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 Dec 2014 Paolaღ
Is it possible
that there's someone
just as
broken as
out there
for someone
to be
Just a thing.
I write a lot of short things.
I'm a lonely thing.
Looking for someone real.
Maybe someday I'll find them.
Hopefully before we both die.
That'd be prefered.
 Dec 2014 Paolaღ
Always Ally
She dreamed of leaving
But was stuck in a deadbeat town
One day she went outside
The next she was never found
 Dec 2014 Paolaღ
Waleed Khalidi
It always seems to end this way
Conversing with my thoughts
That echo inside my brittle skull
Beneath a once beautiful moon
Dragging on a cigarette
Like it my poisonous savior
With every exhale a lonely beat of the heart
The world still madly spins
But slower than this mess of a mind
And heart sinks like a pebble to a stream
Havoc is what they wreak:
Those voices in my ear
The past's cramping grip
keep my hands clenched to when we met
A chapter so bright
To a melancholy story
Demons took control of the scribe
To timidly scribble a tale
of a vanishing soul
My eyes are so heavy
My heart so fatigued
Yet I have not slept in years
This bed brings me such disgust
As its touch awakens all the regret and fear
That keep its daggers at my throat
What a waste of its inviting comfort
To lay only a pathetic, lonely delusion. Alone.
Let me sleep with the stone
That presents my chiseled name
To the hundreds who will pass
While giving no mind
Like my years in life
We sit by each other,
In patched wollen sweaters.
Smeared with dirt,
Our faces red,
But yours shining,
I kiss your little cheek
Hoping it gets better.

The stars twinkle,
As the twilight arrives,
I offer thin soup,
And two stories,
About the tiger who lost his tail,
And the frog who drowned.

Your palms, tiny, innocent,
I hope they never change,
I wish all the world for you.
The mind swamped,
The body electric,
I was too young
To know any better.

We sit here amongst the rubble
And the stray island cats,
I try not to break down,
Not in front of you.
Your beautiful black eyes,
They come alive with hope.
But amidst all this rubble
Hope is the only luxury
I can afford.

Maybe* she won't cry today,
And maybe he won't lie today,
And maybe life goes on today,
But maybe I'll be wrong today.

Maybe I'll be strong today,
And maybe tears won't fall today,
But maybe he'll break down today,
maybe she won't die today.

Maybe things get better today,
And maybe I'll write the letter today,
Maybe I'll sign my name in ink,
But maybe that's a permanent link.

Maybe that's too much for me,
Maybe "attached" is something I don't wanna be,
And maybe it'd be painful to watch,
Over the years; Death's painful march.

And maybe she'll go down today,
And maybe things won't be okay,
And maybe he'll give up and say,
That maybe he'll just run away.

But maybe I'll just cry today,
Maybe that's a better way.
Maybe that's my job today,
Maybe I'll just try to be okay.

Because maybe it's important to grieve,
And maybe it's okay to leave,
A little room to be left for me,
A little time to simply breath.

Maybe I should put myself first,
And maybe it wouldn't be the worst,
To maybe just take care of me,
Instead of being the one in lead.

Written 12-2-14
The light of the city
dims that of the stars.
Humanity would usurp the heavens,
Forgetting the light beyond our sol.
drips fell from the inky sky and splashed the sea into a crinkled sheet

rain again

there's something different about the rain at night
something a whole lot more sinister

in the drizzle we shiver and throw stones through the watery mist
each one smashes the surface
like enormous raindrops which
crash into the black water

how can something so violent feel so peaceful?
don't try to define it
just at this moment it feels perfect

the waves break onto the stones
and with each one we throw
the stones break back onto the waves
 Dec 2014 Paolaღ
to know
 Dec 2014 Paolaღ
tell me how my eyes
told you things words never could
how you could dance
to the sound of my laughter
how my hands were
the anchor of your sanity
how when i slept
the world was a little less bright
how my smile stopped time
then tell me how forever
ended so quickly
Love hope hurt heartbreak life
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