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 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Mahnoor Kamran
How beautiful would you be
If you see your soul reflected
In the mirror
Food for thought
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Mahnoor Kamran
Some Images
Remind me of you.

A lake. A prayer.
Soft glow of violet, ethereal.
Soft land beneath our feet,
a lustful calling, sweeter greed.

Warm campfire in a blanket of cold.
A speck of hell under a starless sky.
Two hearts fluttering uneasily.
as you bless my palm with a dandelion.
Eternal promise of love.

A playground. Old sunken swings.
A boat of moonlight in it's wings.
Pitched laughter, the creaking of swingboard.
Your hands in mine. Serenity galore.

Christmas trees, laden with lights.
Merry songs. Gifts and sights.
Bliss turns into panic. You cough out blood.
A strange fear
Lingers in the air.

A hospital room. Cold and bright.
A machine with curves beeping fast.
Your hand in mine. Slumped body on bed.
You close your eyes in my arms.
Death came at last.

Some Images
Remind me of
an incomplete love.
My ashes will dance in the air of time
My body will feel the warmest fire
My soul will leave my body to swim in the water of void
And my name will remain on earth unstained

Termites won't feed on me
My bones remain whole
As my days traveled into the coffin of divine treasure
As my sun continues to shine in the ether where God lives

Written by
Martin Ijir
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Ma Cherie
do you wonder who I am
by the words that I now write?

do you wonder how I look
an if my hair is steaked in white?

do you think I ride a broom
do you think I'm just a witch?
or I have some kind of powers
an I can charm a wooden switch?

well ...
I guess,
I can -

douse for water
an I've seen nightmares come true
I've seen the sky turn black once
an in a multi colored hue

well my Aurora Borealis
my mystic native lights,
an in the spirit of the animal,
yes amazing are the sights,

I don't know if I am special
tho my grandmother said I was
all I know is who I am inside,
please don't say that I am weird
or acting
kinda crazy
otherwise I'll only wish to hide,

I see so many things
that others just do not
and I am at a loss for as to why

but if I am just so strange
that you worry about my mind
perhaps you are not seeing
with your "eye"?

Ma Cherie © 2017
Humor? Eh lol idk just about judgemental people who don't understand native American beliefs ; )
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
The Key
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
There's a key
      that unlocks rainbows
             that I keep within my heart.
It's a little "catch"
      within my chest
             where melancholy begins to start.
It unlocks walls,
      emotions hide behind
              (for my protection).
And it cracks the shell
      surrounding me,
              to give my soul direction.
Without this key,
      I'll always be
              a fire detachment smothers...
An empty vessel,
              bereft of love for others.
But with it...
      ah...then life becomes
              a carousel of feelings.
A roller coaster
      ride of love
             with ups and downs revealing....
all the colors of the rainbow
       all the tastes,
                the sounds, the rhythms..
all the warmth of sacred lovers
       and the heartbeat
               that's within them.
And the key is dual
        in purpose
               with it's compass so unerring;
Guiding to my soul-mates
       with a lifetime
               that's worth sharing.
So, when I've found my heart's desire
               I'll set the rainbow free.
Unlock the words
      within my heart
               and throw away the key.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
I am the river
Running deep
We swam together
In an island dream
In shallow, lilting waters
With the sun on our backs

We were the river
Running deep
Shadowed by
10 bittersweet years

We kept the faith
The love
The passion brief
But the river ran too deep
Too troubling still

I'm now the river
Calm after before the storm
He's still the river
Running strong.
 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Ella Alvarez
they say
to love
would be
an illogical

but loving
you, my dear,
is the most
logical thing
i'd ever do.

 Jun 2017 Jeffrey
Ella Alvarez
You were my shelter in the middle of my storm,
my shoulder to cry on when all felt forlorn.
I drew my strength from your love's warmth
But all that's past and alive no more.

You’re a math expression with no solution,
an ingredient in the recipe of my confusion.
To my desperate pleas, you answered vaguely;
I just wanted to know how you’ve been doing lately,
after our love, after our loss.
after experiences we never thought would become fleeting memories
of a bond we hoped would last for centuries,
after long, late nights up spent envisioning a future with you and me,
of writing a book's last chapter that would end happily.
after broken promises that broke both our hearts.
Although words may break my heart
and sticks and stones may break my bones,
betrayal by someone who felt like home
makes me question myself and crushes my soul.
I thought I was your best friend, your dream girl, your ride-or-die,
but after you met her, that no longer mattered and you bade me goodbye,
while gravity gained on the tears that began to stream from my eyes,
nearly a year and a half of love cut short by the devil in disguise.

They say grief is a linear five-stage process,
which involves denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance,
but grief over him for me was a convoluted, confusing hodgepodge that muddled up all those feelings together.

Grief was denial over him loving me and leaving me all at once.

Grief was rage triggered by this sudden betrayal and loss of trust, by making out his love to be a lie,
by all my effort put into loving him unconditionally going down the drain in the blink of an eye.

Grief was wrestling between giving him liberty to fool around
and bargaining to salvage and kindle the embers of the fire
that once burned between us that could be redeemed.

Grief was depression over being taking for granted, depression over promises never kept,
depression over words that I fell for that broke my heart in the end.

Grief was struggling to accept the aftermath of it all, no matter how huge a hole it left in my heart.

Grief was accepting his departure one second, then reminiscing about the love we used to share and bargaining for it back.

Grief was struggling to be happy again, then remembering how he broke my heart and feeling either vexed or sad or both emotions at once.

Grief was loving him in the wake of my loss.

But grief wasn’t going to sting as much as it would if I had attached my self-worth onto the relationship. I already knew what love was before I met him.

I've found love in being saved by the blood of my Savior,

I've found love in friends and family who’ve seen me at my worst and chose to stay,

I've found love in education and learning more about the world around me outside of the classroom,

I've found love in my craft,

I've found love in other people's craft,

I've found love in many places where he isn't.

I will be fine.

I’ve found that love is not selfish; love is giving.
Love meant putting the needs of others before its own.
If one can’t understand that,
then they weren’t ready to commit themselves to a serious relationship with anyone,
nor can they maintain healthy, cordial relationships with other people in their life.

I already knew what love was before I met him; I just don’t
understand why people have such a hard time reciprocating it.

I thought he was my red string of fate.

I guess my eyes simply weren’t adjusted correctly to the light.

(lit. I don't want to leave.)

inspired by my red string of fate, my first love.
it's hard when you're young
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