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25.9k · Apr 2015
Shalyn Apr 2015
Let me,
Be the waves;

The tides that will wash your troubled thoughts.

And with every crash of waves
being your happiness and joy,
Your ripples of bliss.

Pushing away crumpled parts,
Cradling your body
in warm currents.

Let me,
Be the waves.

Guiding you effortlessly
Out into the everlasting blue.

The waves, that orchestrates your heart.
1.4k · Mar 2017
This is for you.
Shalyn Mar 2017
For the days when you feel like,
there is nothing left for you to feel.
As though the whole universe had come together
To conspire against you
And take away all that’s left of you.

For the nights when you feel
Heavy and restless
From the weight of your eyelids
that has seen too much.
Entertaining the repetitive dialogues
in your head that never ceases.

You live your life
with a series of misunderstandings
And the concept of happiness
has never seem so
foreign to you.

This is for you.

You struggle to find meaning;
Any purpose or reasons to
live this life for one more day
When it hurts most to even breathe.

But darling,
I promise you that one day
The universe will be kinder and
You will find so much love that
You shall be whole again.

Those days you spent in the dark;
The nights that consumed you whole
And the mornings that arrived late in pieces
reflects nothing but your courage
to carry on, to travel further.

This one is for you.

One day,
The warm sun will rise and
days will no longer seem dull and long.
The hurt will be over.
And you, will lustre.

You will be okay.
I wrote this for you. Please always be kind to yourself. You will be okay.
808 · Sep 2017
Shalyn Sep 2017
In this chapter,
I’ve met you.
For these words
Will become yours
as I write this poem into you.

You say that peace is your favourite word
But darling in this world,
Peace is in the eyes of you,
My sunshine.

You remind me of
flowers and the sun;
how they yearn to be together,
So full of warmth and happiness.
To soak in your warmth
Is like being in a home
that I’ve never had.

peace is the silence
when you and I sit together.
a silence as comforting
as reading Mitch Albom
on a quiet rainy evening.

And in those moments
When you smile ,
My heart flutters.
Just like the spring birds
Awaiting for the arrival
and affection from the morning sun.

And in this chapter,
I’ve found you.
Your soul,
As bright and genuine
as the moonlight
That glistens through
the storms no matter what.

I write this to you
In hopes of conveying
That the sun will always love
The moon brightly
And so shall I,
for you are my love.
"I am not an open book.
The hardness of my cover and the complexity of my contents were not designed for weak fingertips and feeble minds. I have been opened once or twice. My spine stroked by flimsy hands, held with a broken focus, my pages slightly skimmed through, only to be put down mid-sentence. I have yet be placed in the gentle care of a reader that doesn’t mind that my chapters are often cut short, my edges sharp and my pages loose; one with the intent to finish.

I have begun to find solace in my own story, comfort in between the lines and a curious fascination for the pages still blank.

I only pray that one day, my sentences will leave traces of ink on the heart strong enough to comprehend them and I am no longer taken out of context."

for you, danish.    **
759 · Jun 2016
half hearted-
Shalyn Jun 2016
Forgive me,
for all the poems
that I had not finish.

For those poems
you insisted to see,
were still fresh
and could not wait to be delivered
to you.
711 · Jun 2017
Shalyn Jun 2017
I am the non-luminous flame,
Trembling with destruction.

I flicker at the uncertainty
of what lies ahead,
weakened with every
breezy thoughts and murmurs.

I linger for a bit more,
glowing dimly in still air
and through the long lonely night
in search for more.

As the wick starts to burn bit by bit
and the wax melts away,

The darkness slowly gathers,
Enveloping the once
so brightly lighted flame,

It is only time that
I am finally free to go.
706 · May 2015
To my future other half
Shalyn May 2015
I desire for someone to love me with enduring patience, to understand me and root for me through the good times and bad times. Someone to love me for who i am despite my flaws and my imperfections.

I also want to love someone whole heartedly and earnestly. To sit down on the floor in the living room at 2am and pour out our raw emotions; talking about about our favourite tv shows and dreams that we have yet to complete. Or our darkest fears and secrets. You could hurl all your rants and troubles at me and i’d still listen to them and reassure you’ll never feel alone for as long as I’m alive. I want to figure out your little insecurities and your fears. Let me learn them and fend you from them. We’ll watch all our favourite movies and tv shows while we have little cuddles and eat on the bed because no one is there to yell at us to not leave crumbs. Let me trace the beautiful networks of constellations down your skin and spine to admire the universe in you; the galaxy I wish to explore and the infinite amount of love I wish to give. Despite the flaws you think you may have, I’ll still love you regardless of what they are. I’ll sing you your favourite songs, plant you kisses and I’ll fall in love harder with you everyday.

I need you to know that you I may have never been the best with showing my love or with words but I promise and reassure you that I’ll love you unconditionally.
693 · Apr 2017
Shalyn Apr 2017
Racing thoughts and endless what ifs.
I struggle to decipher the messy whispers.
The possibilities of everything overwhelms me.

I have nothing to offer but
i still hang onto a
small glimpse of hope;
A dream i once told you of-
I wish to make it right.
will this finally be right for me?
Or will i watch it all go down again.

I am running out of options.
I am lacking emotions.
This sickening confusion,
A mind full of madness.

I am everything but something.
665 · Aug 2015
Shalyn Aug 2015
nothing wrecks a happy home more than an addiction.

a whirlwind of a house.
built on precarious cement.
yet, turning to corners to find
the walls nearly caving in.

this confusion,
a mind of maddening thoughts.
consumed in a vacuum of complexity.

locks of uncombed hair,
only adding to the weight etched on self.

nothing wrecks a happy home more than an addiction.
513 · Feb 2017
Shalyn Feb 2017
You’re drinking away,

all that’s left of you.

You’re smoking away,

every youth of your life.

Won’t you please stop?

Oh, if only you could see
under those weight you carry with you;
Is a beautiful, young and strong lady.

A tender, loving and careful soul.

You are,
A lady destined for greater things.
Just sadly born into a life,
With everything to lose.

oh, What a shame.
467 · Feb 2020
Journey of Time
Shalyn Feb 2020
Every tick of the clock, every stroke,
reminds me of how fast each moment passes.
The days drip and the present
Becomes the past.

Time ebbing away,
And every window that opens up
is another opportunity that arises..
With every milestones cleared,
we retell tales with confidence;
About that time-
The times which still felt so far ahead.
All the struggles and
Rushing time,
to beat the eleventh hour.

We are all still a work in progress.

Looking back at those
years of growth,
bittersweet moments-
unforgettable memories we’ve made
Will be the friends that we had
And the way they made us laugh
So as for the memories and good times,
These will be the ones kept
so dearly to our hearts.
426 · Sep 2017
Shades of blue-
Shalyn Sep 2017
There is nothing miraculous in this,
The air is still and the room is cold.
All that this place holds,
Is nothing but a dull indigo mess.
351 · Apr 2015
Shalyn Apr 2015
I would like you to know and remember that whenever the day or night gets too long or too short, or that the minutes get stretched and pulled tight between us, wherever and whatever we do, we'll always leave a trail behind us for everyone to see. We'll burn just like the clouds into the blue sky for the world to marvel at the sight that we have made. The luminous stars that appears after evening folds would be my love that glistens for you. I will love you until every star and every planet in the entire universe has been burned out, and even then, I will still love you even in the darkness.
to whoever I'll love x
345 · Feb 2017
A carnival
Shalyn Feb 2017
In this carnival love life,

You set my heart on a roller coaster.
With every cotton candy kisses of yours,
blood madly rushes through my veins,
spinning me high like a ferris wheel.

What a spinning round circle we both got caught in,
along up high with a kaleidoscope of dreamy lights.
The way each ray of light danced off your face;
highlighting your curious coloured eyes and alluring lips.

How I'd slide towards you during these rides,
just to have your soft skin pressed against mine.

Lights, noises and sensations, all blending together.
Young, free and weightless, together in the moment.

And in this exhilarating moment,
I caught myself breathless.

Still ever, like the first drop on this roller coaster.
Here's a poem for 26 November 2014.
inspired from a picture I saw somewhere.

(written on 12 September 2016)

— The End —