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Like the moon her kindness is,
If kindness I may call
What has no comprehension in't,
But is the same for all
As though my sorrow were a scene
Upon a painted wall.

So like a bit of stone I lie
Under a broken tree.
I could recover if I shrieked
My heart's agony
To passing bird, but I am dumb
From human dignity.
The fight was long and drenched in pain,
Your strength was put to test.
You feared the grief would never end,
But now, my dear, come rest.
The lover’s wounded heart bleeds silently
From the invisible cut, that runs deep
Lacerated by the steely disdain of the lover
Her world revolved around him
Now, she is bereft of any world, but pain
Slowly, the maimed heart leaves her incapacitated*

© Amitav (Radiance)
The word ‘MORE’ grows exponentially based on the intensity of ‘GREED’*~Amitav
Let your heart drown in tears
To cleanse away the wound
From it shall spring eternal fountain
Of inspirations, to open your heart
To Love, Hope, and inspiration
Muses will come to drink from it
And poetry shall flow through you
Every particle of you enamored
By the sweet water, flows eternally
Replenish the soul and turn the tide
To delve deeper in to self-belief
And, embrace knowledge to fight a stormy world
Poetry is the panacea for a recuperating soul
For there is the eternal fountain to drink from*

© Amitav (Radiance)
A broken heart
Its wound invisible
Yet it bleeds the soul
Of even the last hope*

© Amitav (Radiance)
The gray pathways
Cobbled with stone
Time has entrenched
Melancholy in every piece
It leads to desolation
Yet he walks the beaten path
Bleeding his exposed feet
Blindfolded by pain
Numbness has set in
Every day as he walks past
Shoveling him away
Like a pile of dirt
Trashed away from life
Only to heap more misery
On the trampled heart
Its feeble cry unheeded
By the city, that walks past
Avoiding the dark alley

© Amitav (Radiance)
A blank canvas, inspires a painter
A blank paper, inspires a poet
From a blank we can draw inspiration
They are not blank, but an empty space
Untouched with the creative juices
To be filled with different moods of hues
And written on, with the most fertile thought
From a blank, we can draw a conclusion
Inspired to come up with most enchanted sketches
As artistry is the masterstroke, drawn on a blank
An abstract idea sketched, to inspire*

© Amitav (Radiance)
My better side and I
Broke up last night
He went his way I went mine

All we ever do
Is seem to fight
While both of us think that we are right

His life I do not like
And he does not like mine
No common ground can we find

You'd think we'd reconcile
After all this time
It's more like never you mind

That's why my better side and I
Broke up last night
Never again to be a part of his life
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