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The countless pictures I've watched come alive
motivates me to run after speeding cars
on a highway going zero to a hundred
while the bicycles come and land on my lap.

Like finding a ghost in the fog
chasing machines is a dart to the future
yet everyone's done it
so why not I?

It's during these instances that I want to
pound every key my fingers depress on
and break my thumbs via every bar I find.

*I've tried to break the sound barrier
chase after the speed of light
invented the nuclear bomb
but have not any left for flight.

Cut the paper, burn the trees
Live life normally
Why do you deviate
when everything dies around me
Every word he utters
Sounds like a mighty roar
And his hands can stir storms
And great gusts of wind.
His eyes are weapons
Piercing through my heart
Scarring me,
Leaving me to be
Never the same ever again.

But behind that fierce facade
And thick skin toughened by time
Is a heart
Gently glowing with the embers of
And love.
It burns on not only with passion,
But with compassion.
It is a light and a lamp,
A firework and a forest fire.

He has might and bravery,
boldness and tenacity, but
In his power
He has purpose,
And in his leadership he extended
Look up and
See him soar high in the sky,
For he has written his name
In the book of the legendary.
 Jul 2014 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
Somewhere stuck between the line bordering
faith and reality,
there is a girl.

A girl to whom
there is no such thing
as five thirty in the morning.
There are only beginnings,
fresh grass, and
mugs of hot chocolate.
She doesn’t seem to know
what it means to drag your feet
or to
lifelessly slide your toothbrush’s bristles
against the cracks and crevices of your teeth,
wishing you were already at the end of the day
when it had only just begun.

To her,
every printed word is spoken.
She can hear the pages breathe and her heart sings whenever
another character enters,
because for her it means
one more person
to love
which is something
she never seems to run out of.

It is why her eyes dance
and roses grow ‘round her face,
it is why gladness
pours out from her fingers as they
glide across ivory keys,
it is why she sprinkles her words with salt,
why she refuses to let her city on a hill grow dim,
why she believes that death
is a new beginning,
why her hope never wavers,
why she won’t stop giving and
giving and

Her faith shakes mountains, but sometimes,
only the mountains know it because she
gets frustrated, too.
I’m here to tell her that she
may not see it now,
but the seeds have been growing in places
she didn’t think possible.

So continue to plant them
with thrill and with wonder,
as you live each day like
it was the first.
Don’t stop the water’s flow,
and soon you will find yourself
laughing at Doubt’s face,
I don’t think you’ve ever seen
Doubt’s face.

You’ve been alive
for three hundred
and sixty five days more,
but if growing up means
losing the fireworks in your eyes
and the beautiful thoughts
that sprout from your mind
I beg of you,

An 18th birthday gift for a beautiful friend.
We could scale
snow capped mountains
or tiled rooftops
We could stroll
the halls of grand art galleries
or the city's graffiti stained alleys
We could sip
wine from elegant glass goblets
or instant coffee from chipped cups
We could watch
gala operas and musicals at the amphitheater
or puffy clouds as they float by in the sky
We could look
up to the vast galaxy and its starlight
or down to the metro's sleepless city lights
We could listen
to loud pulsing rhythms at a concert
or to the steady beats of each others hearts
We could go
and roam the world all day
or just stay in each others arms all night.

I can't care less
on what we could do.
Every moment would be
Grand, and
As long as you are with me
and I am with you.
I came up with the concept of this poem last year but I only found the right words to compose it now. I forgot what inspired this poem in the first place though.....
you make me

no warm greeting and bright smile
can thaw your heart
enfolded in ice.
i thought
maybe there's a blizzard blazing in your mind,
burying your hopes in depths of snow
and you've grown
too cold and too numb
to notice.

at the short second you met my gaze,
i saw that your once bright brown eyes
now had a deep shade of blue:
painted with fear and anxiety.
and as you flicked your head away
i felt a chilly gale,
so frigid
it's enough to make any hot blood crystallize

who knew that your silence to me
can sound like a ravaging avalanche, crashing

i don't
want to touch you
for i'm afraid that i would
unable to move
on and swallow the cold hard fact that
you really do
not care
for me
at all.

so i'll just huddle to myself,
stay frozen,
and shiver
as i think of the catastrophe
that has happened
to you
and of you.
 Jul 2014 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
lay down your arms, and
come run back into Mine instead.
There is no need for you
to fight this battle on your own, when
I’m here, and

I love you.

Before the kingdoms and golden cities,
before the earthquakes and the hailstorms,
before the stars knew their hymns
and the planets their dance,
I loved you.

I made you
to love you.

Let that sink in and resonate in your heart
like a steady, low drum.
I made you
to love you.
I made you
to love you.
I made you
to love you,

What good is the universe
in all its splendor and colors
to which names have not yet been given,
what good are the heavens and the seas,
the skyscraping mountains and lowest valleys,
what good is anything in all creation that was and will be
if you
are not there
for Me
to love?

So I formed you.
I patterned your image after Mine,
I took dust and spoke life
to create a beautiful, beautiful you, and the
reason you love is because
I first loved you.
Love is what stitched you together, beloved,
and that Love
runs deeper than any ocean or river, because even
on that worst day,
the day you fell,
the day you told me that
My love wasn’t good enough
that I
wasn’t good enough,
I loved you.
I never left your side even
when you were in sun scorched lands
and your hands
were bleeding from the fruitless labor of
trying to get
to where I am,
you never had to earn my affection or my
consideration, I was
thinking of you
the entire
time, because for Me,
wouldn’t be heaven
without you in it.

So I came.
I pursued you
even if it meant watching My beloved
scream false accusations and spitting lies
at My face
even if it meant having nails and thorns
driven into My flesh
even if it meant facing death, but
I overcame it
for you
I took the blame
for you
I carried all the crosses you have and will ever carry
for you
I tore the veil and shook the earth
for you, because I

My love
is stronger
than anything
you will ever encounter, and
this is the same Love that
courses through your veins, and so the same
strength that enables you
to receive power
to receive healing
to receive victory in My name.

fear not.

Don’t call me that.


Don’t deserve anything.
Are worthless.
Everything I put my hand to is kissed by death,
I was meant for no more but failure.
I can’t do anything.
I can’t do.
I can’t.

I crucified all that.
You are--

still the same and always will be!
Despite what You did
I keep going back
My love for You is like
the morning mist,
like flowers that soon wither,
like shores that always,
no matter how strong the tide,
push the waves away,
and I am ashamed.
I am only man.

And I am God.


I am God.


I am God.

take life and death
angels and demons
the present and the future
the highest of heights and the darkest of depths
take every power and everything else you could possibly imagine,
and they still wouldn’t be
even close to a fraction enough to separating you
from My love.

You are right.
You don’t deserve it,
but I love you anyway.
Since the beginning of time,
all you’ve done is pursue everyone and
everything else but Me,
but I love you anyway.
You’ve done nothing but fall short,
but My love carries you past that, beloved.
You are Mine.
Let Me be yours.

You are Mine. I am Yours.
I am yours. You are mine.
You are chosen. I am chosen.
You are My child. I am Your child.
I will never leave you. You will never leave me.
My love for you knows no end. Your love for me knows no end.
Heaven and earth will pass away but, Heaven and earth will pass away but,
I will stay the same. You will stay the same.

are you so

I’m not anymore.

I have overcome. You have overcome.
You have overcome. I have overcome.
The war has already been won. The war has already been won.

I love you. I love You.
I love you. I love You.
I love you. *I love You.
A spoken word duet about His radical love.
I'd always like to think that Your skin
is studded with a billion diamonds
for its lustrous clarity and sheer fortitude.
Your teeth to me are pearls precisely sculpted,
and Your every smile is a radiant beam of sunshine.
Your hair is a fathomless ocean
with mysteries hidden within its tangles;
my hands sail through Your smooth locks.
The creases of Your palms
are as deep as canyons
laden with abundant streams of blessings beneath.
Your voice is music:
as piercing as an orchestra of thunders,
yet also as gentle as a raindrop
sliding down a blade of grass.
And in Your eyes I see the universe.
I look closely and see
that those twinkles are actually
supernovas exploding and galaxies colliding.
And like the universe,
Your eyes engulf the entirety of my being.

You are Beauty.
You are Glory.
You are.
The clock strikes deep in the keep
As the ringing of bells invite me
To begin the walk up steps
with a 7 inch concrete seperation
and my fingers grip the rail just
as I reach the top, the door a foot away

Don't hold on, just let go
For a lighter tomorrow.
Fight the fight the fight
Whether you're wrong or right.
The battle or the war or the aftermath
You won't win, so lose to carve your path.
Streak the stars and part the seas,
Let your swag ripple the grass and trees.

The cold air bellows through the keyhole
and the light filters under its feet
the screams of anger tearing my clothes apart
What did I do to deserve this?
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