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Robby Robinson Nov 2015
You are alone

Don't ever let anyone tell you that

Everything will be ok

Just know that

Your actions can't change the world

And you're wrong when you say

That you are a beautiful person

Look in the mirror and see

All the flaws, the imperfections

Learn to live with

The fact that life is too hard


The ones who say you are nothing

Leave behind

The hope of a new beginning

Never let go of

The words they call you

Find strength in


Remove yourself from the

Happiness in this world

There will always be

That sense of emptiness

Stop focusing on

The things you truly love

Surround yourself with


Stop this

And read it again, starting at the end and going up.
For those who want to give up.
  Nov 2015 Robby Robinson
impractical is the path
where wrath meets satisfaction
with hands too fast to smack
we are the captors of our actions

not adapted to the math
understanding the subtraction
with a stand that is my last
i am ****** by my exaction

with a plan so crass
like a romance with reaction
impractical is the path
where wrath meets satisfaction
Robby Robinson Nov 2015
She walks through the forest,
Beauty in motion.
Swift and elegant as the trees.

Eyes dark,
A mixture of Autumn leaves.

Skin smooth as a river,
Cool as the evening breeze.

Her mind is a landscape,
Filled with light and shadow.
Wisdom in every breath she breathes.

She sees right through me,
Leaving me in repose.
Coaxing my troubled mind with ease.
For my Dearest Love..
Dying love in a gilded cage,
Imprisoned by my pent up rage.
You never loved me, but neither did I,
The last gift you gave was the gift of goodbye.
Robby Robinson Nov 2015
The grass is wearing my lipstick
  and there's frost on my face.
     I see no trace
         of the bird that took my shoe.      
     The trees are looming over,
               taking fun of my fallen state.            
      Is there nothing better for them to do?  
        My cheeks are redder than a    
     the bugs are in my hair.
         The bird has taken my other shoe,
    They're ******* on the fairy lights.
    Do they truly not care?
    Because I fall they do not fight
     their own fights.
           A rabbit grew wings and gave me back    
      my shoes.
The grass returned my lipstick and the frost 
      cooled down my face.
       Tomorrow I may fall again,
         But of the trees,
         there will be no trace.
One of my most cherished pieces.

— The End —