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I kissed the spiraling sunlight when it traced my teared cheek. I felt the glow, way down below, graze upon my feet. I lifted lips and limbs until I reached the sorrowed sun. It whispered flames, and fumes to say, "it's only just begun.."
Staring at the ceiling
Feeling like nothing
Sticky stars that don't glow
The chipped polish on my toes
I don't know

Leaning barey breathing
Feaning to feel something
cool breeze from the window
The way my guitar echos
I don't know

Grieving never sleeping
Trying to stop sighing
But this heat is overwhelming
Where do I go can you tell me
You don't know
And with one last breath she said his name, with one final step not made in vein.. A glassy glance at a picture in hand, a final dance, but not hand to hand. Her tears run hot, down her pale white cheek. she just wants to close her eyes and fall asleep..
I still hear your voice sometimes. Or maybe I'll feel your hands running through my hair, your hair. I look
Like you, I have so much of you in me. I wish you could watch me grow, but you'll never know me. I didn't know you when you died.. I knew the person you used to be. I still miss you sometimes. The pain isn't getting less worse, just less heavy..
Endure this..
Yet another piece falls.
Forgiveness, has taken it all.
My sanity? My hope? Yet clinging still is my song. Found somewhere in the back of my head. This plays on repeat, like a faint echo of what used to be a symphony.. If I let it completely go what will be left? Just an empty hollow hole where all
My love used to live.
How many times will I have to repeat? Laying half asleep, feeling half dead.
I watched you across the room, your staring right at me. Eyes dark like the sea, heart like stone. It surrounds
Me, slowly engulfs me. I'm left alone, I'm left alone.
I wish you knew how I loved you, how I still do, and always will. But what is love if it's not selfless? When everyone's selfish. I don't know, I don't know.
Sometimes I feel so lonely, like no one really knows me. They don't feel what I feel.. And it's hard to wake up from this daydream, when my life seems to dark to be real, it can't be real..
How many times will I have to repeat?
Sometimes I dream I never existed. That I was just an echo, an essence.
Life was not meant for me.
I feel alone in the shadows, forever a dark cloud above me. Will it always rain acid?
Does it even matter anyway? When it burns my skin I can't feel it anymore.
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