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J  Feb 2017
J Feb 2017
He was the moon
So glorious and majestic,
Extravagant and eccentric.

I am the (night) sky
Full of dreams and stories
Etched within the stars
That beautifies me

Without them
Without him,
I am nothing
But a void.
No reason to look up
No reason to care at all.

He is hidden
Behind the dark clouds
I don't know
Where they came from.

He wouldn't let me see
Himself in his great beauty.
Only a half, a crescent, or a quarter
Is what he gives.

But there are also times
When he shows himself
All his imperfections
And shines within
The vast stretch of darkness
I only care to give.

And people slowly
Starts to see
How we became a beautiful pair.

How he shines for me
And how I
Let them see
How beautiful he is.

And the stars,
My dreams,
Comes dancing and shining.

It was a sight to behold.
We were extraordinary.

But I was afraid
Too much will break our bond.
And so I ran away
When he so beautifully
Shined and glowed.

I always make a mistake everynight.
I let my darkness go
I let the stars kept under my blanket.

For I make way to someone
Who is more beautiful
Just like him
Shining and glowing
Just like him.

When combined both
They make up the universe
They make up the whole existence of us.

I am just a mere foreground
Changing my course
And watching them
Chase for each other
Until eternity.
Fahad shah  Jun 2018
She's a poem
Fahad shah Jun 2018
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
Lonely is burning a hole through my heart
Lonely is burning my soul to the core
Lonely hits me hard everynight
When everything around me is silent
When everything around me is dark and menacing
I have no one to hide behind
     I have no choice but to confront my monsters
They watch me with sympathy
Turning around teasing me surrounding me everywhere they are everywhere and I can't breathe but I don't know how to talk and how my body is disconnected from my soul and I try I try to breathe but it's silent my heart my heart my heart doesn't work it doesn't ring in my hear I have no heart I am frozen and they are closing in on my they are everywhere I can see them closing on me so close so close so close so so close they are all coming so close
And I can't take a breath
Lonely is choking me up
Lonely is making me weak
Lonely is winning the war
I have no one to save me
Lonely cannot be defeated
For as long as I am alone
And lonely has written its name
Along my body
Along my heart
With fierce, burning flames
My saving grace lies within the 7 billion people on this planet
But lonely is gaining ground all the way to my eyes
Burning a path down my cheeks
And crashing down with rage and pain
My heart feels the burn and my soul
My soul
My soul doesn't know where to hide
Or who to talk to
The guilt is lapping at her
WIth her burning tongue she
Reminds me that it is up to me to create relationships with other people
And my soul has no one to blame but herself and the shame, the pain…
… is like an open wound that cannot be healed, for it is not a physical wound
But a psychological pain drenched with the salt of my tears
Lonely has made its home in her heart
And tears are the only ones that get to escape the forteress of loneliness
That her body has become
Everynight she prays to a God she doesn't believe in anymore
And everynight her heart is getting stronger
Her mind is weaker
Because lonely has a mind of its own.
And its pushes me down
Drowns me in
Drowns me down
The salt of my tears
Crows and corn chips, Squirrels and beer sips…
Lazy hammock and Hemming-way,
our rabbits mowing the grass today...
A nap under the advancing stars,

A Paradise in our Backyard!

Raccoons love the chicken bones,
everynight, a fox visits our home,
Fish guts and crab-leg shells,
opossum out there giving-‘em-Hell,
Casting corn and some bird seed,
for Mother Nature everything she needs,
God’s aces and a Wild Card!

A Paradise in our Backyard!

Ohhh! In summer a Bar-be-que,
and you the prettiest girl I ever Knew!
Couple ‘o kids and a swimming pool,
mini-van and Cadillac-cool,
Love the beaches and mountains,
of Carolina and my country-kin,
Wouldn’t trade it for the whole of Mars,

A Paradise in our Backyard!

You and me under the stars,
our home, children and a dream of ours,
Leo, Virgo, Aries and Mars,
I thank the Lord for your tender heart.
Our life amazing, though a, rough start,

A Paradise in our Backyard!

Oo-oh -a paradise in our Backyard!
You and me under the stars,
Our home and children; a dream of ours,
Leo, Virgo, Aries and Mars,
I thank the Lord for your tender heart...
...a Paradise in our Backyard!

Some people say it’s just a yard,
...this paradise under the stars,
Leo, Virgo, Aries and Mars,
you, me, children of ours.

Our home, children, a dream of ours,
I thank you Jesus for your tender heart;
Paradise in our Backyard!

A Paradise in our Backyard!

Oooh -a paradise in our Backyard!
You and me under the stars,
Our home and children a dream of ours,
Leo and Virgo, Aries and Mars,
A Paradise in our Backyard!
Praise Jesus and NAS-CAR!
You and me under the stars,
our home and children a dream of ours,
Leo and Virgo, Aries and Mars,
some people say it’s just a yard?
You and me under the stars
-and a Paradise in our Backyard!

A Paradise in our Backyard!
A Paradise in our Backyard!
A Paradise in our Backyard!

<musical break>

I love you,

heaven: Hea Anna
Gidgette Jan 2017
I was never a rose,
But green
Not a chrysanthemum,
Nor an orchid
Something cut,
Walked upon
And yet,
You were the dew
And kissed me,
With a thousand moist kisses
Making me sparkle
In the sunrise
Well, I didnt even know this was chosen as the daily till just a second ago. Thank you all so very much!
I am a fœtus
Swimming in darkness
Oblivious to the world around me
I am a new born
Opening my eyes for the first time
Taking my first breathe
Crying the first of many tears
Confused by my sight and the light around me
I am a toddler
Crawling my way across a universe made of shapes sounds colors
Overdose of senses
Too many things happening simultaneously I
Just stare around and try to make sense of this madness
I am a child
Taking my first step into childhood by standing upright
And walking around the world on my own two feet
It's the first of many steps
I will move forward to take over the world
With my eyes ears hands nose mouth
Overdose of senses
I am a teenager
Feeling my heart break for the first time
A broken friendship
A broken love
Deception in human kind
For the first time I wonder why
Why are we here?
If we suffer so much and so intensly
My heart breaks and I cry and I shake and I have no idea what is happening
Overdose of senses
I am a young adult
Wondering about the future for the very first time

         Where I fit in
Will I fit in
How do I fit in
What will I do for the rest of my life?
Overdose of questions
I am an adult
Worrying about taxes and marriage and kids
I have settled down I have a career and I look back
On the days all the things that mattered were grades and friends
I am happy but is this the life I dreamed of?
Or did I settle for less than I wanted?
What would happen if I left it all now?
Overdose of questions
I am an old grandma
Relaxing eveyr morning with a cup of coffee
Next to the man who shared my life for so long
I look back on life and realize I am happy
I have made choices that lead me here and now I
Am happy
Overdose of emotions
I am a senile grandma
No one claims me anymore
I am in a care home where most people don't care
I am one of many and
I look back on my life everynight when the demons come and visit me
So I yell out in hopelessness and they sedate me
I am faced with loneliness and there are so many things I wish I had done
Overdose of emotions
Heart attack
No heartbeat
I am dead.
Manisha Uniyal Aug 2015
My small hut of dreams
surviving all alone atop of hill
covered all around with huge deodar trees
of muddy wall and slanting roof sill

Ginger and cardamom tea
near the orange fire place
reading journals
I will live , capturing the first snow in days

freshly baked potato in oven clay
sprinkled rock salt with melted cheese
fragrant leaves of corainder
lingers on and stays

sweet and sour taste of wine
from the close by farm of grapes
friends and family gather everynight
over dinner and United prays

bells echoing mystery in the air
far from the temples on a difficult mountain
where path to heavens looks reachable
trekking the rocks in sun and in rain

Cylia  Aug 2018
Cylia Aug 2018
Why do I struggle in bed?
I feel like my body wants to jump out of my skin.
Why do we think about things?
That makes our brain wants to jump out of our heads.
Lost in my thoughts, all of my patience          and waiting
and waiting for you to come in.
I don’t want to be here, not even hell could create a cage that can hold all my sins.
Why do I struggle in bed?
By the way how my covers look, seems I was dancing instead.

All of these strings,
Abandoning me.
        Tucked away, stored
         Creating new ways they can trigger me.
                Into thinking
                    I’m  breaking
           And yet create tangles inside of me.
Why do I struggle in bed?
     Why must you make nightmares out of rawness and sweat?
         Everynight I wake up, it’s like my body is soaked.
Why do I...why do I... keep having nightmares in bed?
florence Sep 2012
"If I could choose between loving you and breathing you I would use my last breath to say I love you."
Danger was in the air as I ran over to your house, right next door, the perfect place for a best friend to live. If i ever had a problem my first assumption was to run right to your house, let you hold me and comfort me. I would let you soothe me and tell me over and over again that everything would be okay. By the way you said it only half the time I believed you.
Sometimes when I see you in the hallway I still say hi, its so hard to register the fact that now all I get from you is silence.
You look down each time I pass you.
Your eyes blank, a endless brown whole with nothing in it, not the love I used to see there or even a faint glint of happiness.
I forget about the past we had.
Where I pratically killed you, destroying your heart with my naive movements and my dumb choices.
I didnt mean it! I want to scream, to cry out to you.
How much I wish you would forgive me.
My shame eats me up everynight, everytime I see you my stomach drops and all I want to do is go into the corner and cry.
I keep the memories of our friendship hidden in the back of my brain, all those times we had together. The ones you just forgot and I still go back to everynight. My safezone is this dark, cold, world. The world where i am alone.
Without you I am nothing.
At this point Im brought back into that time in my life where everything was perfect.
Where you were my best friend, and all our problems were gone,
Where we can talk all day everyday, instead of getting into an argument every two seconds.
If only I didnt have to ruin it all..
And when its dark out, and everyones lights are off. The animals are sleeping and the owls are awake, Schools closed, the city silent besides those few drunkies who send echos of screams through the deserted streets. I let the memories captivate me and take over my body.
I am sent back to a time when everything was perfect.
Soon I begin to beleive this is all reality and I am back into your arms again.
But then my alarm clock rings, I get up and dressd for school.
See you in the hallway surrounded by girls, just the sight of you making milllions of emotions evolve in my stomach,
I smile at you, and my heart flutters as I see you smile back at me and wink. Your white teeth glistening, but then I turn around to see her there. The girl with the long lucious hair that cascades down her hourglass figure, With the blue eyes with brighten in delight.
I begin to wonder why I ever let you go.
The answer comes to me it was because I thought you would chase after me.
You're a just a pathetic little weakingling that nobody will ever love.
Your own father rejected you because he knew what was to come.
You can't stay in sports, you give up on your talents.
You waste your good looks, and you're all out of balance.
You disappoint your family, hell, you were a worthless mistake.
Yeah, go ahead, pick up the bottle, you always seem to break.
You can't keep it together, and you're a failure at life.
You bargin everynight with the same, dull knife.
You think god isn't real, hah, he is, he just has better things to do.
Than to try and love a miserable **** up like you.
You couldn't even hide those petty little scars.
And now the world can see what waste you are.
You hurt your mother; you make her cry.
Yet you have the audacity to wonder why.
Look at yourself, you're a wreck, you're a mess.
All you bring others is worry and stress.
So go ahead do the world a favour.
Don't even bother with the pencil and paper.
Forget the blades, and forget the pills, just get it right.
Grab the gun and you can end it all tonight*.

The voices told her this everynight.
She was giving up; she didn't want to fight.
Society altered her beautiful mind.
And a dead body is all you'll find.
No one understands, why she ended her life.
All people can do is mourn; cry; wonder why.
She was beauty, she was a wonder.
Then her scars were well discovered.
They spoke a story, loud and clear.
As if she herself whispered the answers in their ears.
She locked herself up to fight a battle alone.
A battle that she could have easily won.
She pushed there love away, for the fear of rejection.
While spiraling into a manic depression.
Fear in her eyes that nobody saw.
Now everyone looks and wonders with awe.
All that's left is to say goodbye.
An angle is born, and the demons died.
Writing is easier than yelling out every emotions
Writing is calming, a soothing voice –your own- dictating what to write
Writing is an escape.
Your thoughts move from their dark place inside your head,
your neck,
Your arm,
Feel the tension of your wrist as they go up, up,
Up into your waiting hands, fingers ready to translate the vague into the precise
Words tumbling down the ink of your pen.
Writing is the blade I slash across my wrist to feel the pain
Writing makes it visible.
My emotions.
On paper.
Right. There.
Like a line of blood dripping down the numbness of a hand rended useless by the power of sharp blades.
My blood is my ink, and each day I bleed a little bit more onto the page, a little bit

l                o n g e r

Each day I shed my invicible suit to put on my poet cloak
For a few hours I pretend I'm a writer
I bleed to death everynight and then come back to life the next morning
I die everynight I peaceful sleep and when I wake up the blood is new.
The blood is fresh.
The blood is black.
And I bleed again and again my anger, my sadness, my incomprehension, my fear, my love, my hate, my loneliness, my grand feelings
I bleed them out
My blood is my ink.
My blade is my pen.
My pain are the words.
My redemption is the beauty of my pain
I lie down and realize my blood doesn't disappear, doesn't wash out.
No one can erase my death.
Because I am once again alive
And I will bleed forever.
Courtney  Jan 2015
Courtney Jan 2015
I used to think addiction
Was something that you brought upon yourself,
Something you chose.
I thought a drink here and a puff there
Then you were hooked

I thought addiction
Was something to numb the pain
Not something that caused an ach in your chest
That made you feel like your lungs had collapsed
And broke you a little more everyday

I didn’t think Addiction
Would come with a heartbeat
And a voice telling me they loved me
Everynight before I went to sleep
With soft skin and a crooked smile

But it turns out Addiction
Can make your heart soar
But it always leaves you wanting more
Obsessed with the next time
You can get your fix

I never thought Addiction
Would crash into my life,
Leave me helpless as I was swept up in its wake
But surprisingly okay with letting it take
Everything in my life that belonged to me

I gave into Addiction
With its charming words,
And hot temper that could explode without warning.
It's bright eyes
And cruel words

I’m learning to live with an Addiction
That I can't help but run towards.

— The End —