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Megan H Oct 2016
It was her smile
That could light up a room
But a single frown
That could shatter everyone near her
She wore the crown
Encrusted in jewels
And even then
We all shattered more than we shined.
A lonely life on the throne
Catches up
To even the greatest of rulers

It was her illness
But it was everyone else
Who suffered
Megan H Sep 2016
Sadness was only a muse
And now it has gone away

Anger came in second
And it no longer has use

I'm left without muses
In my new happy, little world

Nothing to write about
No hurt, no pain

I thought I'd be happy
To see happiness again

And that is the conundrum,
My friends.

A poet thrives on it,
The sadness, the anger.

They love writing about the hurt and the pain
What do they do when it has left?
Megan H Jul 2016
And when I said,
"Beware of those who pretend",
It was a warning,
Because you should never-
Trust someone who tells you that,
Because they know
How to pretend
All too well.
Megan H Jul 2016
This one's for you.
My free spirit up in the sky,
I know you are watching me.
My toes in the sand
My eyes on the crashing waves
Beer in my hand
As the jazz blares in the background.

So this one's for you
Because I know that if you could be,
You'd be here too.
Megan H Jul 2016
The light finally glistening
Into her eyes
As she sees the world
For the first time

Many years away
From reality
But today
She is happy.
I am in Spain right now, as it is my first trip out of the country. I love life. I found it. After all these years, I found my true smile.
Megan H Jun 2016
I lost a part of myself
A long time ago.
But one day,
I woke up
During the middle of spring
And I saw the sun for the first time in a while.
I stopped comparing my tears to the rain.
Instead of the voices inside my head,
All I could hear were the sounds of nature.
I laughed until it no longer sounded foreign.
I did all of these things
Because something inside clicked.
I was happy.

I lost a part of myself
A long time ago.
I think I found it.
To those of you struggling with depression: It does get better. It may take days, months, or even years, but give it time. You will find that missing piece one day.
Megan H May 2016
The words slipped out of my mouth
Before I had time to think.
I'm sorry for what I said,
I know you're on the brink
Please forgive me.
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