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 Jan 2019 S O P H I E
Pagan Paul
Cohesion has been fragmented,
merely an old dissolved memory.
A shroud darker than pitch black
heralds the omni-directional strangler,
seeking to crush the fragile neck
and slowly asphyxiate the minds reality.

The turbulence of mute non-existence,
trapped in an endless glass sphere,
a cold snow-globe paper weight,
screaming for the end of the world.
Terror dissipates all common sense,
the inner head explodes and implodes.

A wracked skeleton of fevered flesh,
the violated remains,
beautiful and torn,
when the butterflies of darkness
the fire.

© Pagan Paul (2017/19)
All I want is for people to stop staring,
As if they can see beyond the beauty,
And feel my despair.
I'm not to be kept like a trophy,
High on a shelf,
Forgotten up on my pedestal,
Forgotten even by myself.
So don't dress me up and feed me lies,  
I'll swell like a Christmas sow.
Don't prep me for marriage or paint your fantasy,
Of taking me, way on horse drawn carriage.
I'm not for you to brag about,
I'm not a toy on the lot.
I speak and spell out my truth.
I know the goods are damaged,
But I'm worth the shot.
i march to my own drummer
i lead my own parade
i do not travel other's paths
i go on one i made

i move in my own orbit
i'm at least two notes off key
i fill in words i make up
okay, then maybe three

If I am not  what you want
And you think that I am strange
It doesn't bother me at all
Don't try to make me change

I laugh when others near me don't
It doesn't matter what you see
I'm not that different in the end
I'm no-one else, I'm just me

I know my shirt in inside out
Or is it really outside in?
At least I have a shirt to wear
So, to me that is a win

As I have aged, I've changed a bit
All I ask is leave me be
You can do just what you want
I'll understand, cause I'm just me

It doesn't matter who you are
Just let me live my life
You shouldn't care how I hold my fork
Or in which hand I hold my knife

I march to my own drummer
Sometimes I go and yell at trees
I like my world the way it is
I'm not you, I'm just me
There are a million different ways I could show you how I feel and yet, there is only one way I want to tell you. You make the world seem so small and make me feel great about myself. Your voice is so calming, it feels like home and my heart leaps every time I hear it. And gods, that smile you have.. It just makes all my problems melt away and sends a wave of joy over my entire body. Every little text I get or voice clip or even the pictures, I hold them all so dear to my heart. I hate not being able to reach out and touch you, to feel your lips pressed against my own and have my fingers in your hair. I don't think I'll be able to stop kissing you when we finally see each other. The thought makes me smile.. Then again, the thought of you in general leaves the biggest grin across my face. You're silly, kind, intelligent.. The list continues on for miles. I know it is far too soon for me to say the words to you but I have been feeling it for quite some time now. So I will be patient and wait until you are ready to say them too.
 Jan 2019 S O P H I E
A feather in the sky,
is it flying or falling?
A flock of birds,
where are they going?
Dark clouds pass by,
what are you hiding?
Oh how I wish I was there,
up high in the sky.
All my worries forgotten,
through the clouds I fly.
Things to do, people to call,
to all the responsibilities, bye bye.
But a dream is a dream, I am
thrown back into reality.
Dark clouds are parting,
giving way to the orange sea.
I envy you all,
you are all so free.
The sun's going down,
and now I head home.
Get back to reality,
switch on your phone.
I steal a few more seconds,
before I hear my ringtone.
 Jan 2019 S O P H I E
 Jan 2019 S O P H I E
Got so much stuff
                       penetrating my brain
Activists, blacktivists
                       my little girls pain
                       that I have caused
                       her pause to success
Stop the blame game
Prepared instead for the
                       sweet accolades
                       of your future around you
Life is short
Make it easy as you can, love

I can sit here all day and night
                       to tell you why
                       to stop dwelling
                       and start loving
But then I get so mad
                       when you can see me
The opposite of what you should be

Freedom is not a word
It's a choice
You've got it
Use it
Written by my mother, date unknown
 Jan 2019 S O P H I E
the insane pain
that just never
i love you
but before you became my world
there were things
that i became enslaved to
and i'm sorry
but you're still my heart
my love
the one real thing
i cling
to for hope
helps me cope
makes me believe
i don't
the dope
Written by my mother, date unknown
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