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sage short Jun 2015
Life is too beautiful to be sad
Tree's whisper in the wind, and when the green leaves fall to turn orange; they accept the changes
The sky changes colors because it wants you to feel more than one emotion, and the mix of paint on the canvas called a sunset, makes me feel beautiful
We exist because stars exploded with a great burst of sacrifice, so that they would have something alive to look at in the dark hours
Flowers look at you with curiosity, not knowing if you will **** their beauty, or let them live to witness yours
sage short Jun 2015
If you ever love me; here is all that you need to know
I will love you back
It may only be for an hour,
a day,
maybe a year if you're lucky,
but probably not ever a lifetime
Sorry but love is this idea that you are limited to one person, and I can't grasp that idea of loving someone who won't ever really love you back
They might love your body parts,
but only long enough until you have 3 kids, and the divorce papers are sitting on the counter along with the scotch, and the unpaid morgage because you're too busy slamming doors, and breaking hearts
It's hard to love when you love everyone
It's hard to love when you fall into it with fictional characters, and ideas that you've read about, but have never witnessed,
and you're trapped inside this world of high standards that no one will ever meet
Therefore, I may never really love you like I would want to
sage short Jun 2015
Tips when it comes to falling in love with an artist

1. don't

2. seriously, don’t

3. if you do, just think about how much poetry they’ll find in the strings hanging off of your clothing that you hate so much. They will love the small things, like the hangnails on your thumbs that you always have because you’re convinced that you have dermotilomania, even though you don’t. You just have a nervous, addictive habit. He or she or they or them will love the wrinkles under your eyes, and the creases in your forehead when you’re convinced that you need to stop getting so old. They will look at you every day and see the art inside of you, and since they’re an artist, they’ll defiantly feel like ******* you later that night

4. seriously, they might just want to have *** with you so they can write about the ****** they had. They’ll break your heart so bluntly, and create a best seller off of it

5. I’m kind of kidding about that one, but not really, (I garuntee it’s happened before). But, since I am a cliche *******, optimistic genius, I will tell you this... They’ll teach you to appreciate the most hateful things in the world. Example, global warming. Okay, no, maybe we shouldn’t love that. But you should love the fact that you can create a conspiracy theory about how global cooling is actually a thing, not global warming. You’ll learn to love every flaw of every person because the person you love will teach you such things that you knew were possible, you had just never felt.

prepare for this because you too might become an artist. plot twist, you are an artist. go make art.
sage short Jun 2015
I observe her while she dances in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a graphic tee and her pink lace underwear. Her hair is flowing, and it's brown, and it's beautiful. She has big blue eyes that soar for greater knowingness, and freckles that have been created from past summer days that I never spent with her. Her smile is growing, and her one crooked tooth is her biggest perfect imperfection, and she hates it, but I love. We put vinyls in the record player, letting them spin like the love in our minds. I grab her hand, and the grins grow wider as we dance amongst our tiny apartment, and it's enough. It's home... No, not our apartment, but her. She is home. She is the planted garden in my mind and the beating of my heart. And without her, there is no smiling, there is no joy, there is no heartbeat, there is no living. I hope she stays, oh God I hope she stays, simply because a world without my beauty, isn't beautiful at all. With her gone, the streets looks poorer, the sky looks duller, and life looks worthless. But with her here, the sun is smiling, the moon is dancing, the people are happy, and the universe is whole. The only thing that can seperate us now is death, but even then, I know somehow we'll find a way, because she is the light, and I am the dark that is following her for the greater good, and I love her for this. I love her for her laughter, and her sadness, because her emotions are strong enough to cause a war in mind, but then when it heals, everything is good again; only she can do this to me. Her happiness is mine and we are together, til death do us part, and beyond. When the graves have been dug, and the grass has grown over, just believe that our skeletons are smiling, holding hands, and our souls are dancing without a care somewhere in a distant place for the two of us, forever. Endless compassion for her, I hold, and with that I will wish the same for you. For you to find someone who will hold you while you're at your breaking point. For someone to love you even when you don't love yourself. Because all we really need is that, and when the only thing we can't stop from happening, finally approaches, just hope for the love to grow into the roots of this Earth, and to spread throughout. My world is full of infinite beauty, thanks to the first thing that really opened my eyes; her.
The first free verse poem I've wrote on here. It's sloppy, but I like it. Let me know what you think! X Sage

— The End —