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Maria Etre Jan 15
I gave my
a voice
gave me
cœur: means heart in French
Maria Etre Jan 13
Maybe my heart
was born too small
for the love
it carries...

That's why it
shares it
just to
give itself
Maria Etre Jan 9
"I oddly miss you",
slipped off her
like a waterslide  

That's when the heart
"*** did I just feel?"
  Jan 7 Maria Etre
They tell you, write it with emotion.
Write it like it’s a history you’ve seen -
Describe it in burning colors,
Making a tragedy of things unseen.

But then they criticize you, tell you
It’s too graphic - that there’s no way
That was your personal war.
They’d rather look away,
Than acknowledge that it was your everyday.
A.I. Poet pounding at keys,
a lifetime of memories in
Chat GPT.

Punch up a sunset hues of
crimson and gold,

Throw in some birds,
Hit generate,
watch it unfold.

Selecting a font,
I couldn't
hazard a guess,

I'll just select an emotion
let A.I. do the rest.

Funny, this Insta-poetry is starting
to all sound the same,

Can't get any views,
I'm going insane.

Gotta find some new prompts
to up my game.

This Stupid AI ****,
is getting pretty lame!
Hey Roger this ones for You let me know what you think.

Just posted a video for this on my you tube channel
hope you all will check it out.
Maria Etre Jan 7
He played
with her hair
and poetry
Maria Etre Jan 2
I came
to the conclusion
one line at a time
tripping off
commas that
I thought
left me breathless
but turned out
they were
the life
out of
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