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I listen to the mid-day news
wondering vaguely why
it sounds so familiar
     more or less
like what I heard this morning

    we know that repetition
    is a major didactic principle

yet lately it seems to have become
the dominant discourse
not only in the news
but also in discussions, panels,
pop songs  advertisments,  etc.

as if

repeating things
over and over again
made them ‚more‘ true
 Jun 2018 Nicole Dawn
Mike Hauser
The Sun it peeks out from the dark
Flicks its Bic, lights a spark
Thinks of itself as a star
As it makes its way
To a brighter day
With so much to say

Winks at the Moon to its left
Halfway hidden in a cleft
Bids good night tells it to rest
Until dark rolls back around
Where it can again shoot up the town
As the sun is going down
 Jun 2018 Nicole Dawn
You should never hate yourself.
You should never sit in a crowded room and feel lonely.
You should never feel abandoned in a group of friends.
You should never change yourself because of other people's opinions.
You should never think you are not enough.
Please don't hate yourself.
Please don't feel lonely.
Please don't feel like an outcast.
Please be yourself.
Please, you are enough.
If you ever think no one loves you,
just know that the King of kings, the Lord of lords, loves you so much.
But I know sometimes you will feel this way.
I understand, but maybe I don't.
Just, please.
Don't hurt yourself.
In any way.
Well, you should never ever feel these way.
love yourself and stay true!

wow wow wow, i did not expect this to happen, but anyways, i really hope all of you are blessed and that this poem helped you!! God bless yall! truly humbled...
On the darkest days,
you find the craziest reasons to stay alive.

 Jan 2018 Nicole Dawn
Matthew S
I'm alright
Not 100% better
But i feel somewhat better
Like im on a sugar high of emotions
Compared to my moody past

I have the energy to clean my room
My room was filled with trash
And my demons
It was so messy, so i cleaned it
There are still a few demons lurking but its alright

I have the energy to stay awake
I used to want to crawl back to bed
Well, i still do
But less than i used to
I actually want to get up and do things

I have the want to do things
I didn't before
Except the occasional poem or drawing
I didn't want to work, but i had to
I didn't want to smile, but i forced myself too

I have the want to smile
I'm smiling as i write this
I want to dance, i want to sing
I want to be alive
For the first time in a long time

I'm finally okay enough to say
"I'm okay"
and actually mean it
i woke up with a smile on my face, i ate a good breakfast, and had a great lunch, and im doing good with my school work
i feel great!
 Jan 2018 Nicole Dawn
You think you’ve met someone different
But you’ve not

You think you’ve met someone genuine
But you’ve not

Smooth words, care in his tone
Texts you back, picks up the phone

He’s deep and sincere
Loves his family, has no fear

You think you’ve met someone different
But you’ve not

He calls you every night
You hear his voice for hours
He tells you he wants you as his wife
Assures you this world is “ours”

You think you’ve met someone different
But you’ve not

Days, weeks, months pass by
Slight changes take place
You start thinking it’s a lie
Calls are less frequent
Affectionate words no longer spoken
He’s met you, he’s felt you
Does he know that you’re broken?

What did you do to deserve such a phony
You thought he was different
You thought you met someone genuine
But you didn’t
You thought wrong
And now another piece of you is missing
people are still as fake as ever
 Jan 2018 Nicole Dawn
Kat Francis
I don't like this feeling
this numbness in my head
I looked out that window
and watched with velocity
as the raindrops raced
to the back of the car.

I don't like this feeling
asleep when I'm awake.
When she speaks
my mind can no longer
undress the image of you
so I'm left mindless and empty.

I don't like this feeling
can't even lay in the bath
without writing a poem
so that I have someone
to talk to.

I don't like not being able
to finish this **** thing.
Because when I look up
I'm alone.

I hate that everything
I want to write
Is a
Written sometime between 2015-2016
My eyes only focus
on my regrets of the past.

My fingers only touch
my scars that never heal.

My ears only hear
my own vitriol.

My words only mention
me, myself, and I.

Self-absorbed in pain.
Reposted due to glitches upload
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