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 Feb 2020 Pearl
 Feb 2020 Pearl
I know I love you,
But the universe must not,
As you're still not here

 Feb 2020 Pearl
Mamta Wathare
My earth
to meet your sky
And, it rains

the flowers of your longing
are blooming
in the forest of my soul
Don't pluck them, beloved
it hurts
 Feb 2020 Pearl
Mamta Wathare
As the world seeps in pain

And the wounds blind us

I invite you, O beloved

Let’s meet at the dinner table again

We have a lot to speak

But first, you need to be fed a home-made meal
 Feb 2020 Pearl
Mamta Wathare
 Feb 2020 Pearl
Mamta Wathare
She was covered in fallen leaves and flowers

I  heard a  strange sound

and spotted the plastic bottles

I plucked the plastic off her

she left out another soft sigh of pain

and then, it rained
 Feb 2020 Pearl
 Feb 2020 Pearl
You were my soul mate,
You left with my soul.
 Feb 2020 Pearl
 Feb 2020 Pearl
There is a warming hope
within the soul
above the heart
behind the mindful eyes of late
Foundational as it is warm
And kind as it is great
Nonreligious as I mean true
And simple as a childs love
You know that I'm referring to?
There's a higher place to go, beyond belief.
 Feb 2020 Pearl
The best sound doesn't pull me from you
The best song drives me further into your arms
And creates a new look of understanding between us two

This is the nature of sound and song
You ever just want to put headphones on someone. So that they can really see you and really feel what you're feeling. Yup, sound and song.
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