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 Nov 2017 fm
 Nov 2017 fm
He reminds me of a wolf,
His feet are swift on ancient earth,
Arms carved from boulders that won't move,
Skin soft to the touch,
Eyes that burn with intelligence,
Lips that are soft, far from aggressive,
and a smile that is lathered with honest affection.
For my wolf.
 Nov 2017 fm
The Writer
the days are long and full with skies of gray
yet the smile you wear keeps the clouds at bay
though this may come as a common cliche
you are beautiful in every single way

hold my hands in yours, tell me what you feel
let me understand the you that you want to hide
give me a piece of yourself, something real
tell me what you love, all your joys and pride

days spent making you happy are never a waste
time with you is a gift I hold close to my heart
with every touch, my stomach seems to have misplaced
all the butterflies, as they fly high and depart

you draw me in 'til I know nothing but your grin
your lips, your voice, your name, and everything you are within
To the crush who will never know how much I ttuly like her
 Oct 2017 fm
Drew Vincent
D + D
 Oct 2017 fm
Drew Vincent
 Oct 2017 fm
girl diffused
I will tell my daughters

always come home to yourself

your worth is not only in your body

it is in your spirit, the stardust

flecked across your skin

I will tell my sons

never become a wolf

never devour flesh

and forget a woman’s name

say her name like a prayer

cry oceans and taste saltwater on your lips

for when you break and fall

you can rebuild and stand

for that is how you both will learn to love
It just starts when they're young and they begin to imprint. Start early.
Start the right way.
 Aug 2017 fm
these words are a paraphrasing of the famous words from
Martin Niemöller,
an anti-******, German Christian pastor:

"First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I wasn’t a trade unionist, so I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for the Jews.
I wasn’t a Jew so I didn’t speak out.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one to speak for me.”



A Love Poem?

Oh yes, surely, is not written, love thy neighbor as you love thyself

17[a] You must not hate your brother in your heart.
/ [17b] You must surely reprove your fellow citizen
/ [17c] so that you do not incur sin on account of him.
18[a] You must not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people,
/ [18b] but you must love your neighbor as yourself.
/ [18c] I am the LORD.

— Leviticus 19:17-18
 Jul 2017 fm
Megan H
She said,
I want to die
Just let me die.

And I felt her words
Throughout the entirety of my soul
Because I knew
I knew.

We sat there stroking her back
He and I.
As she kept saying
I want to die
I looked up at him
And I saw it in his eyes
And he saw it in mine
Because he knew.
He knew.

Three broken people
Sitting at a party together.
Her sober thoughts coming out
As drunk words.
I heard it in her voice,
He saw it in my eyes,
I saw it in his eyes,
And for one second,
None of us were alone
Together we shared the pain.
Because we knew.
We knew.
 Jul 2017 fm
Ramin Ara
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