me when the sun is gone
It is the joy that arises with the first rays of dawn

Isn't it crazy that I need you like water or air
That I would expire without you always being there
It is medicine to which none can compare
If it is all I have, still, I will not despair

It is love that goes beyond all measure
It is pure love which is the source of highest pleasure
It is the Father's love the most precious treasure
It is the soul's embrace the sweetest gesture

There is no distance too great or too small
That I wouldn't go to answer your call
There is no path that I wouldn't take
And no way that I could ever forsake
A friend in a time of trouble or need
It's written in my core, it's part of my creed

It's love that is so incredibly amazing
It's love that sets my heart a-blazing
It's love that puts my mind at ease
It's only love's sacrifice that truly frees
Feb 3 · 52
Angel of God
showyoulove Feb 3
Angel of God given to my special care
Help me feel that you are truly there
For, though unseen, you linger nearby
Day and night, you remain at my side
To guard and protect me from any harm
To warn of trouble and sound the alarm
You bless my life and guide my feet
You lead me to the Lord in every heartbeat
Help me be mindful of this great grace
And be with me as I seek His Holy Face
I'll keep you in my thoughts always,
Oh, Holy Angel of Christ's Light Divine
And I pray, keep me ever in thine
Feb 3 · 52
Today Lord
showyoulove Feb 3
Today, Lord, I come here to sit and be near you. I come to stay with you, remain here with you. Be with me as I sit here in silence and gaze lovingly, longingly, upon your face at once hidden and revealed. Amen
Feb 3 · 38
The Poet
showyoulove Feb 3
Jesus is the rhythm that keeps my heart in time
Jesus sends the Spirit who inspires with his rhyme
Jesus is the harmony that makes my life complete
Jesus is my meter in whom I find the perfect beat
Jesus is my center, source of the living word
Jesus is the anchor to which I am secured
The Spirit finds the notes to make the perfect chord
Jesus composed the symphony in which my life is scored
Jesus is the purpose, the passion, the fire
And with the music's cadence my soul is taken higher
Let it rise up to the Heavens, full clear and strong
To be in holy communion right where it belongs
showyoulove Feb 3
Jesus is bigger: he's bigger than my foes
He's bigger than my fears; than anything I suppose
Jesus is faster: he's faster than any thought
He's faster than the devil; he simply can't be caught
Jesus is stronger: he's stronger than I am weak
He's strong enough to create when he simply speaks
Jesus is more lovely: he's more lovely than the spring
He's more lovely by far; than any other living thing
Jesus is greater: he's greater than I can fathom
He's greater than sin's separating chasm
Jesus is brighter: he's brighter than the sun
And his gift and graces will not be outdone
Feb 3 · 37
Blessed Children
showyoulove Feb 3
Children look around you and tell me what you see
With eyes that find divinity in every mystery
I see war and hunger, I see poverty and pain
I see millions whose lives are forever changed
I see so many nations lost and confused
I see people demoralized and abused
I see wrong and right, black and white
I see people battling a never-ending fight
But the children adopt a different world view
Where there is no division between me and you
We laugh and play and dance and sing
And, from our hearts, joy and freedom ring
We work together to help another
Because it is the right thing to do
And when we are kind, we tend to find
That doing good feels good too
I wish that, as adults, we were blessed
With the gifts to pass this great test
That we would have the open hearts of the young
And the knowledge that age has begun
I also pray for greater wisdom to better decide
And openness to the Holy Spirit as my guide
Feb 3 · 56
At Rest
showyoulove Feb 3
Oh Lord, I am relaxed so deep
I find myself almost falling asleep
Almost in a trance so heavy and profound
At the same time, I'm almost off the ground
Lighter than a feather on the air
Just a little longer and I'll be there
In your loving arms, I'll find my rest
Safe and secure, close to your chest
Lord, sing softly in my ear
Cast off anxiety and fear
That I may come to you again
And truly mean it when I say amen
Feb 2 · 39
showyoulove Feb 2
To our heroes of yesterday and today
To our comrades in arms come what may
To veterans in the wars of flesh and spirit
To men and women who won't fear it
To all who have made it through hell
And who got up again after they fell
To those who jump down into the hole
For a friend or a stranger fallen in
They're there in rain or snow, in thick or thin
Been down in this hole a time before
They understand, but what's more
Because they've been in the same place
They can help you see the sun's bright rays
You are never forgotten, never alone
You are remembered, loved and known
We give thanks and pray for your blessing
As upon our lives and souls you are impressing
The virtues of love, honor and charity
Peace, patience, and, in chaos, clarity
Thank you for the sacrifice of service
For living love in its highest purpose
Willing to lay down one's life for another
Treating all people as sister and brother
Feb 2 · 55
Shadow and Light
showyoulove Feb 2
Standing in the blazing light of your love
Streaming down from the Heavens high above
It casts a great shadow long behind
And, in the light of your glory, I will find
The warm rays penetrate the skin
And from without and from within
They are bringing me to life again
I can believe things will be alright
As I stand in the fire and the light

Kneeling at the foot of the Most Holy Cross
For thought and speech I am at a loss
As I tremble and shudder and quake
I know there must be some mistake
I am overpowered by the magnitude
Overwhelmed with remorse and gratitude
From the base flows a river of water and blood
Overcome by the waters of mercy and love
I emerge from the depths in garments white
Bathed in a new more radiant light
As I hide in the shadow of the Cross of Christ
I see I stand inside the fullness of light realized
showyoulove Feb 2
With Great Power...

As humans we have so much potential
We are frail, sinful, and can harm our fellow man
I beg you Lord to remember that we can also do so much good
Especially when we come together under a common cause
We have such great capacity and power to do good or evil
With great power comes great responsibility
Help us please to act accordingly
Help us to use our great power wisely and for the good of others
I pray for an open and honest communication
And for productive positive debate and conversation
We bicker and argue and fight
Over who is wrong and who is right
Who is better, who is worse, who is for
Who is against; the rest, we ignore
It is an art that few remember
And fewer still can do with success
In a culture challenged in many respects
Society says we must die or conform
The old ways are gone and this is the norm

... Comes Great Responsibility

But I say we challenge our culture
We must die to ourselves and be transformed
Cling to our anchor to weather the storm
We must stand upon the firm foundation
Of our fellowship and our shared faith
And bear well the slings and arrows of life
With the armor of hope and the countenance of Grace
We have been given great power:
It is our responsibility, our duty, to share it and spread it
We were not given a spirit of timidity and fear
We were given a spirit of love and boldness and courage
Each must do their part in their way where they are and how they can
To live out the Gospel in word and deed and to show love to their fellow man
The stakes have never been higher
When not just lives, but souls, are on the line
We have the power to truly inspire
And help others to glimpse the wholly divine
For, one day, we may look upon the face of God
And walk through the streets where angels have trod
Feb 1 · 31
Battling Evil
showyoulove Feb 1
There are demons and evil spirits
Lurking in the shadows of our minds and hearts
Some small forgotten corner is where it starts
It only takes a single little crack
For the evil to take root and attack
It eats away slowly, carefully biding its time
And, until it is too late, you think you are fine
It starts small: softening the edges
Bit by bit shifting and driving wedges
It is a poison sweeping through
A silent, deadly killer it is true
But worst of all it affects the greater whole
It takes a soul as pure and white as snow
And works to turn it black as coal
There is no cure for this disease
It is part of our Human Condition
But with careful care and treatment
This cancer can go into remission
There is a way that we can fight
Tools and medicine to battle the blight
The Rosary: blazing cord of burning truth
Evil screams and flees in proof
Prayer and praise our armor and shield
To protect us on the battlefield
Calling down Great Heaven's Might
Saints and Angels put foes to flight
Holy men and women we have known
Show us always; we do not fight alone
Commanding the evil in the name of the Lord
We Rebuke Renounce and Cast Out
And, by the Mercy and Grace of God's own Son,
May goodness and peace be restored
Feb 1 · 170
showyoulove Feb 1
You are a Precious Pearl
A pearl begins with a bit of grit
Forged with the refining fires
Of passion persistence and pressure
It is a gift, a treasure beyond measure
The more costly for its journey
Through the crucible of life
showyoulove Feb 1
Where persistence and passion unite
When done in the presence of God's Light
You will bring to the table what some call Grit
With confidence you can say to life: "Bring It"
You have just become an Overcomer
Moving in the grace of God's own drummer
showyoulove Feb 1
Praise God for his goodness
Praise Him for his steadfast love
Praise Him all you creatures
Praise Him Angels up above
Shout for joy from the rooftops
Proclaim it on the mountaintops
For, soon, the time draws very near
The day when we will meet Him here
Patience is rewarded as grace so great abounds
Wait no longer for the Heavenly trumpets sound
And herald the King of Glory so humbly veiled
Sweet peace of God the fragrance inhaled
Feb 1 · 43
showyoulove Feb 1
As I cradle you in my arms and hold you to my chest
As I gaze upon your tender face, I know that I am blest
Oh Little Child, Oh Precious Babe
For on this night one is born who will save
My soul rejoices, but my heart is heavy
As I sense the coming anguish already
But you cradle my chin and lift my face
And I am wrapped in Heaven's Embrace
You look into my eyes and all I feel is peace
And in that moment, time itself would cease
For God himself has looked at me with love
And to have that alone is more than enough
Inspired by a beautiful statue of The Blessed ****** cradling the baby Jesus in a church
Feb 1 · 55
As It Is Written
showyoulove Feb 1
In the Beginning was the Word
The Word was with God and the Word was God
And the Word became flesh and blood and dwelt among us
The Word of God is Jesus Emmanuel "God With Us"
The Living Word handed down to us through the Bible
Why, after more than 2000 years it still speaks and moves
And in many ways, continues to apply to the world today
Your Law and Your Love, Oh Lord, are written on my heart
Your Word is life itself: you speak, and I come alive
With one Word you spoke creation into existence
All proclaim with Honor and Praise
Him who made the Earth and Sky
And gave the sun to grace our days
To thee we bring this offering, to thee we glorify

Word of God please come to me
That I may listen and receive
Word of God please speak through me
So that others may know and believe
Word of God please move and inspire
Enkindle in me a Holy Desire
To seek what is pure, holy, righteous and true
And that, like the moon is to the sun,
Apart from which no light will come:
The light that I reflect only points to you
Feb 1 · 53
Dawn Is Breaking
showyoulove Feb 1
Dawn is breaking o'er the earth
This is a season of great rebirth
All of life sings to glorify creation
Every rock, tree, and creature, every nation
Come! Awake from your great slumber
Open your eyes to a new kind of wonder
Lift your head and rise from your bed
Give thanks to the Son who keeps us fed
A new page, a new chapter, a new story to tell
It is an end, yes, but a beginning as well
Morning has come; a new day is here
Its loving rays driving off the fog of fear
Those in darkness have seen a great light
The faith of the blind restores their sight
Look! See how the Lord, with a smile, beams?
Blesses us and gives to us sweet dreams?
I sing for joy and sometimes, for joy, I weep
When I recall the promise that you keep
How you poured your love into my soul
And made a diamond from this lump of coal
And I remember, Lord, in my brokenness
In my pain and shame and great distress
You love me still, wearing no disguises
And even on the days of gray
Dawn is breaking and the sun still rises!
Feb 1 · 49
Made Clean
showyoulove Feb 1
Lord, open my blinded eyes to see
The healing you have worked in me
I was an outcast sight unseen
And now I stand in filthy rags made clean
I did not deserve this and still I received
The healing from that which I grieved
You treated me in both body and spirit
Gave me the truth and ears to hear it
You are a cure for all that ails us
Worship and prayer greatly avail us
I go forth with new life and great hope
Because of the words that you spoke:
"Go now, by your faith you have been saved
My mercy and love, your sins I forgave"
Forgive me when I don't appreciate
The gifts that have been feely given
Forgive me when I say thanks and then
Go back to the way I was livin'
Divine healer; God's own Son
All glory be to the Holy One!
Jan 31 · 50
Never Givin' Up On You
showyoulove Jan 31
My God you said "I'm never givin' up on you"
And you show us time after time after time
I'd leave the ninety-nine to find you
I've laid down my life just to save you
You turn away and you slam the door
Your sin may be great, but my love is more
No matter what you do
I'm never givin' up on you
I don't care how long it takes
For you to see how my heart aches
I made you for a purpose and reason
Despite what you might be believin'
No one else can take your place
To feel the warmth of my embrace
In your weakness I'll be your strength
In your darkness I'll shine the light
When you're scared, I'll be your courage
When you can't go on, I'll carry you
Forever and for always
I'm never givin' up on you

I see your love and how it is portrayed
In a declaration so boldly proclaimed
In my heart I feel that these words are true
You say: "I'm never givin' up on you"
In my own life, I too, have felt this call
For those I love; a family, one and all
For these I will fight, lift up and defend
For these I would travel the world's end
I'm never givin' up no matter the cost
Because faith is strong, and hope isn't lost
Life is precious, life is sweet
Life is sacred, life is neat
It is filled with difficult decisions
But one I make with clearest vision
As long as I have breath and life
I'm never givin' up on you

Lord, thank you for never giving up on me; for never giving up on us. Every now and then I catch just a glimpse of the depth and breadth of your love for me and I'm amazed. It also occurs to me that sometimes we reflect this truth in the way we love each other.

I saw this powerful truth reflected just today in my work. That all of this is possible, my job exists and the people I love and serve are alive today because one person looked with love and said: "I'm never givin' up on you!"

Lord, please help us all to realize how beautiful and wonderful life is and what miracles can happen when we say and live out the love you first had for us. Amen!
showyoulove Jan 31
Do not grow weary or tired when praying. Find strength and persevere in your prayers and petitions with good faith and they will be granted according to the perfect will of God. When you are feeling weak, lean on others and seek their support and encouragement. Look to the Lord for he is our strength and our help. There are several examples in the Bible concerning the need for persistent and perpetual prayer. Abraham having to keep his arms upraised in prayer for his people to have favor with God and win a battle. It went on so long that he had a few others hold his arms up when he grew tired. Luke's Gospel also demonstrates the efficacy of persistency in prayer when a judge grants a woman's request simply because she kept asking, and, in the story of Saint Augustine, he was a prodigal son; a rich ******* and toying with the devil (the occult). His mother prayer for him to return to his faith daily for forty years! It finally worked. It is encouraging to hear that, with faithful consistency, prayers are heard and can be answered even if it takes a really long time. Praying "always, without ceasing" sounds like a pretty tall order. It is, but it's easier than it sounds. Often, we think about talking to God and maybe listening occasionally, saying the wrote prayers we memorized as kids and that would be hard, but our lives can be a prayer: our working, our resting, our playing, our singing, our everything. Everything can be a prayer to God if it is "offered up" to Him.

Lord, let our lives be lifted up as a prayer to you. In the most heroic act, to the most mundane task, let us offer it up to you. Like the song says: "Everything I do, I do it for You". Help us live and speak, and think and breathe in your truth and, by your grace, when people look at us, they really see your face. Help us pray without ceasing and ask for our faith increasing. I see that, sometimes, the waiting isn't you hesitating but teaching us virtue and faithfulness' value. Amen
Jan 30 · 42
Oh, Most Loving Heart
showyoulove Jan 30
Oh, Most Loving Heart upon which I gaze
Illumine my soul and set my own heart ablaze
I sing to you though no words could surmise
Your beauty undimmed by the new sunrise

Oh, Most Loving Heart of Christ the King
Be pleased to receive what I have to bring
Bathe me in your most blessed glow
So that I can reflect your radiance where'er I go

Oh, Most Loving Heart with grace beyond measure
Neither Heaven or Earth holds greater treasure
Endless mercy and gift of surest peace
Life will pass away, but your love will never cease

Oh, Most Loving Heart pierced upon the cross
I weep with you as the world felt the loss
My spirit weeps for joy as you live again
And flows over as the ink from the pen

Oh, Most Loving Heart as I sit enraptured
As a fish in your cast net, I am captured
But here I feel I am more fully me
As I swim along in the current sea

Oh, Most Loving Heart be one with mine
To you, my head and heart shall incline
At your feet I will sit and, still more, recline
Before the presence of the most divine
showyoulove Jan 30
Make me poor so I can be filled with your richness
Make me hungry so that only you can satisfy
Make me simple so I can be more mindful of you
Make me low so that I can be uplifted in your grace
Make me humble so that I may serve in your example
Make me lonely so I can more perfectly feel your love
Make me mute so I can listen when you would speak
Make me broken so that I can be shared
Make me nothing so that I remember: you are my everything
Jan 30 · 365
We Come
showyoulove Jan 30
We come with humble hearts to listen
To listen to our Savior speak
We bend our knees in humble adoration
In adoration to the Blessed Christ
We bow our heads and lift our hearts
Lift our hearts to the Lamb on High
With the angel choirs in Heaven we sing
We sing sweet songs in glory to the Lord
Fill our hearts with child-like wonder
In wonder do we see such awe-full splendor
We leave it all to follow you
Follow your way, your life, your truth
Jan 30 · 80
You Want Me
showyoulove Jan 30
Lord God, Father of Life and Love, whose word is Truth and Peace, who bestows on us, in his greatness, an abundance of Grace and Mercy; hear my prayer. I love you, I adore you, I honor you; for, in you, all good things have and find their source, their fullness and perfection. How is it that in all the vast universe you, my God, should want me? You do not need me. You want me. I need you Lord. Without your Living Spirit I could not breathe. Without your blood your very life, sustaining me; my heart would not beat. Without you constantly thinking of me, I would cease to exist at all. You do not need me Lord, but you want me. You want me with you, you want me close to your side, you want me to sit with you because you love me. I am important to you, and you want me, and, for now, that's all that really matters. You desire me, you seek me, you wait for me, you want me. I run from you, I hide from you, I betray you, I deny you. Still, you pursue me, you catch me, you hold me, you love me. Through it all, you still want me. Help me want you as much as I need you. Help me need you as much as you want me. Amen
showyoulove Jan 29
Sometimes I ask God "Where do you want me to go?" Sometimes he doesn't seem to answer, sometimes he shows me clear and SOMETIMES He puts up detours and roadblocks and construction so that I end up where he wants me to go. It is never quick or efficient and it rarely makes sense. It's also often not what I WANT, but it's always what I truly NEED. It also requires patience and love because the road is long and can be quite frustrating. In the midst, I can be aggravated, but in the end, I'm amazed!
Jan 29 · 51
Faith and Obedience
showyoulove Jan 29
"Faith is the realization of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen" - Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is a bluebird, we see from far. It's for real as sure as the first evening star. You can't touch it, or buy it, or wrap it up tight, but it's there just same, making things turn out right." - Rufus the Cat (Rescuers)

There will be trials in life: dark places and times
You'll go through deep valleys and hard climbs
Days when you can see no tangible end
Is danger or salvation around the next bend?
In these moments we must rely on faith alone
Faith in God in the very midst of the unknown
Wholly trusting that we will not be led to ruin
That God knows exactly what he's doin'
If the Spirit of God is leading us in this way
We ought to trust in the Lord and, in faith, obey
In hope, we believe that there will come a day
When the sun comes, and the clouds roll away
Conform my heart and my will to yours Lord
That our hearts may beat with one accord
Help me to live a life that is pleasing unto you
The one God: holy, and righteous, and true
Jan 28 · 39
Ordinary Greatness
showyoulove Jan 28
There is a key to sanctity
Something we all can do
It's nothing extraordinary
All it takes is simply you
It is in doing good and being kind
The best you can where you are
It is the simplest things I find
That you can do both near and far
It is ordinary people living ordinary lives
Doing ordinary things with a love so great
That, from a most joyful spirit, drives
Such sweet love and rebukes all hate.
Sanctity is but ordinary greatness
It seems too easy, too simple: surely, I jest
But sometimes it happens I must confess
That the simplest answer is really the best

Lord, help me to do good in my life at all times, in all ways, and in the places where I find myself. Help me to serve and live well in a simple and ordinary way and bless me so that all I do may be done with great love and in a way that gives glory to you. Amen
Jan 28 · 40
One God
showyoulove Jan 28
One the only, but sometimes one is all it takes
One the light that through my window breaks
One the love that died for me a wretch
One the arms that are outstretched
One the wounded heart that bled for me
One the God in three persons: Holy Trinity
One the peace that is so profound
One the home that my heart has found
One the light and the love of the Lord
One the hour He is rightly adored
Jan 28 · 55
Get Lit
showyoulove Jan 28
Turn it on, turn it up, let's start tonight
Spirit grow, let it flow, we are light
So let us shine and let us stand
We representin' Son of God and Son of Man
How you gonna shine for the world to see
Are you gonna let that light go free?
We are radiating, illuminating
We love in a world so used to hating
We were made to spread love like fire
Testify and by your life you'll inspire
A turnaround a turning back
Of hearts astray once again on track
So the question is this, the question remains
How can I shine in my own special way
Add a little color to a world painted gray
How can my light, however flawed,
Reflect the most perfect light of God?
Take you little light and offer it up
As a sacrifice of love and praise
He will bless the gift and multiply
Do what you can and let God amaze
At every occasion, choose, to use the gifts you're given
They were made to be shared not meant to be hidden
Jan 28 · 60
Carpenter's Song
showyoulove Jan 28
Take my life and mold and shape
Take all that I am and recreate
You made me in your image
When you carved me in your hand
You know my inmost being
Loved me before time began
Carefully made with such love and care
No craftsman on earth can compare
To take something and give it
New purpose, new life, new identity
To look within and set a spirit free
It is the gift of a precious chosen few
And so it is why I sing this song for you
The wood rejoices and it sings
It even dances for the master
It takes on a life all its own
Speak to my soul in purest tone
Bless us with the song of the carpenter
With hands both rough and tender
With eyes to see what may lie hidden
With patience for the hours ahead
With humble heart that's spirit led
May all we do and think and say
Lead to the life the truth and way
Jan 28 · 49
showyoulove Jan 28
Oh Lord My God, that I would disappear
That I could hide inside your heart
And be content to rest in your presence.
That I could be still and silent
That I could melt in the heat of your love.
You are hidden in the bread and wine
Yet present all the same
And still, you revealed your heart
To those who humbly came.
May I imitate your life
As I try to reflect this love
And share your heart with others.
Increase Lord until we are
Of one mind, one heart, one soul
Until the two parts fade away
And the day I am finally whole.
Let me lay my head upon your breast
Where your heart speaks to me
And where I find perfect peace and rest.
Lord, that where you are, I may also be.
Jan 28 · 532
I Believe (In Love)
showyoulove Jan 28
I believe in love everlasting
I believe in love that never dies
And I believe love is what I see
In your eyes

I believe in love stronger than death
I believe love is an eternal spark
I believe it is of God's very breath
And love will lead you through the dark

I believe love can take our breath away
I believe that it's more than enough
I believe it hurts, but it's worth it anyway
I believe in a little thing called love

I believe someone so loved me
He came for me, oh He bled for me
The way He loved so perfectly
It's what I long for so desperately

I believe in love that is not bound
To the ways of the world in which we live
I believe in love we'll find common ground
When we learn to take and learn and give

I believe that love is a great mystery
That we may never fully understand
But I believe in time we'll come to see
As we take this journey hand in hand

For I believe in love everlasting
I believe in love that never dies
And I believe that love is what I see
When e'er I look into your eyes
Jan 28 · 49
Only One
showyoulove Jan 28
Who am I, but one?
Who am I from anyone?
I am small and weak
I can't do everything
So tell me: why should I try?
One can't change the world
And I am only one.

Who am I, but one?
Not just one, but some one.
I can walk and speak
And I can do something
So tell me: why not try?
I can change someone's life
And I am some one.

Who am I, but one?
I am someone
Who can do something
For someone else.
I can't do everything for everyone
But I can do something for someone
So I will not refuse to do
What I can do for one
And what I wish to do for all

Who am I, but one?
I am one,
But I am not the only one.
We can do great things
When we work together
When we are one
Inspired by a quote from Edward Everett Hale
Jan 28 · 52
Rest Assured
showyoulove Jan 28
Rest Assured I will hold you through the night
I will be with you when you, again, see the light
I am here and I have never left your side
In the ups and downs of this rollercoaster ride
I am your strength, and I am your great shield
I am your warrior: I will not falter, I cannot yield
When life is fraught with danger, cling to me
I will be your anchor in the great raging sea
Be at peace for, in the valley, I walk before you
For I am God of the hills and of the valleys too
I never promised you a life that was free from pain
But I am near you now and forever I will remain
Rest Assured now you are safe and secure
By my grace and my love, you will endure
These hands were pierced for love's sake
Your pain and sorrow make my heart break
My hands are reaching out to pull you in
Breathe deeply and let the healing begin
Just trust and believe and, in faith, obey
And whatever happens things will be okay
I have come so that you might have life
Not just survive, but that you might thrive
So, rest assured and please don't fret
Because I love you, I'm here.
Don't ever forget
Jan 28 · 59
Committed (Thoughts)
showyoulove Jan 28
The word Commit was on my heart tonight. Sunday's Gospel is about prudence and commitment. It sure is a pointed and timely reminder in my life right now as I struggle with God's vocation for my life. In many ways, the commitment is what scares me, I think. The seeming finality and quite real finality of it. There is no maybe, no half-way, no lukewarm. It is yes or no, all or nothing, hot or cold. Starting something is easy enough, but the test is seeing it through to completion and being prepared to do so.

I pray for me and for all of you that we may be strengthened in our commitments, that we may be committed and strengthened in our commitment to Christ, and I pray for peace and clarity of vision in all of life's decisions. God committed his very life for all of us, may we have the grace and courage to do the same for others. Amen
Written September 6th, 2019
showyoulove Jan 28
There is something about a garden
Something so real and so divine
A secret place, a silent sanctuary
It is a feeling that is difficult to define

There is something about a garden
That leads my heart to prayer
A place of safety to where I run
And where I find hope in despair

There is something about a garden
And being surrounded by creation
Singing songs of praise to God
The Creator and Author of Salvation

There is something about a garden
That feels like mercy's ocean
And, like a crashing wave upon the shore,
I'm swept away with great devotion

There is something about a garden
That fills me with such great delight
Filled with awe and greatest wonder
On the wings of dawn my soul takes flight

There is something about a garden
That I can almost see the hand of God
The foretaste of Heaven on the Earth
We walk where the angels have trod
Jan 25 · 41
But For Today
showyoulove Jan 25
But for today I am grace enough
Bringing you peace and purest love
The weight of worry weighs heavy
You're scared that you're not ready
But for today I am strength enough
For, as sure as the sun rises above
I'm holding on so don't you fear
In every laugh and through every tear
But for today I am light enough
If the spirit is weak and the fight too tough
If on the mountain ***** you lose hope
I will lift you up and carry you
But for today I am good enough
Today let me be all that you need
I love you, and I give you my peace
By my name, chaos and striving cease
But for Today
Jan 25 · 53
For What Can I Give?
showyoulove Jan 25
For what can I give the Lord
Who has given me everything?
How can I ever make a return for
The blessings He bestows on me?
The day you paid my debt in full
Unworthy and ungracious as I was,
Beneath pride, and nature, sinful,
You pierced me with undying love.

You breathed and I came alive.
And when you died to give me life,
You breathed out once again.
Let every breath I take praise you
Let my spirit sing, my lips speak truth,
Everything I do, I do it for you.
My work, my play, my rise, my sleep
In joy, in fear, when I laugh, when I weep
When I follow and when I lead
When I tend to someone's need
In little ways and in big ways
On good days and truly awful days.
When I live with Jesus on my mind
I see that, through it all, He is kind.
So, at the end of it all, at His feet, I will fall
And I will say to Jesus my Lord and Kind
I have given you my all in everything
Jan 25 · 32
The Promise
showyoulove Jan 25
God said to Noah "Hey, listen up bud!
Gonna rain real soon now, it's gonna flood
The people are sinning, tearing it apart
And to see it man, really breaks my heart.
It's gonna be huge, it's gonna get wet
I tell you now, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
But you and yours are gonna be just fine
You've been good, a real friend of mine
Listen up good now and listen up well
Here's just how you'll be safe from the swell
You'll build a boat yea big and yea wide
'Cause two of every animal's gotta fit inside
You'll be in there forty days and as many nights
And when it's safe again, the bird alights
Never again will I cause a flood so great
Never again will the earth suffer this fate
So, this is my promise, a sign in the sky
A rainbow to remember the covenant by"
showyoulove Jan 25
On your own strength, do not rely
But rest secure in the Lord's supply
On our own we are frail and weak
The future is grim, the prospect bleak
Trust in the Lord and all his ways
And you will know peace in your days
Many will try to enter and many will fail
Some of them will beg, but to no avail
Standing on the outside and looking in
At strangers and friends and their own kin
They will say "We were with you, among us you walked
And we all listened when you talked
Let us in Lord, you know who we are"
And He will reply "Depart from me so far
I do not know from where you come
I do not know you from any one
It is not enough to drop my name"
Where do your intentions rest
A personal intimate relationship is best
And here, at last, is the sobering truth
A thing we don't often like to admit
We are not as strong as we think
But in our weakness, God can make much of it
Jan 25 · 31
Uniquely Suited
showyoulove Jan 25
The joy of their lives is linked, not to the worldly scope or scale of the mission, but to the belief that they are UNIQUELY SUITED to that role and the CONVICTION that they have been called to it. Does your life make sense to you? Are you AT PEACE with who you are, where you are, and what you are doing? The actual mission is an external expression of an internal reality.

What is your mission in life? What are you uniquely suited for? What gives you passion and enthusiasm? We must be willing to look beyond ourselves. Mission is the meeting between self and service. Driven by the needs of others and our need to serve. It is the point where our talents and passion collide with the needs of others and the world. It is not about "me". Mission may change overtime. Will it make me the best version of myself and how? What is the next right thing? What can I do right now? Here?

"First, do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and before long, you will find yourself doing the impossible."- St. Francis of Assisi

Receptive Silence

To not know what we should be doing in our lives and not doing, it is a greater tragedy and causes the human spirit to atrophy. Usually deterred by fear of uncertainty. Overcome by courage, fortitude, and perseverance. Mystery of mission is revealed little by little.

We are afraid because we don't know HOW things are going to work out, but things ARE going to work out" How do I respond to problems, challenges and trials in my life? Internal peace and calm.
showyoulove Jan 25
For your love, we can do nothing to propitiate
By your love, our sins, you died to expiate
Jan 25 · 55
Last and First
showyoulove Jan 25
Go out to the world's edge
In faith, step out, on the ledge
Bring the gospel to every nation
Bring it to people of every station
Blessed those who are called least
Chosen to join in the great feast
Be careful not to take for granted
The bounty that God has planted
The weak will confound the strong
The stranger finds a place to belong
Come, join the flock, enter the fold
Find refuge from the storm and cold
Try hard to enter by the narrow gate
For many will fail to appreciate
The Mercy of God and the depth of his Grace
For those who are most often forgotten
Jan 25 · 66
Queen of Heaven
showyoulove Jan 25
Hail Mary; most holy Queen of Heaven
Overshadowed by love's pure expression
Crowned with glory like the shining sun
Great mother of Jesus; the Most High one
Clothed in robes made from a sea of stars
You held the hands that bore the scars
Queen of the Angels and of the Saints
What Stellar beauty Our Lady paints
Jan 25 · 118
Spend Some Time Today
showyoulove Jan 25
"Okay Lord, here I am. Today, I'm just spending time with you. Come and meet me where I am. Be with me. I know you love me. I love you too. Thank you."
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