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the lamp is lit
but no light
flows / the
candle sits
and doesn't glow
the lightbulb gleams
but all is dark / the fire
spits a lifeless spark
the ember gives
no life no
warmth / there
        is no comfort ))))))
              on the hearth         ))))
        there is no life ))))))
when love grows
cold / the only prospect's getting old
Wandering through our cage
We once came here with a purpose
But our spirit has escaped the bars
And we are left chained to the surface

Living to work, working for wealth,
And gaining wealth for what?
To survive? For sport?
Certainly not for joy or value.

Without true purpose
Null of spirit

I have forgotten I have a soul
And you have forgotten you can resurface
 Apr 2015 epictails
A girl who calls you Alligator
but does not *see you later
from a once deleted twitter account I had
 Apr 2015 epictails
A Watoot
Facing and dealing
with reality
head on
make you stronger.
I've had enough ******* getting through life.  But it's what makes me stronger. BRING IT ON!
My life was black and white
A colorless canvas that stood barren
Color was never essential
It was never a necessity of mine.

Yet somehow in my own dull perception
A dot had formed right in the center
A bright dot to say the least...

A peculiar thing I had never seen before
It grew slowly, little by little
A storm of color emerged with each inch
Brown, Yellow, Blue, Purple...
So many different colors

My canvas was no longer colorless
In fact it was the complete opposite.
It was not plain and it was not normal
It was now a work of art.

People gawked at its odd style
Praised it for its unusual strokes
A bizarre spectacle to most
And a quite unexpected transformation for me...

"Who painted this strange piece?"
Before I knew it people were staring at me.
Puzzling eyes that clapped in my direction

"Congratulations on your success"
Words that made me realize I was the painter
I was the one holding the brush
The "******" who painted my own path
The one who put color into my life

"Sign the painting" They all cheered
But now that I know I'm the painter
My work of art is not finished yet
I have unfinished business in my life

I cannot quit now.
Knowing that I still haven't found the right colors
The right mix of red, green or blue to solve my problems
I cannot call this a masterpiece...

My life is still a canvas
But it's not colorless anymore...
 Apr 2015 epictails
It's beginning...
As my day matured into the tangerine sun.
Familiar feelings effortlessly conjured as the same old tales were spun.

Some came in hues of marmalade
Traces of citrus that left in haste.
Initial sweetness on the palate that would fade
Only making way for a bitter aftertaste.

A few were wrapped in tints of ginger.
A jolt-like sensation that spoke...
Intense and unmistakable in nature.
Like glowing embers engulfed in latent flames and smoke.

Several bore the colours and scent of marigold
Boasting of orange petals whimsically waving to the clouds...
Whispering hints of rumours from days of old,
Days of when mine was the only silent face in a boisterous crowd.

The ones forged in bronze were few and hardly said.
Like the only compelling excerpt embedded within infinite chapters.
Hidden words in plain sight strung together boldly in
Rubies cast carelessly in the swiftest of rivers...

It is beginning...**
The end of today as the sun grew redder...
I'd bide the sands of time as it slips away into forever...
A burning shadow follows you,
made of sorrows and regrets
at first unreal, now so true…
placed like billion spider nets,

it keeps you stuck ,so you can’t move,
meanwhile it burns you to the ground
it just wants you to approve
to admit it’s real, and yell it out

it consumes your soul
and drains your essence
leaving only blackish coal
making null your very presence

It has been cast from far away
and her mother’s name is Vengeance
this curse will eat you day by day
this my dear, is your death sentence.
I was cursed with wisdom
from the moment I was born
in this shiny and deadly prison
which they all call it ‘’the world’’

since the day I’ve learnt to know
I aimed to buy back my freedom
the price was high, and tended to grow
it’s a greedy and corrupt kingdom

They all asked me for money
and I offered them my gold
they said it has no value…
I said ‘’it has more than you can hold!’’

I just wanted to leave this madness
before time ends, and I’m too old
and stop to breathe this blackness
this sadness, rust and cold.

Now, I’m old and careless…
and I’ve failed my very goal,
but you my son, do not be reckless,
chose faster, live mindful and take control.
Gold = wisdom
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