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I woke up tired today
even for me
I felt tied down to my sheets
tides sliding through thoughts of you
watched you glide down my shoreline
wash you out from my teeth. to. my. feet.
I think it's your eyes, darling
they're like colliding stars
I tell myself not to look
& start clutching my arms
I tell my heart to be silent
causing my chest too much harm
I was fine until your name
came and rang all my alarms
now the courtyard of my quiet
was taken from me
like breath after breath
until I no longer see
& in that very first second
I learned of that face
I knew nothing more than
it belonged in my hands
& pulled it close so I could taste it
there’s no life in a photograph
no real spark in a camera flash
real life is found in 3D space
right in front of your down turned face

real friends don’t live in an online book
and care about more than what quizzes you took
real support is hugs and real words we say
you can’t just click someone to a brighter day

real love exists on god’s green earth
but it can’t be found with a google search
there is life to be lived in the real sunshine
because life isn't lived if it’s lived online
White river running
Ethereal glow of
Twilight hues
Suffusing the atmosphere
Stark purple

Grass covered in aftermath
Of night's freezing cold
Miniature icicles
Tapering on mossy rocks
Melting with the sun's
Scattered rays
Unruffled indulgence
Bone-chilling splendour
In the arms of the mountain mist
One query that I have today,
Is why do we look down to pray?
And when we wish, we raise our eyes
Heavenwards, beyond our skies?
This troubles me, and I'll explain:
Tis the principle that brings me pain.
In prayer, should we not face our Lord,
Positioned there to be adored?
And shouldn't shame lower our gaze
Towards the roaring souls ablaze,
Crushed beneath the Devil's dancing,
Should we not face him in fancy?
See the stars in the night sky
the clear blue seas
and the architecture of shanghai.
See art
the beauty of the world
and the passion of the human heart.

Smell the roses, tulips and lilies
the perfumes and aftershaves
and the over powering smell of chilies.
Smell the coffee, the toast and the flowers
the morning after a rain storm
and the bread in its infant hours.

Touch the sand
the animals of the world
and the many animals that live on the land.
Touch the fabrics
the rivers
and the seas

Feel the wind
the rain as it falls
and the snow hitting your face.
Feel the coldness
the warmness
and the change in temperature.

Hear the birds
the laughter
and the tears.
Hear the dogs
the cats
and the music of the world.
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