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  Jun 2015 sage short
Megan Kendall
I believe
That we become stars
Part of constellations

We watch as everyone goes on
And they have no idea that we're watching
But lonely

Planets thrive around us
Full of life and new adventures

From death
We create new life
And it isnt so lonely anymore
sage short Jun 2015
I understand why everyone is always so angry all the time
But at the same time, it baffles me
There is war, crime, hatred against people
People who are all the same
We were all created from an explosion in the sky
We live on a floating planet, sustainable enough to provide just for us
Yet, we hate each other
We hate each other because we are different
Our skin is different
Our language is different
Our culture is different
Our minds are different
Our bodies are different
Our lives are different
We are different
And no one is happy
Everyone goes to school, works, grows up believing lies, see’s the truth, hates the world, works a little more, and then dies
Never experiencing happiness
Never knowing equality
The tree’s are alive
The wind is calling your name
It’s up to you to end the hatred,
To change the world,
To experience,
To live.
sage short Jun 2015
With my hands folded and my mascara smeared onto my cheek,
I wait
I spend sleepless nights waiting for you;
Waiting for you to come to me with a smile on your face and a blanket in your arms, saying you are going to stay
But the blanket is filled with betrayel and sadness
Sadness that will morph around my caccoon of skin, and engrave into my bones like a tattoo
And I will still love you
I will want you to love me back, but the only love I get from you is flashbacks on things that were never real
And I miss it
I miss the times when I could hold your hand and the image of your smile in my brain forever
But that smile was sinester and I fell for the devil
I don't believe in the devil, so I tried to get rid of you
But you were my first love, and you are inside the lining of my heart for God knows how long
And that's really ironic, because god has showed me things that make me know he's not really showing me things, and that he is just as fake as your love
And I am okay with this
Because I will be okay
Even when my heart beats, with what never was
sage short Jun 2015
the way she read books
was the way i looked at her;
interested and quietly
always on the edge of my seat
watching her beautifully move
without any cares
i loved when she blasted rock music in the car
and made me sing along
and i remembered she hated her voice
but all i could do was fall in love with it everyday
and yes this is in past tense because 
i let go of the prettiest flower in the ugliest meadow
sage short Jun 2015
I am terrified of becoming depressed
I grew up around many forms of this illness, crowding my friends and family like clouds in a hurricane, and they came in waves,
Tearing down the walls of the ones I loved
I feared for them
I feared for their hearts to stop beating, for their stomachs to start folding, and for them to stop smiling
They always told me the creases by their eyes were not caused from happiness, or the sun
They told me it was caused by the many nights of pillows being thrown down drains of emptiness, because what was the point of sleeping when your own thoughts are cornering you, until they are no longer yours to have?
They told me that they wrote poetry and I said I do too
They looked concerned, saying "depression is not artsy, so don't think you should want this disease,
because it will tear you limb from limb, until all thats left is your heart
And your heart is beating like it's going to explode, but you dont care because you feel like you are already dead
So my friend
Stay happy"
But what they dont know is that I've been wishing the same for them
sage short Jun 2015
I am fascinated with your body
The way your hips sway with mine, and how they line up perfectly
Like the feeling of getting the last puzzle pieces to fit
Your hands hold mine like a newborn baby; so fragile, so soft, so breathtaking
You remind me of a painted sunset with wind dancing across the sky as I lean in to kiss your lips that taste like paint and late nights
You know artists never sleep
and thats why you stay up late, wandering through the streets with me
I know you think a lot, and I hope 90% of it is about me
But I get this feeling like I'm suffocating with my own air, and I can't breathe, because the thought of loosing you, is like the earth without the sun
and I just can't let go
You're my tidal wave of madness, and my sunshine wrapped into one
And I just hope that all of our pieces fit, and that the late nights are spent with me
Putting our puzzle together
sage short Jun 2015
I hope you find one of the many loves you'll have, hidden in the shelves of book stores, waiting to be read
I hope you find one of your many loves, inside the cream you'll pour into your coffee at 6:52 AM on monday morning, and as it changes from black to brown, you'll remember his eyes, and how they were haunted
I hope you find love in the cracks of a record player, when your dusty, worn out vinyl is on its last song
I hope you find love on your chipped nail polished fingers, and I hope you re-paint them that same black until winter is over
I hope you'll find love at your weakest moment; I hope love makes you weak
I'm hoping and hoping that you'll fall in love with yourself;
Every ******* inch, because books get read, and then they get left, and coffee gets sipped, and then it's just the mug, and records stop playing, and nail polish will dry, and crack, and break!;
But if you love your stretch marks, and your freckles; every little part that defines you as your own, then you will know true love
When you see that your bumps, and bruises, and wrinkles, and dark circles are your form of art, then you will know acceptance
When you love yourself, then you can love the hidden poetry inside the walls of your own home
Thats when you can love the happiest, cruel world you'll ever know
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