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 Jan 2015 link
Nichelles Eye
 Jan 2015 link
Nichelles Eye


Constantly searching for answers. Constantly questioning surroundings…..places…things.

Always curious.

Always distracted.

Mind bobbling and rattling with ideas. Ideas that come and go. But ones that never really stick.

She desires attention.

She’s not sure what kind. Just any kind.

She reaches out to people for validation of herself without knowing. For comfort.


Wandering, sparkling brown eyes. Full lips. Bright smile. Lights up her face.


In small ways and big ways.


That’s scattered in different things. Poetic in certain emotions that are expressed.


For everything. Anything.

Aching for change. But changing nothing.


She shows. She likes.


Her eyes light up to new things. Growing more curious. Unaware of consequences.

To others. Herself.


In her mind. In her expectations. In her demons. In her betrayal. In her regret.




For self assurance. Accomplishments.


Want to…

Show her realization. Reality. Art.


In herself. In her talent. In her aspirations.


In her skills. In her growth. With her mind. With her future.


Within herself. With her past. With her doubts.

Show her that….


A Diamond in the Rough.

That she has to fall down. To get back up.

To brush herself off. To want to keep going.

On one path at a time…with one foot at a time.

To stop running.

In her mind. With her thoughts. With her feelings. With her analysis of herself.

That it is ok…

to move slow. To take her time. To perfect her craft. With one desire at a time.



A work of Art that requires time.



Self doubt exists due to insecurity due to comparing yourself to how you think you should be. Find beauty in yourself despite your self doubt. Tell that voice in your head to ****.
 Jan 2015 link
Rhianna Thorn
in the life we experience
there is one thing that is certain
which is death.

each thing, everything,
will come to an ultimate demise
and in which they will no longer exist
and everything they achieved
loved and cared for
is eventually forgotten
and no one remembers who sonnet 18 is written about.

because humanity is selfish,
we care for only ourselves and those who are too close
but even then we forget those ones as well.
and we forget who they were
what they were like
what they did
and if the area around their eyes crinkled or not when they smiled

everyone has a choice in this world, to either do great things,
or to forget those who did them.
everyone remembers the president,
but who remembers the name of the school teacher who gave her life for 16 children three years ago?
(not that the president isn't good but yeah)
 Jan 2015 link
Ember Evanescent
You were so hot I spun twice to see, call me a fan
Your regal youth made my blood boil, call you peter pan

You were like a boomerang I wanted to throw away but you kept coming back to me,
And maybe I've always been scared of hurdles and you were my biggest one, 'cause I just can't get over you, you see

I thought you were like a paradox:
Cool as ice and hot as molten rock

You were like a magician with words, drove me so crazy I was pulling out my hare,
You steal my heart like a pirate captain when I sea you standing there,

But you didn’t have any morals, I deserve to call you *****ible
Yet you still think you're cute. you know? leaving my house the way you came would be adooreble

I discovered your texts to her on my birthday, the cake was ruined with my tiers
You caught my Eye with your animal magnetism, but you’ve been a cheetah for years

What? you think this is a game? No, you don't have a clue!
You had a monopoly on my life and now your name is taboo

You said you needed some time and space to yourself you were the only one in the galaxy I Wanted,
I guess life never turns out how you planet and since you left I've been feeling haunted,

Why did I believe you were a great catch? Just because you master *****?
You made me think we could smash; every second felt like a brawl

Loving you was no gouda, though I swiss you now that you’re gone, it isn’t easy,
I said goodbye, It’s not you it’s brie, sorry that was cheesy.

You gave my life flavor but you were just a masked spyce that made my life sour like limes
I know I need to chili but you have really bad taste and we’re out of thyme

I need a holiday from your lies, my patience is running short
I’m better off with you gone, and leaving you is my last

I guess we didn't have that spark no need to be astunished,
all I know now is: IT IS TIME YOU WERE PUNISHED.
We had a lot of fun making this, and it was Spencer’s idea, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it :)
We love puns and so this entire poem is made up of puns.

Spencer’s lines are in the normal writing, and my lines are italicized.

It took forever to write! (Which was mostly my fault because I procrastinate and have no time! It was a lot of work though.) Anyway, this is our collaboration!

-Ember Evanescent
-The-ever-brilliant Spencer Craig

 Jan 2015 link
Ember Evanescent
You see, I, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments.”
“Yeah,” said , “but you, unlike me, are a ***.”

"You're dead
"Funny, you'd think I'd have stopped walking around"

So light a fire!
Yes... of course... but there's no wood!

"How much for me?"
"5 galleons."
"I'm your brother"
"10 gallons!"
Repost if you get it. Part of the series

Another series that everyone is welcome to participate in called: "Get The Reference?" and you title your poem: Get The Reference (Series) and then you write something that is a reference to something else, you know, like a book series, tv series, movie, game, popular youtube video, inside joke, etc. and if you read a "Get The Reference" and you get the reference you repost the poem.

No negative comments please though, if someone posts a reference to something you get the reference to, but don't enjoy, just don't repost. Simple as that. No need to offend. let's all be nice. just thought this would be fun. Oh also, if you are doing a "Get The Reference?" post, include the hashtag #getthereference and comment on this post to let me know you did one so I can check it out.

Sorry if people are getting sick of my ideas, I just thought this would be fun. Add to it as many times as you like.

This particular post will be edited and added to because I could literally marry this series. Who needs men when you have books?
As sad as I am
I need to keep my head high
It is hope I need
 Dec 2014 link
mark john junor
one kid shoots another
for expensive headphones
while the guy who put his name on them
sits in his beverley hills mansion
and counts the hundred dollar bills
 Dec 2014 link
We used to be best friends.
We used to stay up all night, telling each other it’ll be okay,
Even if we both didn't believe it.
We used to hang out everyday,
anxiety and depression instantly falling away.
We both knew it, but never said it outloud;
We needed each other in order to stay sane.
Yet in the end, you took my sanity.
We used to talk about all our problems and ways we can fix each other,
Even though we knew we couldn't fix ourselves.
We sat leg to leg.
Shoulder to shoulder.
We used to listen to music and fight the urge to scream.
   We used to be so close.
God, I really just can't forget you. I hate you.

— The End —