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  Oct 2017 Panda Boy
Dad says I'm
an introvert
Mom says I'm
I'm just really quiet
and reserved
I have my moments
when I want to be
the       center    of
and then
when I want to be left
Take long walks on
the beach
by my lonesome
It lets me set my mind
gives me
time to think
But when I see
a girl with her lover
or a friend with their
best friend
It makes me think
that even though
I like being alone.
I don't
  Oct 2017 Panda Boy
Gregory Champion
Day by day,
week by week,
the monotony of life latches onto our bones like a ravage cancer.

We try to create memorable relationships,
we try to understand the complexity of others.
But with each new discovery made,
we begin the process over again.

If time was in front of us able to be captured,
could we truly take hold and mold our lives.
Or would our abusive tendencies render it null
as humanity tends to do.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
Today, I live to write
But soon
I will write to live.
i wish to grab life by the hand and take it for a walk.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
I want to buy a typewriter
Knowing that I don't need one, it escapes my mind
Instead this website.
Sad things written by sad people.
I came to read poetry.
Not a couple of lines basically saying
"Woe is me!"

**** this site
And it's system.
Yet I'll still bite
For that small, meaningless sensation
Of gaining another follower.
  Oct 2017 Panda Boy
Faces facing forward,
Looking at recycled idols
caring not and so people soon forgot;
she had talent.
to me this was apparent.
She wasn’t like the others,
she thought out of the box because
She didn’t like what was in.

Slower, slower
Replaying her moments
The way she moved
Out of place
How those eyes darted
Back and forth
You could tell
I studied her and
fell in love with the things I didn’t know yet.
I was so sure she was aware of this
and she didn’t mind.
She played it off
Her being the wallflower type of girl
she was, and she didn’t patronize me either but in a way

she still did.
first collab poem
  Oct 2017 Panda Boy
There once was a young girl, shy
And pretty, but unaware of her grace.
On late summer days she gazed up to the sky,
Trying to slow down worlds enormous pace.

She understood there was more outside,
than poppy fields and hazy clouds,
while most people blindly joined life's crazy ride,
she resolved to walk without the crowd.

On her untapped path she spotted a flower,
blue and lovely as she has never seen it before.
For flowers blooming in unexpected places she swore,
are the most beautiful ones holding the greatest power.
To all who are brave enough to take the untapped paths in life and be themselves
Panda Boy Sep 2017
Some things words just can't describe.
When does emotion get to the point where...
It is beyond us?
Music really means a lot to a lot of different people.
020917sleep by elijah who
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