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Kori Tullier Aug 2022
You love me
Do you really?
Because to you
I'm lazy despite how much I clean
I'm a terrible mother and nothing I do will change it

Everything I do is a disappointment to you
Pretty sure you only stay because of the kids
You definitely don't find me attractive anymore

So really
You love me?
Where's the proof in that?
Not my best work but I honestly needed somewhere safe to say these things...
Kori Tullier Jun 2020
I am by no definition the "perfect" daughter. I'm not going to do things for you just because you want me to or think that I should, I'm not going to follow every **** word you say and think that your words are liquid gold. I am **** sure not a "perfect" mother and I already put myself down for that cause I know I could be doing better. But I had her too young, my sister had already had her first so family adoption was off the table and we all know how much I'm against abortions so I took on a role I never wanted nor was prepared for. Nothing I have ever done or will ever do will be good enough for you and I need you to accept that. I'm not this great person and mother that you want and expect me to be… I'm tired of feeling like absolute **** because you're always so disappointed in how I act or the things I do or just the person I am in general. I should feel good about being happy, not guilty. I shouldn't feel like everything little thing I do is just another major step in the wrong direction. It's my life and should have a say in how I want to live it. You say you want to help me but every chance I give you, you tell everyone around us about the things I say and that leaves very little room for trust. You already belittle me to everyone in our family and now to your boyfriend's family too and it just hurts to know that I'll never be good enough like my siblings are. Because of you, I've always felt like a giant disappointment to everyone around me so I continuously push anyone away who might care for me in the slightest of ways and that's not healthy. I make myself be alone all the time because if I were to get real friends, they'd have to meet you and leaving them alone with you for any amount of time is enough reason for anyone to quickly become my biggest enemy. I'm tired of you and everyone else expecting me to be the model child like my siblings but I'm NOT them and I **** sure never will be because I've got no one on my side. I've got you and everyone else pretending to be but I know you all know that I'm too damaged to even be anything more than the person you constantly look down on.
Just a rant of things I wish I had the guts to say to my mother...
Kori Tullier Apr 2020
I just want to get better
To stop feeling this way
To feel like I'm wanted
I'm so used and discarded
My worth is something I no longer remember
And my mind is one of torment
All I want is to get better
Is that so much to ask for..?
Kori Tullier Sep 2019
He was here and now he's not.
I could breathe in his presence, now I'm suffocating once more.
His voice stilled the ones in my head and allowed me to rest.
I can still feel his touch on every inch of my skin, it makes me smile.
His body fit perfectly with mine and our hearts continue to beat as one.
I hate this distance between us, though it proves just how strong our love is.
Kori Tullier Sep 2019
Why bother continuing this fight?

Each word only buries you deeper.

The more they speak,

The more opinions become facts and facts become opinions.
Kori Tullier Jun 2019
My head
It feels like exploding
I'm a wide range of emotion
A roller coaster of ups, downs, and loops
Screaming in my mind
Crying for a rest
Receiving nothing
I can feel the heart beneath my chest beating
Yet I feel so dead despite the love given
When does the cycle ever end?
Kori Tullier May 2019
Voices shouting in my mind
Each one screaming "it's alright, you're fine for tonight"
The love that was promised was never felt
One lie after another, shredding me deeper
Reaching my core and breaking me down
And they all wonder why I do nothing but frown
The days pass then weeks and months
Nothing seems to get better, darkness closing
Then you came along, shattering the walls around
I smiled, I began heal
You became a shield
Protecting me from the seen and unseen
You promised love and I felt it surrounding
Finally, for once a truth that was needed
In that moment, everything would be alright
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