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 Dec 2016 Maria Faye
Chelsea Rae
Some days there is an ache
That ripples through my soul like an echo in an empty cave.
Where it started, I'll never know
But it seems endless on my empty days.
If I could hold you
And never let go
I would do that

To feel the warmth
Of your body on mine
Is soothing and serene
Like tea on a cold morning
Or whiskey on a winter night

The feeling of your breath
On the bare skin of my shoulders
Shifts my heartbeat into high gear
And fills my mind with electricity
Making me realize that life is good
After years of thinking it was hell
The unspoken word
is sometimes the
best word spoken,
Each word a Job depends on how you work em,
or work it in,
Combined with gestures obscene,
Otherwise pleasure, angry, happy, mean,
or annoyed,
You yourself can chose
to leave these words unemployed,
A career of no meanings
what you see and what you hear,
Use your minds eye
let them fall on deaf ears,
Puzzled by the truth
of this this alphabet soup,
Coordinated and framed arranged to change moods,
when you get to the root,
It's dirt  soil to contemplate,
Wrong seed planted harvest to vegetate,
Vibrations of the voice box can turn one Irate,
Bliss does it matter?
A matter of  ones taste,
you don't say,
Why, Who made up speech
and language anyway?
My mind is cut, divided
Into pieces, it hurts so much.
Daily pills are borderline
Keeping me here, above the ground.

"Worthless, no one wants you here."
"You've ******* up again, you're worthless."
"You have failed again, worthless."
My mind screams insecurities.

It's like they gave me a name.
It makes it hard to be better,
Makes it hard to keep going.
An overdose away from freedom.
 Sep 2016 Maria Faye
I've always loved the idea
that home is not made
of bricks and cement,
of all things mathematical,
but rather, of skin and bones
and all things sentimental;
So why are so many of us homeless?
Why aren't our faces lighting up?
Why are we curling up
on single beds,
Pondering how we're
not enough?
 Sep 2016 Maria Faye
I am that kind of girl who will just smile
but in deep inside I'm tearing apart.

I am that kind of girl who you will act that I'm happy for the both of you but deep inside it hurts like hell.

I am that kind of girl that will back-off
when I see you already flirting with someone. Even if it's tearing my heart.

I am that kind of girl who will give up my own happiness for you to be happy.

I am that kind of girl who loves to read books
because I can't have you in real life.

I am that kind of girl who jokes a lot
but some of them are the truth.

Yes, I am that kind of girl who  will continue and
forever to love you even though you already love someone else.

All of this are true. I am this kind of girl.
 Sep 2016 Maria Faye
Anna Li
 Sep 2016 Maria Faye
Anna Li
"Time will heal you",
is what they always say
Whenever you're hurt
and in so much pain

As time passes,
as the memories turn grey
The pain subsides
but never goes away

As time continues,
battle scars add up
You feel like quitting
but you never give up

Time will stop,
things will be better
No more agony,
only joy and laughter
Anna Li © Sept 2016
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