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As a young Latino male,
I am looked down
as a gang member,
even when I have no
gang colors on me-
but wait, to them,
my skin is the only
color they need
to categorize me
as an illegal immigrant
that just had crossed
the border, and is affiliated
in a gang.
And if sticking up
for my people,
for my blood
categorizes me
as a "gang member"
then I do not know
what to tell you.
 Apr 2015 Lilith Severbelle
All my people
All my adventure
All my passion
All my free love
I have found in only one
Only you I would give the world improved
Ready to roll into the black hole

I pull my eyes to the left
They see snow on dead ground
Naked trees high on anorexia
Pieces of blue are trying to paint idyllic
But I’m not here
I’m with you at the hallways with the sun knocking at the door, even at  night.
In front we have the past as well as the present
Couldn’t be more majestic
I’m not here.

Those days and nights put into a spinning wheel , moving on us.
And no time to shower
The bluest lake full of past, eyelashes of gods and tears of monsters
My mind was not set
No connections of past
Absolute state of endless freedom
Absolutely lost

Light my cigarette honey
Give me time to grab the pen
Give me time to lose a sense of self
Give me the chance to ride in speed of light
Let’s meet on the other side
I get what I wish for – it pours over my skin like burning ice
All the time more than I can take
Let me rest at the train station tonight.
Strange strangers you will get to meet
Torn apart by pain
Thinking to find answers in their own mirrors
In others shadows
Creatures of darkness

He lit another cigarette for me
It was cold, dark outside
The dragon provided me with fire
Exhausted from spoken words and told stories
I wanted to go home
If I only knew where it was.
There is no I in denial.
They kiss in bed.
They roll around.

There is no I in denial.
He bought her flowers.
She placed them in a vase.

There is no I in denial.
They hug outside of
traditional thought.

I do not know how we got here,
but I know I don't want us
to stay.

There is no I in denial.
They **** in bathrooms.
They make love in gardens.

There is no I in denial.
She blew a kiss.
He caught a tough break.

There is no I in denial.
He holds a box of his things,
after being shown out.
She says they'll manage.

I do not know how we got here,
but I know I don't want us
to stay.

There is no I in denial.
They kiss in bed,
but it's not the same.
They roll around in bed,
but it begins
to feel
like effort.

There is no I in denial.
He bought her less.
She said it didn't matter.

There is no I in denial.
He feels like his father,
imagining things
she's doing.

I do not know how we got here,
but I know I don't want us
to stay.

There Is No I In Denial.
They don't talk as much.
They sit farther apart.

There Is No I In Denial.
She asks him what's wrong.
He resents her care.

There Is No I In Denial.
He gets drunk and
breaks the vase.
The flowers lay,
covered in wet glass,
sleeping in a puddle.

I do not know how we got here,
but I know I don't want us
to stay.

They don't talk, they yell.
They don't remember each other.

He drinks more.
She feels less.

They were married underneath
an oak tree,
  She said, "I do."
He smiled and said,
  "I'm so lucky."

The flowers lay on the floor,

I do not know how we got here,
but I know I don't want us
*to stay.
Sitting there, by the candle light ,
You start to write,
First time in awhile you begin to feel okay,
Each day slowly finding your way,
Trying always to have a positive word to say,

A clear head,
Remembering everything she has said,
Puts a smile on your face,
This girl you would never replace,
Happiness runs through you,
This feels like a new you,

Physically alone,
but her heart your own,
although you never write anything in stone,

She knows the real you,
The bad, the good, the fake, the true,
You see her flaws,
But still look in awe,

This girl gives you a positive feeling,
She helps you in every step of healing,
Every word with a sincere meaning,
Morning, noon and every evening.
She is like a fire in my soul, I crave her
Flesh against flesh, only she livens me
A slave to my lust, entranced by her beauty
I have a need to see her in pain
And in my mind, these visions I have of her
Kneeling before me, expectantly waiting
With bruises and bites, the marks of my love
Unsatisified, my longing increases

An ordinary name turns to a divine symphony
When uttered, but only with her in mind
This goddess I must make my slave
Though she'll be forever the one in control

Waking dreams of sordid acts
Fill my mind each night and day
I close my eyes and watch her body writhe
With agony and ecstasy
I pull her closer into me
And feel a pleasure so intense I wonder if I've died

She begs me to call her a *****
My hands around her neck
As I feel each breath travel in and out
And study the curve of her back

Consumed and enthralled, she whispers my name
My name is the sound of victory
Dark queen of desire, let us bathe in this fire
Of passion burning blissfully

In this, our inferno of celestial sin
Where unbridled lust meets uncovered skin
Her deafening rapture that shakes her throughout
Is all that can quell my burning within
This was one of my first 'lust odes' ever written, and it was written for/about a 'lesbian.'
This Poetic Seduction
Will be fulfilling its function
Building up to an eruption
Pure ****** destruction
Lets play..All night and day
Wont be sleeping anyway
Exploring shades of grey
Rock and roll you in the hay
Dom to your Submission
Set up every position
Tie you up bring pleasure is my mission
Hair yank feel the spank
Pledge to respect and thank
Cheeks turn red
Ultimate pleasure in your head
Ease in just a tease
Pound you as I please
Have you on hands and knees
Show you the world of D/s
Lubricate your gate
Feel my tongue vibrate
Like a spell you levitate
Savor this moment we create
Room steaming..Bodies start creaming
Reality shifts wonder if you are dreaming
Theater of thought supplies the word production
Scenario set for this Poetic Seduction...
M.A.N 12-9-14 I wrote this for my Scorpio *** blog..♏
She is the Devil
Standing in the Doorway
Constantly reminding me
of the Debt I've yet to pay
She looks like Heaven
Divine and Catastrophic
Hellcat and Rogue Apostate
Tells me,
"There's Hell to Pay."

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in deep too and there's Hell to Pay

She is Satan in a Red Dress
and Six-Inch Stilletto Heels
Crimson-Colored Lipstick
With matching Sharpened Nails
Her Clawmarks in my Skin
Remind me every day
That my soul belongs to Her,
and there's still Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
I'm in too deep and there's Hell to Pay

She is the One Unholy
She is the Queen of Time
Her Love Burns on Eternal in the Furnace
of my Mind
My Spirit is her Claim
From now until the End of Daze
Ours are the Hearts of Evil
And still there's Hell to Pay

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay

Leviathan Cross
Forever in Her Flesh
Her Eyes, Ablaze with Hellfire
Gaze into the Abyss
No Matter how Savagely
I Ravage Her and Damage Her
She always Returns
for yet another Massacre.

Gotta find a way
Gotta get away
Running outta days until there's Hell to Pay
A little Faustian lust poem while everyone's still in the October spirit.
My little wicked baby
your *** magic is too high
I can't help but want to be in you
when I look into your eyes

my *** demon lady
making my dreams multiply
I can't stop thinking of you
and when I'll slip inside

scared her mind is a maze,
she tries to hide here ***** ways.
but she loves to play
master and slave

a vicious vixion maybe
your *** magic is too high
I can't help but want to be in you
when I look into your eyes
Johhny & The Rooks
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