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Jun 2016 · 727
Morgan Leigh Jun 2016
Wanting to live
Wanting to die
No amount of medication can help me decide
The fire in my soul is slowly fading
Embers rising from ashes remaining
I'm no longer here
I'm no longer there
Oh how I wish I was just somewhere
Alone in the dark, dismal world
Let these thoughts finally consume me
Sep 2015 · 733
Morgan Leigh Sep 2015
If I erase all your troubles,
Throw them out to see,
I'd make the sunshine appear
Just on you and me.
I'll climb a mountain,
Build you a thrown,
I'd steal the moon,
And let you call it your own.
I'll hold your sadness,
Wipe away your tears,
I'll never let you go,
I'll protect you for years.
Please know I love you,
You are so dear to me,
Without you in my life,
I'd have no clue where I'd be.
You've opened up many doors,
Shut out all the demons,
You've made me love life,
For now through all the seasons.
Aug 2015 · 451
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
She is in the clouds,
High above the sinking ground.
For once, she is free.
Aug 2015 · 611
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
I was your chapter,
While you were my book.
Your love took me by surprise,
Like a fish catching bait on a hook.
I was your game,
While you quickly turned into my life.
I was a carefree gypsy,
Loving you with all my might.
The love you had for me was artificial.
I was just the void to fill your time.
It was never your intention to keep me,
You didn't need a partner in crime.
I was the joke,
While you were my heart.
I loved you so deeply,
Maybe that was my mistake from the start.
Aug 2015 · 1.3k
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
Put on your smile
Hide your eyes
For the day is coming
Don't forget your lies

Walk around lifeless
Forget the stares
You must keep quite
We wouldn't want glares

Rehearse your lines
Speak as if your fine
Don't act like your looking
You don't need a life line

They don't need to know
They will not care
Darkness may consume you
But life is never fair

The blade is your friend
The blood your life
I promise I'll never leave
Love your switchblade knife
Aug 2015 · 637
You (haiku)
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
A simple hello
A longing, heartfelt goodbye
Between was my bliss
Aug 2015 · 403
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
Let the waters settle
Amidst your beautiful mind
There I find my home
Aug 2015 · 801
True friend
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
Im crying out so much for you,
But you never seems to care that I'm so blue.
I need you now more than ever,
Before I finally pull this lever.

Can you not see that I'm cursed with pain?
Or that at night I'm going insane?
Depression is looming against my chest.
I need to put this demon to rest.

I'm so lost and scared
That I can't even tell if you ever cared.
I desperately want to reach out
But my mind is clogged with so much doubt.

You say you love me and that you care
But you're never there.
I want to escape, I want to run
I'm tired of living without any fun.

My mind is clogged with so much hate
I'm never going to be out of this fate.
I understand why your never around.
I'm a black hole trying to make you drown.

I'm just a lost soul in this world
I'll alway be a rock and never a pearl.
I'm sorry that I cause you stress.
Maybe it's time I took a rest.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Shooting Star
Morgan Leigh Aug 2015
A shooting star just went whooshing by.
It was so amazingly beautiful across the darkness of the sky.
Floods of images of your handsome face came swarming around me taking me far away from this place.
It pains my soul to know that you are so far away and it kills me to know that's where you will always stay. You vanished from my life as quickly as you came, destroying the hopes that I will ever be the same.
You put all my insecurities to sleep but held on to your own and buried them deep.
Through the darkness we went hand in hand destroying the demons like leaves brushing across this land.
I wish I could hold your hand one last time, letting you know that everything would be fine.
You soon let the darkness overcome your charm causing you to do nothing but harm.
You made your choice when you took that rope, by putting it around your neck I knew you had lost hope. The room is filled with my lingering words, my last 'I love you' will never be heard.

— The End —