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 Jul 2016 Leera
Eleanor B
You saved me , you made
          A smile on my face

And then
                You left,
Leaving me broken.

Then,  I got
And now there is blood on my wrists.
 Jul 2016 Leera
when i say black lives matter,
i'm saying all lives matter
but right now our white people
aren't being murdered
for earning extra money for their families
or for a broken taillight,
it is the black people who are murdered
for representing all that is human
black lives are the lives
that are buried in the ground
and painted on white faces
because they're going to a music festival.
black lives are the lives
that result in names
printed in fine print,
displayed by candles and tears,
they are the lives
men in blue take each day
because their job
is to serve and protect.
who are you serving and protecting?
take your blue suit off
and put on a kkk robe
because the oath that you took
is not the oath you are practicing.
so when i say black lives matter,
i am saying there is a great injustice
i am saying save those people
i am saying our brothers and sisters are dying
i am saying they are our family.
all lives cannot matter
until black lives do.
 Jul 2016 Leera
 Jul 2016 Leera
Hello again
Haven't seen you in awhile
Hows the darkness
You look different
Did you miss the light
Are you here to hurt me
Your reminding me again
Please go away
I don't want to see you
Go back to the dark
Why aren't you leaving
Go away
I thought you were gone
 Jul 2016 Leera
The Oppressed
 Jul 2016 Leera
to oppress
means to abuse;
the oppressed
are the people
you have abused
with words
to degrade them,
and actions
to end their lives
every day it seems
they pay prices
for sins they can't remember
and the people
who receive their money
are the people
they work for.

if it doesn't make sense,
make a change.
I felt the need to write this. I can't stand by and watch injustice after injustice and expect a change. This is only a poem, but I'm hoping it will become a form of movement towards equality and justice for all.

branches of black night
the rain taps on the roof
everything is unguarded
a bird breaking open the sky like
a dark tear.


our love, rooted to
the earth, scattering
bright oceans
tender as a star.


dance of love
limbs wild and joyful
lull of a kiss.


ocean breaking, each wave,
flowing back to its watery song,
flooding and flowing,
flooding and flowing.
 Jul 2016 Leera
 Jul 2016 Leera
you're the book
i read once and never again
i didn't want it to end
rushed through it too fast
the pages are so clean
no memories, no touches
i hope when you read it
you take your time
to smudge the paper
and fold the corners
because you forgot a bookmark

and just like a book
i would give anything
to be able to read him
for the first time
all over again
 Jul 2016 Leera
Samm Marie
Can have a tendency of

— The End —