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sitting on a riverbank thats the place to be
fishing rod in hand feeling very free
looking at the water waiting for a bite
sun up in the sky shining nice and bright.

you can feel the freedom scattered all around
very calm and peaceful you cant hear a sound
sitting there for hours relaxed as you can be
hoping for a fish to take home for your tea.

then when the day is over as the sun begins to set
you think about your day and one you wont forget
Long reflected streams
Of light,
Wheeled light beams,

Create the gusts
Of wind,
The nose thrusts,

Above four legs striding
On a walk,
Thoughts drifting, riding,

On hopeful crests of waves
Of an ocean,
That experience brings, saves,

The scars that mar the heart
On the surface,
Marks the day's began, a start,

Hours sit and stand at a desk
Of employ,
Creativity not addressed,

By name, there is trial
In the error,
In this day success is viral,

The day end comes fast with a stat
Of failure,
Walking home is time alone, and that

Leads to free writing, to break the hold
Of the cold,
Bureaucratic wasteland, truth be told,

Yet the night the evening brings time
Of peace,
And quiet and of release, so sublime,

Emotions roil, sounds toil, and struggle
Of reality,
Cold sided pillow, head rest and snuggle,

Oh dreams become certain reality
Of a Hope,
Yet life is short, feasting on frailty,

Human identity, a man, negativity
On a winged
Sleepy prayer, not shared, in proclivity,

Soft clouds of sleep fall firm, leave a pall
On dream-sleep,
Recharging for another day is all,

That is found waiting viewing the whole
Of foolishness,
Each day too full takes its toll,

Like a bridge with infrastructure tolls
Of empty,
Pockets, of resistance, and angry trolls

That crush dreams of day and night
Of promise,
Found rising stumbling by mornings light.

A new day has begun to get it right
Of sand,
And the hourglass, which empties fast, a sleight,

Of hands
That write,
Make magic to start a stopped heart which was waiting for, to die.
The day begins with a dog walk
Somewhere in the Night
you will find me
when the cloud cries;
you will hear me
and when the journey begins;
you will feel me
so come with me into the night
let us fly away
and visit the sky
let us behold her measures
let us paint the sky
from our little efforts
let us design it
and wait for her children
the stars to illuminate us.
a night adventure...
A blue black cloud, all over me is written JOY
in the script of vapor, dense, moist and meaningful,
I am light, like a feather, the breeze is in love with me for that,
I love his gentle persuasion to waft, move about, explore..
and then--ravaged by wind my love changes direction.

I love freedom more than anything, but forgot limits, hover
now, I am no more attached to the green hills, they are jealous,
far above them am I, untouched by their vainglorious pride,
I am not hard-hearted, parched fields send shivers of lightning
break me in to thousand  smaller pieces, scatter around.

My love for this earth is kindled by the sights unfurling below
all the egrets, cormorants, storks and herons of great magnificence,
those kind hearted friends that fly with me often are in pain
like the farmers, there isn't enough water for anything.

A cloud is a thought, inspired by the love for mother earth
by the ocean I am gifted to the breeze, to tour around,
on many lands fell my shade, found life in all varieties,
now is the time to be kind at heart, melt, fall in torrents.
A cloud when you analyze is a thought full of love for earth,humanbeings
This pleasant tale is like a little copse:
The honied lines so freshly interlace,
To keep the reader in so sweet a place,
So that he here and there full-hearted stops;
And oftentimes he feels the dewy drops
Come cool and suddenly against his face,
And, by the wandering melody, may trace
Which way the tender-legged linnet hops.
Oh! what a power has white Simplicity!
What mighty power has this gentle story!
I, that do ever feel athirst for glory,
Could at this moment be content to lie
Meekly upon the grass, as those whose sobbings
Were heard of none beside the mournful robins.
If my heart was a bouquet of flowers,
The pungent smell from sitting too long would be their scent.
If life was a box of chocolates
Mine would be left with only white chocolate and mint.

If you were a type of wine,
You’d be the dry kind that burns my throat.
If our relationship was coffee,
It would be tainted with burnt espresso.

But I…I’m like a bird.
The type of bird that comes back home.
And you are the eagle.
Always wanting to be alone.

All I ask for is attention…
Love isn’t money, it’s time.
Lonely, sad, unloved…
All of these feelings are mine.

You never seem to care.
I could cry and you would laugh.
I guess I could leave again.
Just to turn around and come back.
This is for that boy
Who sings
Whose voice
I don't want to miss

This is for that boy
Who hums softly
His favorite song
While sitting beside me

This is for that boy
Who gets shy
When he sings in front
And I wonder why

This is for that boy
Who sings
And my heart swells with pride
Whenever I hear him

This is for that boy
Whose voice is so beautiful
That I can't get enough of
'Cause it makes me whole

This is for that boy
Whose voice sounds so sweet
And it makes me smile
Without me noticing it

This is for that boy
Who can make me blush
With just one song
With just one smile

This is for that boy
And I want to say
I'd do anything for
That voice to say my name

This is for that boy who sings
Whose voice I always want to hear
That boy who made me fall for him
Whole, he made me.

With just one song
With just one sweet grin
And in that moment, I knew,
My heart fell for him.
This is dedicated for that someone.
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