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 May 2018 Inkveined
Justin G
In the light
Shadows are prisoners
And prisoners we are to our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am no prisoner
I am but a listener
I guide the light
and shape
the stars
I am detailed
craftily inked
I am what links
us all

In the darkness
Our shadows are free
And we are free from our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am beyond free
I am everywhere
and omniscient
I shade what most
aren't aware of
I am the protector
The keeper
of all secrets
I am defined
by none

But if shadows could speak
will anyone still feel lonesome?
 May 2018 Inkveined
 May 2018 Inkveined
Can you erase what you did to me?
Emotional abuse?
All the pain and the rage?
And could you pencil in
some trace of love?
 May 2018 Inkveined
Running after clouds as they rush by
But I don't turn back
They are now waterfalls
When I try to look beyond the horizon
I am meeting with an endless ocean of thoughts
Scared of delving deep
Don’t want to lose my sight
People wave and call me
I don’t have any time to halting
Shoes are gone my feet are bare
Feel the broken asphalt biting
But now it's more like a comfort

When I

I can hear my heart
Beating so loud
Pulse in my throat is jumping

When I started running
Blisters were forming on toes
Hands scrapped cause I kept on falling
Wasn’t use to doing things on my own
Behind everyone’s bikes
But now I am ahead of them

When I breath
A deep breath







Look onward
Don’t stop running
When you are amazed
Keep running alongside these clouds
And maybe you’ll catch one in your hands
Don’t stop and take a breath cause only one road
It's getting destroyed so stay on the path don’t fall down

Every day there was puddles and thunder
And you fell down a hole once in a while
Broke your arm
Scrapped your legs
Missing shoes
Bleeding knees
Scratched face
Fragile wrists
Dry mouth
Shaking limbs
Vibrant eyes

What else is there for me?
Do I run and try to be free?
Why was I running in the first place?
I don’t remember I think?
Or was that the whole plan?

But clouds keep on calling me
So I listen and ignore my soul
The world is turning
And I feel the motion underneath my feet as I move

Until I suddenly stop
There's no more path
I am panting though
At the edge of a cliff
Feet half on
The Ledge

Do I jump, knowing there's no way back to myself?

© Sofia Villagrana 2018
Inspired by Breakaway by Cicada
 May 2018 Inkveined
Frank DeRose
This is not a poem, but...

At least 10 people were killed as a result of a school shooting in Texas this morning. It's a tragedy, but one of the sort that seems to diminish in scope with each passing month. Ten people lost their lives in a fury of unimaginable pain and anguish, yet we seem to grow more immune by the hour. it's a mournful event over which we should weep, but it seems our hearts grow frosty and we hardly bat an eye. Because here's the thing--it's hardly news anymore. We are hardly surprised, hardly hurt, hardly affected. And this is perhaps the greatest tragedy of all.

4 victims were killed in a Tennessee Waffle House--surely now that I mention it, you recall the headlines. That was less than a month ago. The Parkland, Florida school shooting that left 17 dead was less than 2.5 months ago. The Sutherland Springs church shooting that left 26 dead was 6.5 months ago. The Las Vegas Massacre, which saw 58 people killed and over 800 injured, happened not even 8 months ago. The Pulse nightclub shooting that left 49 dead is not even 2 years old. The Charleston Church shooting, killing 9 and perpetrated by white supremacist Dylann Roof, isn't even 3 years old. The Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting that killed 12 was almost 6 years ago, and the Sandy Hook shooting, leaving 27 dead--20 of whom were elementary schoolers--happened only months later.  The Virginia Tech shooting that killed 32 was 11 years ago. Columbine, where 15 people died, will be 19 years old this coming Sunday.

We remember all the headlines, but little of the aftermath. There's too much pain and trauma involved to fully recall the mournful scenes that follow each shooting. And so we are forced to attempt to move on with our lives, thereby washing our hands of the stain of these ****** massacres. We call for reforms, then forget when our politicians move on.

Indeed, our greatest and most fearsome coping mechanism, put simply, has been to forget. We forget the anguish, the empty, hollow, now-caustic thoughts and prayers, the toothless promises of reform. We forget, and move on. On to the street, on to the next, safe in the knowledge that we tried.


It seems to me that the greatest and most lamentable tragedy of this entire conversation may not be the crime itself, but rather our reaction to it.

And so it was, then, that when I read this morning's headline about the Texas shooting, I was hardly surprised. My greatest shock was that I was not shocked. And that I was not shocked, and that you weren't either, I'll wager, might be a crime greater than all the others.

After all, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, no?

Until next time, then...
 May 2018 Inkveined
From where I stand,
on this concrete piece of land,
rain spills down,
like tears of man,
which flows in river of black liquor and whatever man decides to have.

But humans aren't the only ones who cry,
as this statue is also just sad,
watching death after centuries of its rise,
and wants to cower but is more stone than man alive.
 May 2018 Inkveined
Through the clouds of grey
a sky awaits.
And even though it can't penetrate the floor
the grey makes,
it will find a way for the sun to shine
Tomorrow or the next day
 May 2018 Inkveined
دema flutter
Don't be afraid of changing,
sometimes the best breaks are taken in the middle of the road,
they can spontaneous and unplanned, but quite needed.
 May 2018 Inkveined
دema flutter
I know Earth still orbits around the Sun,
because I know that your heart continues to beat on Earth
as the thought of you constantly rotates inside my head...
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