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May 2015 · 420
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
You know how happy you get when everything in your life is going great?
You make me that happy.
You know how angry you get when everyone is talking as you're talking and no one hears you?
You make me that angry.
You know how nervous you get the night before your life changes forever?
You make me that nervous.
You know how frustrated you get when you try so hard and everything just seems to turn to ****?
You make me that frustrated.
You know that feeling you get when you meet someone and you know that they are special?
You make me get that feeling.
You know that smile you get when you think about what makes you most happy in the world?
You make me smile that smile.
You know those tears you cry when you feel so many ways about one person and you know that they feel the same but you can never be together?
You make me cry those tears.
May 2015 · 546
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
There comes a time when you just know
that everything will turn out right in the end.
All your hard work will one day show
for all of your family and all of your friends.
But then you start to wonder what it all means,
when everyone around you eyes gleam with bliss,
if when you wake up you still see your dreams
and each night you lay in bed and reminisce.
You remember the times when you woke with a smile
and your heart was filled with love.
That each day would be remembered for a long while
because you were doing something you were proud of.
Why trade your happiness for that of others
when this is your only life, there will not be another.
May 2015 · 298
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
Is it right to judge
to let my mind be my guide
I know what I want
May 2015 · 615
New Friends
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
I cry in your arms
there not too long familiar
but my heart has known
May 2015 · 1.5k
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
As time closes in
As nothing last forever
Memories are there
May 2015 · 2.7k
The Art of Dance
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
When your sweat meets tears
because dance has met your heart
Art is created
May 2015 · 1.3k
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
I have spent many years sheltered by love
Shielded from the world’s villainous beings
Beyond blessed to live a life undreamt-of
Your hands guided mine through ev’ry teaching
Unknown that greed and hatred lingered near
and that money took a devilish form.
All I knew was to put the silver spoon here,
to rise with the sun, butlers by the swarm
You told lies- hid me from reality
The sight of such a place scorches my heart
The devil struts the streets safe from chivalry
Children go unnoticed- lost in the dark
What happened to God? Where are the Angels?
All you told me has put me in danger
May 2015 · 995
Sedraya Fletcher May 2015
Is it my fault for digging the hole in which you crawl?
after you heard the girls whispering about your size
Who am I to say you are not beautiful at all?

You bought all that makeup to look like a doll
but he still walks past as tears flood your eyes
Is it my fault for digging the hole in which you crawl?

You read what was written on the bathroom stall
so you look towards me to confirm the lies
Who am I to say you are not beautiful at all?

You sit alone in lunch and walk alone in the halls
asking God as you look upon me to remove your disguise
Is it my fault for digging the hole in which you crawl?

It was in fact you who created your own fall
looking towards you to accentuate your flaws
Who am I to say you are not beautiful at all

In a way I helped you build your wall
though I can not mirror what your face implies
Is it my fault for building the hole in which you crawl
Who am I to say you are not beautiful at all

— The End —