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Leah Anne Oct 2015
There she stood
with wobbly knees,
arms limp as a dying flower,
shoulders set to kiss the earth,
hiding within her heart
this nerve-racking,
conspicuously slanderous self-awareness
of being unloved.
Inspired by the novel Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
September 18, 2015. 1am
Leah Anne Oct 2015
I keep yearning for your words like an incurable addiction.
I am frightened I am slowly getting used to living under your shadow
And soon it will be difficult for me to step out to the sun when it is time for you to leave.
Yet still, amidst this drifting thoughts heading towards your world,
Fighting storms and sea monsters
Deprived of armor and unsheltered,
Offering my pride as a bait to be ravished by unexpected vultures,
Hear I am,
Letting myself drown in this miraculous possiblity that you would give me more.
September 18, 2015. 4am
Leah Anne Oct 2015
I can hear the starlight whisper your name.
This must be insanity.
I find music even in inanimate objects and they all sing your melody.
These colors are starting to have a sound of its own.
They define you, reminding me to think of you,
And I can't seem to get enough of it.

The mental image of your eyes laid on mine has been quite too difficult for me to resist.
You are a habit that chases away my other reasons for living,
Drowning all the names and all the pain I felt before you.
Like an unfinished dream,
You unknowingly demanded more than I can give.
Thoughts of you has become a familiar affair and I crave for it like how my lungs crave for air.

When did the scent of the evening air started to sweeten?
By far, this is the most colorful darkness I have ever seen.
The rush of blood in my veins draws poetry whenever my mind spells your name.
I search for you even in hopeless places,
And even more in hopeless cases.
I could fall hard for you and I would not even mind if the ground tears my bones.
September 16, 2015.
4:54 am
Leah Anne Oct 2015
In the scripts playing inside my head you were there to listen.
You were there to talk,
To organize our chaos and to make sense of those wasted days when we could never connect the dots in this cosmic puzzle.
Words are all I need, the right words that can reincarnate the colors of this desaturated conspiracy,
Coming out of your nervous lips as your eyes misplace its focus in the light of my blushing face.

In my head, we were both lost in the midst of something that can fix us.
September 14, 2015. 7:59 pm
Leah Anne Oct 2015
My thoughts continue to flow on a roller coaster track. In my mind there is a feast of assumptions, of embitterment, of fear. I must not give in to your innocent enticement because now I am running out of words yet my crooked wishes are fighting a war against my new found cynicism.
You certainly are the dangerous kind.

I tried to put the pieces back together and it was never easy to sew back the buttons with an invisible thread. I have spent countless of hours, days and nights, burning bridges just to feel nothing and what have you done? If you are trying to destroy whatever  amount of peace of mind was left in me then you have won.
You certainly are the dangerous kind.

You chant those words like a song trapped in your head - impatiently and persistently trying to make a way out through an orchestral whip of your tongue. You pulled me in only to throw me out.
A kindness that is cruelty in disguise,
Your indifference comes in forms of smiles.
You certainly  are the dangerous kind.
August 31, 2015
Leah Anne Oct 2015
My consciousness has been stolen by the rain's screaming melody.
Sharp as a knife, trying to knock down on rooftops in the middle of this cold dark night.
Thunder rolls upon the heavens,
A streak of light appears in skies like a sudden burst of anger.
There is calm and distraught and nothing in between.

Now the rain has silenced;
it has toned down into a pianoforte piece,
Still knocking and dancing as the city tries to breathe.
Heavy clouds pass by my window, mimicking the procession of the passing time,
Giving me nothing but a strong sense of loneliness in this solitary night.

For the first time in a long time, I found myself craving for light.
Sept 8, 2015. 8pm. In the middle of a power outage.
Leah Anne Oct 2015
Two photographs merged into one vague composition -
A world of wordlessness;
A two-dimensional space made of faded lights and shadows.
As my pulse dances into the rhythm of clockworks,
With eyes wide open, I continue to fall stead fast on solid grounds.
I fear that time will mercilessly refuse to stop when it should.
September 7, 2015. 1 am
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