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Oct 2022 · 1.2k
Kate Bethanie Oct 2022
Rack my brains
Rake through and find the right memory
Tip it out, squeeze and shape it
Mold it to a more sensical form
Then, observe your consumers
Subtle changes
Until it becomes almost an original story
Forgo accuracy for entertainment
More colourful, less accurate
Dec 2019 · 328
I am a puzzle.
Kate Bethanie Dec 2019
I am a puzzle
that I cannot piece together.

People tell me I'm a problem solver.
I'm an advice giver. I'm an answer finder,
But I can't find the answer, or even the right questions to ask,
When it comes to figuring out my own mind.
I fix things - on a daily basis - but I can't seem to fix myself.
Perhaps someday I will find a missing piece,
Maybe I was incomplete all along,
Or some pieces got twisted, forced together the wrong way round,
And I just need to untwist them,
And the puzzle will be solved.
Maybe one day I'll look exactly like the picture on the box.
Until then I will be what I have always been:
Jan 2019 · 513
Take the plunge.
Kate Bethanie Jan 2019
Dive down deep inside your mind
if you feel like drowning
for a while.
I lived by these words, I stayed at the shallow end.
I'm realising that I'm stronger now.
For the most part I can take it in now, I can explore and stay afloat.
I recognise the parts of me that were, and the parts of me that still are.
I let the feelings wash over me.
I stay. I swim for a while.
The water's just fine.
Jan 2019 · 322
You were here.
Kate Bethanie Jan 2019
Welcome back. Welcome home.
Your belongings, your things - they are just things, after all - have been waiting for you. Well, not waiting. They had no sense of hope that you would ever come back. They didn't miss you.
But still, when you look at them they do seem to be saying
"welcome home".
You blow the dust off and it's like you were never gone.
You move things around, disrupt the status quo, change what has remained unchanged for so long. Re-discovering.
Re-finding things you thought you'd lost,
memories catching you by surprise.
You can't believe all that you've forgotten,
all that you've lost over the years.
Just little things.
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
All Grown Up (10w)
Apr 2014 · 704
At The Same Time (10w)
Kate Bethanie Apr 2014
Eight years
Can feel like
A millennium
And a millisecond.
Mar 2014 · 924
I Need To Love
Kate Bethanie Mar 2014
I need to love,
Love is far too easy for me to give.
But this world's too vast for me,
This life isn't mine to live.

I can't tell you much,
But I can tell you what I know.

I need to love,
I need to love just like I need to breathe.
Rejecting faith and magic never helped me,
But I can't make myself believe.

I can't tell you much,
But I can tell you what I know,
This life's not just mine to live,
I can't live all this life alone.

I need to be loved,
It's selfish but it's what I crave.
And I need to believe in something,
But I have never been that brave.

I can't say much as I don't know much,
But I can tell you what's on my mind.
I need to love, need to be loved,
But love is not easy to find.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
The Room
Kate Bethanie Feb 2013
My mind is a corridor,
It stretches for miles,
Everything is pure white
From ceiling to floor tiles.

You could be there for months,
If you were to visit,
And you would only see
A glimpse of what's in it.

Behind each of these doors,
Lies a well-mapped face,
Or an unfinished novel,
Or a memory, or a place.

At the end of the corridor
There's a room unlike the others,
This is where I keep things
I hope noone discovers.

I keep all the things
That are terrible in there,
I keep in this room
The things I cannot bear.

It holds images, words,
And emotions that frighten me,
I've shut them all in there
And I've hidden away the key.

It holds all of my nightmares,
Contains all my dreading,
And though it's always present,
It almost feels like forgetting.

But the most terrifying thing of all
Is a thought I can't lock up...
*What would happen to the corridor,
If that door didn't stay shut?
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
The Circle Line
Kate Bethanie Jan 2013
My hopes and dreams came to rest
On a city made of smoke and concrete,
Where the air tastes like grease,
And the people look only ahead.

That's what I decided I wanted;
I wanted the underground,
The names from the Monopoly board,
Black taxis at street corners.

I wanted glamour without expense,
The streets without the litter,
The grit without the pain,
And the reality without suffering.

I wanted the city to reach out,
And grab me by both hands,
And confess its undying love to me,
Desperate to prove its worth.

But the city did not care for me,
Its arms were busy juggling
All the people walking or laying
Down on its endless streets.

I got questions instead of answers
Perspiration instead of inspiration
From fast-walking to keep up with a pace
That would never match my own.

I got none of the things I wanted,
And I know that I'm to blame for this
For resting my hopes on miracles,
And the views on picture postcards.

I got sick of my illusions,
Sick of the reality, sick,
Sick and tired of this ******* city,
Sick, yes, but mostly tired.

Maybe if I were famous or wealthy,
Maybe if the city really had
Taken me by the hand and led me,
Maybe then things would be different.

And so my hopes and dreams flew away
On the back of an old wrapper from
Somebody else's fish and chips
I saw floating in a cloudy sky.

But in the end this is my fault,
Because how naive could I be
To think that the capital city
Would ever choose a nobody like me?
Jan 2013 · 640
Kate Bethanie Jan 2013
Are words are just words
Until you group them together
Into a sentence,
And then a paragraph,
And mold them into a story?

Then, definitely, they are much more.
They are your heart
Ripped clean out
And set down neatly on paper,
Dark red fighting against white.

They are powerful,
Inducing smiles,
Or quiet laughter,
Or silent tears,
Or a feeling of awe that lasts for days.

But if you take the rest away
And leave one word sitting on the page
Does it really mean anything?
Is it more than just a word?
Could the same reaction be found?

The truth is, not all words
Are merely words.
If you don't believe me,
Try out "love", or "death", or "forever",
Or a name that could only ever belong to one person.
And "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" is a load of crap...
Jan 2013 · 530
Birds Are Brave (20w)
Kate Bethanie Jan 2013
I'm not scared of flights, personally,
But I think I would be
If it were my own wings propelling me.
Jan 2013 · 2.7k
The Blonde Girl
Kate Bethanie Jan 2013
There once was a girl
Who gave herself a name
Different to her own
And dyed her brown hair
And said it was her natural colour.

She lived in a flat
Far away from home
And though she paid the rent
On the first day
Of every month
She never felt it was her own.

There was a forest
Near the home that wasn't hers
Sprawled across a valley
Though she never said it
And rarely thought it
She longed to get lost in it someday.

But she didn't
She got lost in nine to five
She was a waitress
Earned the most from tips
From men who liked her attitude
And her long blonde hair.

Lovers were sparse
But never unpleasant
And she thought about revealing
Something more
Than the superficial
But always changed her mind in the morning.

And she never had regrets
Even when a yellow cab
With a sleeping driver
Sent her up into the air
And she took one last look
At the unfamiliar sky above her.

And though a few people
From the town she never lived in
Said it was a tragedy
It was maybe for the best
Because her dark roots
Had just begun to show.

— The End —