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Panda Boy Oct 2017
Google oh Google!
You answer our questions so;
Why can't penguins fly?
What is the yellow snow?
You then answer us,
So that we will then know.

Google oh Google,
This I must say;
You change your appearance
In almost every way,
Just to drop a hint
Of some eventful day.

Google oh Google!
Many topics you suggest
So we may rely on you
For you know what is best;
To stop our worry
And put us at rest.
  Oct 2017 Panda Boy
There is a house,
Inside there is a man,
This man is dead,
He is death.
He awaits for his call
To come out
And visit us all,
Sometimes he does not wait
When we make the tragedy of living short
And we cheat Mr dead
By doing his job for him.
We visit his house,
Tired of love,
Sick of it all.
He doesn't mind,
It's good to receive visitors from time to time
Panda Boy Oct 2017
It's clear yet the lights glow a harsh deep yellow.
Here are the nights we crash, weep, and bellow,
So in each home we must stay low and keep close.
tells me
not to
let go.
Passion passes around our purposeful and personal pursuits.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
Drop, drap, drip, plop.
Droop, plip, dlop, plit.
Pitter, patter, plotter, potter.
I didn’t bring my coat.
My hair is wet.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
I have disabled myself,
Thinking about you.
Forty three self induced bruises
to the head, to the head
Forty five, forty six

I got that vibe,
That feeling from you.
I start my appointment
At eight thirty two,
Thirty three, thirty four.

Forty eight, forty nine.

It is not the cure
That will help this,
But only you.
Thirty five, thirty six.

Fifty two, fifty three.

So I try to get you
Out of my head...

Fifty two, fifty three.
So that I can be free.

I have disabled myself
Thinking about you,
But now that I am free,
I don't know what to do.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
The places I go
When the people drink hot cocoa
Secret places
Yet are so big
How can one not look and think
That such a place has the space
To be filled with many people
But It's just you
Yet it doesn't seem a waste
Wanting to wonder
Upon these sights
Makes me forget
All those pointless fights
So when the stars are bright
Just know that I'll be ready
My heart no longer will be heavy
For the silence is relief
Fills my soul
Makes me say
Good grief.

Tomorrow is a word I use
The enthusiasm is there
There is no hope to lose
So sit by my side
During social gatherings at wide
Yet no words will be said
Just these words that you have read.
who likes joji?
Panda Boy Oct 2017
We met at a beautiful park bench;
“Hello.” I said,
“It's really good to see you!”
“Hey.” she said.

“How are you?
How has your day been?
Did you have a good weekend?”
I asked.
“Yeah, I did." she answered.

“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yes, I'm fine.” she replied.
“Good.” I said.
There was silence for a moment.

“How are you?” She asked.
“I feel great.” I said.
“Good.” she said.

We went to buy a drink;
“What do you want?” I asked her.
She said “Just water.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yeah, I don't mind”

Ultimately, I was glad.
Meeting this girl
Some reassurance
To last year’s me.
the girl was as boring as this poem
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