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25.7k · Sep 2014
My brother.
P for Poems Sep 2014
Brothers till the end,
So close like two Friends.
We Might be a few years apart,
but brother you'll always be in my heart.
you've always Been My back up,
even during fights..yup.
saved me countless times,
so Ill be busting out my rhymes,
rhyming this rhyme for you,
because brother I love you too.
6.0k · Feb 2015
P for Poems Feb 2015
A boy with no parents bought up hated and alone,
wanted attention and was always on his own.
a Beast inside made the villagers afraid,
for this reason.. they all displayed,
an attitude of hate,
which they made bait.
lonely and behind,
was also kind.
Year's went passed,
time really went fast,
a team of 3,
he was happy.
He vowed one day,
he'd be the village hokage.
He Trained and trained,
felt drained and pained.
Still need to finish this xD
5.4k · Feb 2015
P for Poems Feb 2015
A dark past,
also my last.
of my family.
my beloved brother,
killed my father and mother.
my clan too,
and someone knew.
He only spared me,
and then he flea'd,
Leaving me,
without my family.
the love i had for him turned to hate,
I awoke my sharingan by the time i was 8.
my goal and objective was to **** him with my own hand,
then i could avenge my family and my clan.
we were close and we played,
By my side he always stayed.
I looked up to and wanted to be like him,
but my chances back then were looking quiet slim.
a prodigy indeed,
left my heart to bleed.
filled me with hate,
I just had to wait.
Lonely I use to be,
my beloved brother took my family from me.
I wondered why he murdered our clan,
I wondered if this was always his plan.
the brother i remember was always kind,
Or was i just simply blind.
one day when Im stronger,
when i can fight for even longer.
Ill be ready to **** he,
the one who killed our family.
If you guys watched the anime naruto you'd understand this
2.5k · Sep 2014
P for Poems Sep 2014
In the sky,
Up pretty high.
Awaits A star,
Looking like my grandpa.
why'd you go and leave me behind,
now your a star that's on my mind.
I didn't forget grandma too,
whose a star just like you.
one day ill join you two,
mom and dad and lil sis lu,
then we can be together again,
for when stars stick together their brightness never ends..
1.4k · Sep 2014
P for Poems Sep 2014
Poems every night,
to avoid these silly fights.
Rather be typing rhymes,
then feeling guilt for these crimes..
Saves me from something Bad,
so My parents wont be sad.
which ever stars they are,
hope they aren't really far.
I want them to Be proud,
because I left my crime makin crowd
1.4k · Sep 2014
P for Poems Sep 2014
All day and all night,
No darkness nor light.
a world without nothing seems interesting enough,
with no light at night it gets kinda rough.
we fight for our food and freedom too,
We fight for our friends and family we do.
every day a person dies,
Being filled in with these horrible lies.
what did we do to deserve this?
were we bad on Santas naughty list?
its time my friends its time we are Free,
its time to let go and Be who we be.
lets stand together and face them all,
for cowards in the end Will always fall.
Didnt finish this etheir.. o.o
1.3k · Oct 2014
A New era.
P for Poems Oct 2014
It took time for me to finally understand,
that people were already showing me their hands,
they wanted to help so bad,
they wanted to get rid of this emotion called sad..
I was fortunate to be saved,
by those who were unscathed..
of the sadness in this world,
a sadness which swirled.
but those times have ended and a new era begun,
a new era that changed us and showed us we truly won..
1.1k · Sep 2014
Mum are you watching?
P for Poems Sep 2014
Mum are you watching im standing right here,
mum are you watching are you still there?.
please say something so i know your alive,
Please say something so i don't feel deprived..

if you go now then Ill be lonely and sad,
if you go now then youll end Up like dad.
Ones already gone not the other too,
I need you mum i need you for you..
MUM, watching,
1000 · Apr 2016
Creative Vibe.
P for Poems Apr 2016
Poetry, not a form but an art, when writing theres always a start, vivid and lucid dreams, to fishes in streams, a creative mind, starts to unwinde, an inkless pen, when writing doesnt end..
956 · Oct 2014
Ready To Fight
P for Poems Oct 2014
we must all stand together as one,
for if we do we can achieve a ton.
Battles we win, some we fall,
if we stand together were better then all.
swords at the ready,
don't feel  unsteady,
with us by your side
your guaranteed to arise.
806 · Sep 2015
A failures advice
P for Poems Sep 2015
A failure that i am,
a failure to the clan.
wavering doubts,
A failure sprouts,
A messed up mind,
wish time unwined.
One shot one goal,
one chance to roll.
just one it is you cant go back,
listen to the people who say "dont slack".
take their words well,
as you wont be able to tell.
until when theres nothing but memories,
and all you have is plain worries.
So Try your very best,
so you can be better then the rest,
and show the world your success.
804 · Feb 2015
Broken ties
P for Poems Feb 2015
Someone you know,
Goes and act's low.
we used to be best friends,
but now it's the end.
one silly fight,
both of us not right.
gone our own way's,
it's been more then days.
guess this is really goodbye,
Still be wondering why..
Lost a freind Ig.
773 · Oct 2014
P for Poems Oct 2014
is it true?
that your not you.
you've become someone I don't know,
and ive seen you laugh and grow,
Weve been together since day One,
Spreading joy and having fun.
did something change within you
because when they told me it was you i was like who?
Tell me who you really are,
because your distancing yourself and going far.
Open your eyes so you can see,
lets be how we used to be.
the Good old days back in that time,
Back when we were young and In Our prime.
761 · Sep 2015
My Little message
P for Poems Sep 2015
No ones born with talent, its hard work and dedication that gets people to where they are, sometimes  in life YOU might want to give up or stop trying but that's life coming right at YOU with it's challenges and YOU have to face them challenges because its YOU who decides your life.. its YOU who makes who YOU Are... A little message to anyone whos having difficulties right now or problems DONT GIVE UP because YOU can achieve whatever YOU put your heart and mind too :)
it wasn't really a poem just something that i hope lifted your spirits :) because all you are special people who can achieve in life! :)
733 · Sep 2014
P for Poems Sep 2014
those the strongest,
Are always the weakest.
thoes the happiest,
are always the saddest.
they might put on a smile,
for quite a little while.
but in end you'll see,
how a depressed person can be.
they cant hide it forever,
for forever is never..
Short poem unifnished.
706 · Sep 2015
A poor man
P for Poems Sep 2015
A poor person from a poor background,
to his family and work hes always bound.
10p an hour keeps the hunger at bay,
his brothers and sisters constantly pray.
Money and food was always an issue,
but this person would come home without the tissues,
not a single tear left his eyes,
this poor person was certainly wise.
a smile on his face whenever he came back,
he'd come home and put down his rucksack.
take the few coins he'd earned in the day,
then for his brothers and sisters he'd pay.
He was determined to get them food,
even if his bosses were really rude.
he paid no heed to their cruel words,
but instead listened to the birds.
there song so beautiful like music to his ears,
when listening to them he'd forget his fears.
597 · Jun 2015
A freind or foe?
P for Poems Jun 2015
it's been 2 months,
you never called me once,
i wondered where you were bro,
I missed you so much though,
tbh I thought you left me for good,
and joined them in the hood.
But I was happy when I returned
and the thoughts in my mind began to burn,
You came back to me again,
once again you were my freind.
sorry should I say bro
im glad you didn't let go.
592 · Sep 2015
P for Poems Sep 2015
I feel like a dying soul,
day by day growing old.
a heart that's shaken,
a heart that can never be taken.
Wavering doubts and fears,
from my eyes you can see tears.
I try imagine a future where there is success,
i try imagine a future where i exceed the rest.
but a future like that can only stay in my imagination,
a future like that eases my frustration.
Indecisiveness takes over my mind,
indecisiveness makes me blind.
what is a future? what is a dream?
are things really what they seem...
583 · Oct 2014
P for Poems Oct 2014
There are times which you feel lonely and low,
Times where you gotta put your foot down and say No,
Dont ever stop and think about the times which went bad,
In the end the results will make you sad.
so Just Look forward to the days ahead,
Dont let the pain spread.
Its you who decides what goes On,
once those people that dragged you down are gone,
youll be free then ever so wait till then,
so close your eyes be calm and count to ten.
This needs some Fixing.
577 · Sep 2015
P for Poems Sep 2015
Thing's have been difficult,
at one point my life was at a hult.
but i raised myself to understand,
that determination is very grand.
One Shot of that and my mind went crazy,
but after that thing's wernt so hazy.
I learned the world was a bitter place,
standing around wasn't the case.
I aim for success,
hope im blessed.
I wish you good luck too,
to carry lifes finests with you
gotta keep my self up :)
555 · Jun 2015
For my teacher.
P for Poems Jun 2015
year seven,
to year eleven,
I cant thank you enough,
for being there for me when thing's were rough,
you stuck by me when you could,
you stuck by me when i didn't think anybody would,
your one heck of a teacher a friend too,
thanks for all you've done thanks for being you.
It's not completely done but I hope she find's this one day xD
505 · Jun 2015
Thank you
P for Poems Jun 2015
A sad past,
anger problems that last,
a mind that thinks forever,
a mind that doesnt stop never.
you so kind approaced me,
as scary looking as i can be,
asked if i was okay,
that really made my day,
I thank you for your kindness
for being there for me when i felt lonely,
it's not finished
502 · Sep 2014
Good Or bad.
P for Poems Sep 2014
Take a gun,
take the chance to run.
a life you chose,
taking time but arose.
change your path,
Not half and half,
etheir be good or etheir be bad,
In the end Bad will be sad.
Short and simple
502 · Sep 2015
P for Poems Sep 2015
Black, white and brown,
just a color not a sound.
inside were all the same,
" thats not true" others claim.
but we all have a heart a soul and a mind,
deeply inside were all kind.
A color shouldn't be the judge of who we are,
yet wars and fights leave nasty scars.
Were all human at the end of day,
so why make each other our personal preys,
Color shouldn't separate us but make us stronger,
those who are racist couldn't be any wronger.
#Against racism. #feel that color doesn't make a difference to what we can do or what separates us.
493 · Feb 2015
Sword like no other
P for Poems Feb 2015
A sword so valiant like no other,
No father no sister no brother no mother.
Just a single sword by my side,
Big tall Sharp and wide.
A tool So sharp one look is death,
One look might mean your last breath.
so carefull with this sword in hand,
for this sword is so grand .
A random sword poem
459 · Sep 2014
P for Poems Sep 2014
Its time to rhyme,
my time to shine.
Fame here I come,
dad raise up your thumb.
i hope your watching, i hope your proud,
i can see you clearly standing in that crowd.
daddy your boys grown,
but he still sees you on the phone.
just Listen to me please,
then Ill finally be at ease.
Dad are you watching and listening too?
listen to my song thats all about you.
I didnt finish this..
454 · Feb 2015
Broken Ties
P for Poems Feb 2015
People stayed and gone,
thought nothing would ever go wrong.
they told me forever,
but forever was never.
lied to my face and left me alone,
kept growing but was on my own.
met new people made new friends,
A broken heart started to mend,
looking back at those messages and that time
got emotional and started to rhyme.
i wish they were here,
but they don't even care.
Have to move on,
and build new bonds.
447 · Feb 2015
each day is different.
P for Poems Feb 2015
Some day's are sad,
some are bad,
some days are happy,
some are ******.
But a smile on the face,
can make you feel like an ace.
So just try,
instead of wondering why.
each day is different so give it your best,
think of it as you being trialed for a test.
445 · Feb 2015
Musical Heart
P for Poems Feb 2015
Music fills my ears, my body and my soul,
It keeps me full, happy and whole.
take's my mind away,
doesn't let it be swayed,
gotta keep it like this,
willing to take the risk.
Once it stops so does my heart,
if it stop's when will it start?
420 · Feb 2015
P for Poems Feb 2015
All these people who wanna die,
always questioning themselves and wondering why.
Don't be affected,
don't be infected.
ignore those that fill your head,
just smile your brightest instead.
Once you die you die,
once you die it's bye- bye
No chances once your gone,
it's no game where you re-spawn.
so lift your head,
and take the chances ahead.
it may be bad for a while,
but it's worth while.
better then being dead,
so live instead.
407 · Oct 2014
Too Late.
P for Poems Oct 2014
I was once lonely and filled with hate,
when Help came it was finally too late.
i ignored everyone and everything alive,
was deemed arrogant and felt deprived.
with time my feelings grew,
as well as my hate and loneliness too.
time really has gone quite fast,
can anyone really save me from my past?...
400 · Jul 2015
P for Poems Jul 2015
Blood is not needed to prove a bond,
for it can happen anyhow and anyway such is a bond,
bonds can last forever,
397 · Feb 2015
You Can Do It!
P for Poems Feb 2015
Don't let your dream die,
set your dreams and your goals high.
if you failed in the end,
there's always time to amend.
Never give in,
because life's best is within.
forget all the people that come and go,
forget all of them that always said no.
your time to prove em wrong,
your time to be strong.
So pass the test's with a smile,
itl be worth while.
370 · Oct 2014
P for Poems Oct 2014
Under a broken tree,
awaits a thin looking me.
staring off in the sky,
staring pretty high.
i await under its leaves,
being protected by this tree..
Thunder striked quite hard,
for a moment i let down my guard.
fear entered my head,
and quickly started to spread.
then i remembered that time,
where the sun always shined.
back In the days,
before everyone went their own ways...
Random Poem I worked On...
355 · Feb 2015
Your all I see.
P for Poems Feb 2015
my heart skipped a beat,
i was sitting in my seat.
staring across at you,
Was really loving this view.
you make me blush,
make me go through this rush.
my face goes all red,
i pretend im looking ahead.
but actually your all i see,
your the one in my dreams.

— The End —