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Feb 2017 · 444
Dreadzone gig
Lisa Pike Feb 2017
Jumping. Sweating. Feeling.
As I place my hand on my chest it reverberates. Drum and base in me.
Dreadzone in da house.
Energy pumping through our veins endorphins are at full power.
All of us connected with tendrils from each member of this band.
Like umbilicals, connect us.
Jumping..sweating and still feeling.
The colours and images that flicker through my brain. Synapses firing like fireworks.
Smiling..Happy, so happy.  
Thank you guys.
Music festivals live.
Dec 2016 · 517
Times Change.
Lisa Pike Dec 2016
Once there was only dark.. no way out
Tunnel closed
Not hope but despair

These days it's kinda cool
Bright and dancing.
All fixed up and rounded
Mind alive, sparkling.
Oct 2016 · 862
The Big C
Lisa Pike Oct 2016
Only the good die young , they say.
I say, whatever!
It worms its way in and multiplies
From one cell it grows, more and more.
This one time hero now weak, wasting
Voice gone. I should have seen you.
Wanted to hear you.
Needed , I love you, and am proud just once more.
Couldn't but should have.

Encompassing all the spaces.
Pain,extreme, destroys the mind.
Sometimes death is quick or drawn out
******* out your life
Bit by bit, crumbling, decaying

Pharma with the cure. Nature has the cure  money wins
Think positive, be in every moment.

Say 'I love you'  Say ' I love you.
Look forward. Accept what is.
Family, friends love..
Oct 2016 · 934
Lisa Pike Oct 2016
She sits unassuming
Not contemplating her world
She has beauty
She has prowess and potency to boot
She carries the world on her fragile shoulders
Without malice
If only she believed,,,,,
The world would sit gracefully in the palm of her hand.
Oct 2016 · 541
Mother mother
Lisa Pike Oct 2016
Sitting here feels like I am home. Cold and hard beneath me,tossed for eons . Colours a plenty and of different sizes, meters deep are the pebbles.
        The aroma of salt,and the tang of it on my lips and fingers. As nature intended our behemoth briny seas to be much greatness and potency. Always respect the insurmountable greatness she has.. Never underestimate..

      Moonlight now dripping , reflections changing. Fusion of sounds from my iPod...influence from the music and nostalgia,I deliberate the power of free thought. So much to 'get' realise and ponder.
Thank you for your warmth, your  gentle breezes and immense winds. So many seas, streams with life a plenty swimming and splashing.
  Tall ones,short ones, trees are just the best.. As we breath out they they inhale our toxin.. As they breath out, we breath in their exhale..
Some of us humans feel sad that greed and ingnorance are slowly choking and ******* you up..
Sep 2016 · 336
Not laughing
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Defeated, elated, incredible feeling
Up and down emotionally
Bawling streaming tears
No effort

Empty vessel.
Flask , no tea
Cold outside inside hot
Defiant, rebellious
******* all

Anger rising, high way up
Sadness so low
Nothing in the middle
Laughing not
Moody miserable empty mental health
Sep 2016 · 570
Thumping Repetitive
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Evoke me
Provoke me
But don't ever poke me

Thumping, repetitive

Ticker tape parade
No quiet but no silence

Acid house rock
Acid house tabs
Thumping repetitive

I see things, I hear things
Real or not real

I plead you, I need you to bring me back from the brink
Have to drink from the fountain of reality
Sep 2016 · 838
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Fred Fred
Pooped the bed
Told his mother he'd lain an egg
When his mother went to look
She put her finger in the ****!
Told m my brother and I as children!
Sep 2016 · 811
Be you
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
In this world we come in naked
Social stigma tells you how to be
Just be in your skin
Others can look away if feeling of offence commence
Be beautiful, male or female
Be human. Feel human
Skin to skin
Sep 2016 · 502
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Need it. Must must
Incredible ******
Experiment and manic
Sleep disturbed, laying on my front
Exhausted now but satisfied for a while
Then do it, do it, do it
Mania awake
Need. Want. Desire
Now nothing
All or nothing
Just nothing........
Sep 2016 · 637
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Twisted contortions of reality
Mainly made of me
Freaky geeky. Unreal
Madness prevails inside
Outside puffy eyes

Days later feeling pretty
Singing ditties and dancing until blackness comes again
Waking to a 50/50 chance of reality and skeletons
Sep 2016 · 314
Sleep 2
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Inside I am somnambulist, busy never still
Shut it, stop it.
Sleep deep. Keep me safe.
A place to be.. Just be.
Round at times, no sharp edges.
Softness, spotless
Inside I am somnambulist.
Sleeping not, unravelled ball.
Messy in there. Don't look.
Take me. Comatose. Out of kilter
Sep 2016 · 331
My daughter
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
You and I have been entwined by ethereal bonds.
No greater love than a mother and child.
My bump grew,  so did the anticipation of meeting you.

I ticked bump, and you moved..
We even went swimming in the bath, you loved it.

Yellow and a voice tiny and new. Like a mouse you were quiet,
oh how that's changed!

You have always made yourself heard, and I like it

We have shared so much through the bad times but we got through it.

I will always be your mumma
I will always be there
I will always be with you
Sep 2016 · 790
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
His lips purse
Looks more like a grimace to me!
Eyes flitting from side to side
Watching with great haste.

The killing goes on, his knuckles white with the pressure of heavy artillery
If he presses this button will it make them die faster!
Sep 2016 · 298
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Two sides of me
Anger wells, brimming and teetering.
Who the **** am I?
Tell me what, push me here, kick me down when I'm already there

Don't mess with my already messed head
I'm sick of you
Medication for the sick, just a cover up..
Not a cure
Is being over excited or eccentric a crime?
Mental health, I challenge you to a duel
Sep 2016 · 403
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
You are dead..
Never to be my hero again

I saw your body, but you were missing
Your eyes were open, I closed them
Surreal thinking that you had passed

I did not cry. I could not cry
I kissed your not so warm cheek
and said goodbye

Love you always
Sep 2016 · 375
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Kissing you is like sharing ripened fruit
Dancing thoughts tickle
Probing tongues meeting
Loving arms enveloping
Enclose each other
Sep 2016 · 456
Shoulda coulda woulda
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Shoulda, coulda, woulda
Don't stress
Remember who you were and are now
Past is past, be with now time

Epiphanies, realisations
It's cool, relax , chill
You're surroundings just 'are'

Be you, like you

Appreciate all even unpleasant
All have issues , no matter colour or creed
Come together.. Just be.....
Fascinating you are
Fat thin short tall all beautiful

Is your heart black?
A pocket of serenity can become
Sing, dance, look in the mirror
A reflection or mirage

See you. Show you.
See every bump lump and wobbly bit
Imperfections all tell stories
Making a human

It's now, shhhhh just now
Sep 2016 · 330
Ist and phobic
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
What gives you the right?
Why an ist or phobic?
Look at your self, what do you see?

Just stay away from me and don't even look at me
Black in my mind as I look at you.

Poison. Spikey. Vile

Stay away,  far away.
Sep 2016 · 388
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Do you feel the sickness in the air?
It's disease and *****
Contagious raging puke
Vileness out there everywhere
Don't give me your ****
Can I gage your hate?
No, scale gone wild
Your speech is inedible
Vile and incredible
Instruments of cruelty
Don't curse others
You have no right to breath my air
Sep 2016 · 354
First flight
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Flying sky high
Marshmallows floating
Serine amazing
I think I need an ambulance!!
Never felt like this before
Excited. Scared. Bored.

This curve. Smooth
White soup. Horizon glowing
This flight is to slow

I need to ****! Should I?
Will I?
Sep 2016 · 340
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Hey you, yes you
My love, MY LOVE
Togetherness and intimacy
Thank you for listening
Want you need you

Direction is certain

We are one half each

Heart almost mended without cracks
My mind, clarity

Eyes open now to your kindness and love
Your soul linked with mine
A soul mate finally

No more strangled use of me, no more cruelty
Happy now
Thank you
Love you
Sep 2016 · 757
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Free. Not free
Our speech taken
Lies upon lies
Deviants, narcissists , mentally unstable

Make a decision or don't
Be fair
Don't rob the poor
This working class hero, tattered forlorn

With ya big flashy car
And ya stupid big house

Greedy, unflumoxed with no sense of guilt

Robber.  Thief.  Politician !
Sep 2016 · 408
Not so much
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Achievements oh so many
Big me self up
Not too much , not so much
Belief in mine

Not too much, not so much

Happy ?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no
Not monged. Not ******
Artist streak missing
Fluid free thinking

Improvise spectacular colour
Explosion emotion
Inclusive elusive obtrusive
Why do I try?

Big me self up. No way
Sep 2016 · 276
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
What a difference a day makes.
It's a **** take
Up and down fast slow
Confusion and conflict
I fight not till the death

There's a hole,deep and dark
Monsters a plenty
My head is never empty

Spinning top whirring.
Where am I?
Sep 2016 · 387
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Round, round, round, round

Stop, start, round round round.

Stop the spinning. Let me rest.

Is this a test? A test to see if I

have to do it again and again?

No more mistakes. No more anger.

Goodbye frustration.


Never happen.



Gimmi some SHHHHHH !

Get me off the **** up train.

Brain rest

I will cup you in my hands,

protectively..Gentle, " I'm

fragile" it says.

My synapsis are tangled.

Stop start round round

Sep 2016 · 372
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Hello Mr Enemy.
How are you?
Me.. Oh I'm fine thank you .
Hope you are well (lie)

You loved me? (Lie)
I don't know why
I am human.
You are less than animal

You Mr Enemy are not off the hook, you ******* crook..
Sep 2016 · 599
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
12345- didn't think I would stay alive.
How did I survive?
Feeling alone, if I dissapeard would he notice?

No one knew.. Shhhhhh . Secret

Big mishapen.. Yellow, brown, green and blue.
They fade.

Broken, but carry on. Why? Just for another slap or a nice little punch.
Don't want to be alive.. What have I done for such punishment?

Please humiliate me some more.. Or why not punch me in the face?  
You won't though. Not now

Your not brave strong or manly.
You weak pathetic *******.
Sep 2016 · 485
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Drums beating. Bass humming.
I feel you, thank you.

Headphones on. Walk on.
Step out and get ya freak on and shake that ***

Yellow, indigo,let's go go.
Don't wake me up before you go go.

Rise up and just let go.

Wiggle, giggle dance like no one is watching.

Express yourself, dance like a *** machine.

Have you heard that meat is ******?
Well I never! Hang the DJ!

The scientist is yellow , can you fix him?

Eric, where's the *******? How's Layla? Did you shoot the deputy?  
She looks wonderful tonight
How many song lines can you get?
Sep 2016 · 398
Lisa Pike Sep 2016
Round round round round
Stop start, round and round
Stop the spinning. Let me rest.
Is this a test?
A test to see if I have to do all of this again?

No more mistakes..No more anger.
Goodbye frustration..
Seriously? Never happen

Round round. JUST STOP
I wanna get off.
I need shhhhhhhhh. Get off the the **** up train .
Brain rest.

Cup me protectively .. Hold me gently.
Fragile synapsis..Broken and no connection.
Not firing on all cylinders.

Stop start
Round round
Aug 2016 · 298
Lisa Pike Aug 2016
Sleep. Where did you go?
A weekend away?
****** cheek
Full of emotion and snot.
Crying for my morning ***.
Every ****** day it creeps up on me.
Aug 2016 · 330
Lisa Pike Aug 2016
Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.
Stupid. Stupid .Stupid
Not outwardly botherd.
Internally screaming
Burrowing, squirming.
Contagious. infected vile
Why do you like me?
This was written way before I was diagnosed with Bi-polar.
Aug 2016 · 471
Alive and Survived
Lisa Pike Aug 2016
Burn devil burn.
We have seen unknown circumstances and survived.

The words mean nothing now, but a reminder of some pasts that should be laid to rest.
Red,yellow,blue,white and black.
Flames and smoke like smouldering dirt and the devil.
One hope I have learned from this.. Past is past.
The holy ghost and the devil fighting their battle.
Goodbye finally to the old gritty, angry and self loathing.
Hello to cleanliness.
Words of hope and glory, amen to words for a future of greatness. Fantastic,plastic even gymnastic. Yay for the holy ghost, you've  won.

Alive and survived
Aug 2016 · 286
Crap Morning
Lisa Pike Aug 2016
Every day I wake.
Sometimes I hope to never.
Cant feel anymore than I do.
Waking up with emotions
Do I cry of have a coffee first?
Aug 2016 · 315
Lisa Pike Aug 2016
Wow! Atmosphere perfect.
Feel hot and sweaty. Can feel the electricity between all our bodies.
All connected by the love of music.
Brains electrified, neuron's pulsing.
exited by hearing the beat, feeling the beat, being the beat.
Close my eyes and see the colours of such personal Tunage.
I feel it, I know it
Like an old friend
"Hello old friend", I say " I love you" Music is life
Chuck the TV in the bin, it is of no consequence to me.
Love life and unity..Written after another Dreadzone gig.

— The End —