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24.0k · Feb 2017
Black education
Jasmine Roper Feb 2017
I asked a variety of people to say the first word that came to mind when presented with the noun “Crisis”

I heard many different responses; “a problem” “a catastrophe” “an unbearable disaster”, and yet, never did I hear the biggest Crisis of all



Allow me to dissect that word for a second,

The abbreviation for education is made of the first three letters “E-D-U” you find it on website domains somewhere in your textbooks

However the first three letters are the least important.
When you drop that edu you’re left with a word, a word extremely crucial to the English language.

For people who don’t understand this word “caution” It means to be attentive, alert, to take enough care to best avoid error, danger, or making mistakes.

Uh, funny right, students are constantly punished in schools for mistakes, errors, not being attentive enough.

Constantly being told to “ be quiet’ and to “settle down” or
“Turn to page 155 and and stop looking around”

Let me change this path a little
Allow me to alter your focus for a second

We are speaking of a crisis, one larger than education as a whole. A part of education that has been belittled, spat on, or strapped on a leash and taken for a stroll.

Black education.

Every year our classrooms get larger, with larger quantities comes more diversity. And yet, our units get smaller, and the best education are given to those with the largest dollar.

The truth is, we no longer care about the information we are being taught.
Because it only presents the people and white wars that were being fought.  

It is hard for students to identify, accept and appreciate the information in front of them if it never directly relates to them.

I’m sure everyone in this room is aware of MLK’s “i had a dream speak” or Rosa parks famous word “nah.”

But what about the playstation, wii or xbox you used last night? Thank Jerry Lawson for that, and yes, he is black.

From such a young age we learn about the theories and discoveries that Benjamin Franklin gave
but not once are we told about Lewis Latimer, the man who invented the carbon filament,used in all light bulbs above our heads today

We’re held up to this standard of excellence, they expect us to be cautious, meticulous, and strive for nothing but perfection. Something said to be achieved by a proper education

However please explain how is that education rumored to be so proper when I try my best they say please God stop her.

Black education must be taught or it’ll enlarge as the crisis very soon to be fought.

While I calm down and allow that to sink in
Know and understand
Black education must never end

They say we're too violent that all we do is fight
And yet all we do is look for our ancestors in our textbooks every night

Every head shouldn’t turn towards me on the topic of slavery
If it weren’t so taboo; they wouldn’t have to be.

As i tie up my tongue and sit back in my seat
I continue to pray that history doesn’t repeat
12.2k · Dec 2015
Pretty for a black girl?
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
Pretty for a black girl?
Does that mean I’m pretty at all?
When you look at me
Is it only a pigment you see?

Pretty for a black girl?
What does my skin tone
have to do with the beauty
In me?

Pretty for a black girl?
Why is beauty only found if i'm fair?
Is my complexion the first thing you compare?

Pretty for a black girl?
Is that all I am?
Why must I be less than
the rest of them.

Pretty for a black girl?
Is a compliment that's cruel
I don't care what you say,
you're a part of the kingdom I shall rule.

Pretty for a black girl?
Do you say it to be mean?
Regardless, I remain the queen.

I am aware my coiling curls  
or my tangled locks
may frighten you too,
that's good, they weren't created to impress you

Pretty for a black girl?
Don’t hate because my flawless color doesn’t need adjustments,  
It is you that must alter tones to achieve approval.

Pretty for a black girl?
Approval is something I do not need,
Compliment as you please,
But my beauty grows quicker than you breath

While you flip your hair and tan your skin,
Watch me wink and grin,
because my confidence is the only style that's in.
3.9k · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Have you ever wanted to cry yourself blind,
scream yourself mute, or just stop breathing

Have you ever wanted to run off the edge of the earth, swim to the bottom of the ocean, or just disappear

Have you ever wanted to punch your brain out, cut out your heart, or just stop feeling

Basically you wanted to die?


Wanted. As In past tense?

As In "not anymore"?


You wanted It, but that's not what you want
3.2k · Mar 2018
I adore you
Jasmine Roper Mar 2018
I adore you
I adore the way you speak
so soft, so slow, so sweet
I adore the way you think
so deep, so true, so concrete

The way your heart races,
your pulse pounds through every vein
the way you calm me down
comfort me through the pain

The way you lick your lips
when they get so close to mine
The way you run your hands
up and down my spine

I adore the way you giggle
at all my corny jokes
The way you make wiggle
with every single stroke

I adore the way you make me feel
How you open every door
The way you make my toes curl  
on the bed and on the floor.

I adore the way treat me
How you make me feel like a queen
The way you make me relax
when I'm scared of everything

I adore the way you make the world
bow down at my feet
With you I feel so powerful
No one else can compete

I adore you with everything
my inside and out
I could honestly give my all to you
I adore you
3.0k · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
-                                       It's simple, Life Isn't fair. You grow
              ­                          It Is
                                        Until the world Releases
                ­                           Easily

                                               It most definitely won't
                                                         ­  a Fight.
                                                          ­ Every
­                                                           With
                                         a consequence. It may seem hard
                                         ­             It's worth It
                                               Barack Obama
                                    So I can
                                   become a
                                         Rosa Parks          Imprisoned
                                       ­        So I can                    sit  
                                    ­               wherever               I                      
                                         ­                       choose

                                  ­       Martin              Luther
                                      ­    King              Assassinated
                                        So I can          befriend
                                        anyone I          choose
                                         Malcolm   X   Murdered          
                                         So I can    be   accepted
                                      Freedom           ­  Riders
                                      Arrested So        I can eat
                                       wherever           I choose
                                          Black             Panthers        
                                         Abused            So I can be      
                                          treated       ­         fairly

                                These fighters died, On the front line, On the battle field
                                                         So I wouldn't have
                                                      To. And yet, Where am I
                                                      Fighting,­ On the front line
                                                            Of the battle field
                                                           So what ever young  
                                                      asp­iring African American
                                                           won't be deprived
                                                            of their education
                                                       ­       Of their History
                                                          Of their right to vote;
                                                           ­  For standing up
                                                         For what they believe In
                                                                ­ It's simple
                                                          ­      Life Isn't fair
                                                               However you
                                                                ­ don't know
                                                                ­  Until life
                                                                ­ unleashes It's
                                                            ­         wrath
                                                           ­        On You
No matter what you believe In, No matter how hard It may seem, If It requires a fight, Fight It.
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
How do you expect me to be ok?
You say keep your head up
But ignore me when it's down.

How do you expect me to be ok?
You say smile, it'll get better.
But you laugh when it get's worse.

How do you expect me to be ok?
You tell me to stop getting hurt.
But you're the main one causing the pain.

How do you expect me to be ok?
You tell me to look at the brighter side.
But everything in my world is pitch black.

How do you expect me to be ok?
You tell me I'm a survivor.
But you're watching me die.

How do you expect me to be ok?
When you're the only one who doesn't care if I'm ok or not.
1.4k · Apr 2015
Get set
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
The whistle has been blown

My blocks are set
I'm warm, ready,
But I'm nervous

On your mark

I'm set
I've prayed
Yet I'm nervous


Only 3 seconds left


All fear Is gone
Based on start of track
I'm always nervous before my events
1.4k · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper
That doesn't sound "fancy"

It doesn't seem like a "title"

But what real name does?

It Isn't new or original,

Its just me

Isn't that good enough?
1.4k · Apr 2015
An Above Average Alphabet
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Actually Awesome
Beautifully Broken
Courageously creative
Differently Dazzling
Eagerly Edgy
Fascinatingly Fastidious
Gracefully Great
Handsomely Harmonious
Independently Intelligent
Jokingly Joyful
Keenly Kind
Lovingly Lyrical
Marvelously Magnificent
Naturally Narcissistic
Originally Open-minded
Passionately Pleasant
Quintessentially Quirky
Respectfully Rebellious
Sarcastically Smart
Typically Twisted
Unbelievably Unique
Vigorously Viscous
Wonderfully Wild
X-tremely  Xenodochial
Young-fully ******
Zealously Zany
1.2k · Jan 2016
Teach me to trust
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
I want you to teach me,
put the pencil in my hand and show me how to write.

Show me how to color the past instead of erasing it.

Teach me to love myself, In the way you love me.

Show me where I went wrong, then tell me to turn right.

Teach me smile more and cry a less.

Show me what I don't see,
Protect my eyes from what I shouldn't.

Make me laugh in the midst of my tears.

Teach me to forget why I was sad.

Show me how to conquer the pain.

Tell me what you want, and how you're gonna get it.

Show me why I should trust you,
teach me how.
962 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
To be awkwardly straight forward
"You are such an *******"
Just had to get that out
949 · Feb 2016
Sorry for no reason...
Jasmine Roper Feb 2016

Allow me to apologize in advance.
For what you ask?

For ruining this great thing we're going to have.

I'll be the friend that falls in love.

I'll be the friend begging to be more than friends.

It'll be me that takes your affection too far.

So yes I say sorry,
and it's not for "no reason"
It's because I already know how this is going to go.

I'm sorry that I'm going to fall in love with you, you're just making it really easy to do.
936 · Apr 2015
Is It wrong to miss you?
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Is It wrong to miss you?

We talk all the time
Yet I feel like It's not enough
The few hours a week should be enough
And yet I feel like you don't miss me In between them
When we talk It's like we never stopped
But when the time Is done I can't bare to see you leave
Now, 2,500 Miles apart
I can't seem to get you out my head
I know I don't love you
And I know you don't love me
But I just miss your companionship
You're the best, best friend

Is It wrong to miss you?
Jasmine Roper Dec 2016
I saw you in the hallway
That look of pain and desperation

You glared into my soul
My heart started to race

I was upset, I felt like I hurt you
You seemed so ashamed

You claim not to want me
But it ****** you off to see me with someone else

I love you more than I live myself
But you're afraid you feel the same

You saw me in the hallway
I looked happy and full of life

I didn't feel you staring
I was on cloud nine

I was so excited
Oblivious to my surroundings

Then I saw you
Standing in the hallway
All my joy was gone
877 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
You really don't think she's worthy of you?

Okay you get good grades
You've skipped a grade
You won the spelling bee

But are you smart?

Okay she carries a 2.4
She got held back
Okay she can't spell well

But Is she dumb?

You got Into a four year university
She's going to community college

You're now a lawyer
She's now an artist

You're rich and successful
She's rich and successful

You're getting a divorce
She's getting married

You lost your kids In court
She's carrying her second child

It's her 10th anniversary
It's your 10th DUI meeting

You're at your High school reunion
She notices you

You ask her If she's smart
She says no

She asks you If you're happy
do you know what you said...............
859 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
B - L - A - C - K
5 letters
4 consonants
1 vowel
1 race

We thank
We congratulate
We appreciate  

Everyone person

Whether you created
Or lead  

You made our race what It Is

From our Barack Obamas and Martin Luthers

To our Oprah Winfreys and  Maya Angelous  

We thank
we congratulate
We appreciate

Everyone person who has made us, us


B - L - A - C - K
851 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Don't tell me that he likes me
I know that It's not true
I wish that It was
Because all I want Is you

He's a really funny kid
To always have around
But when his friends show up
He's no where to be found

I am In awe of his essence
His comedic attitude
I can't get him out of my mind
Can't believe I love this dude

No he's not the cutest
But I've got a thing for he
You say that he likes me too
But why would he like me
827 · Apr 2015
I Praise You
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I praise you
Not because you put a roof over my head
And provide me with food to eat

I praise you
Not because you make everything okay
And give me a place to sleep

I praise you
Not because you make me who I am
And wake me up everyday

I praise you
Not because you keep me safe
And always help me find my way

I praise you
Because you are Jesus Christ
My Lord
And my Savior
You forgive me of my sins
No matter my behavior
You bless me daily
Whether I deserve It or not
It Is you that I worship
And my evil that you fought

You were crucified
So that I could live
So It Is you
That I have praise to give.

I praise you
Happy Easter
I know It's late but It's never to late to praise the Lord
767 · Apr 2015
Trust Me
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I want you to
Trust me

Tell me your biggest fears
Your scariest dream
Your largest goal
Trust me

Trust me
With your feelings
With your secrets
With your heart

Trust me
Tell me things you fear to tell the others
Tell me what makes you mad
Tell me what makes you smile

Trust me
Show me your past
Show me your future
Show me your present
Show me you

Trust me
Entrust me with your life
Entrust me with your love
Entrust me with the big weights

Trust me
Allow me to guide you
Allow me to be your crutch
Allow me to help you
Allow me to trust you

All you have to do Is trust me
756 · Apr 2015
Fun, Just fun
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I know you're not the one
I'd like you to be
Sadly you're not

What we had was fun

But It's over

Yes I'll miss your smiling face
the way you make me laugh
and the tears you could dry
Yes I'll miss you

I know you'll miss me too

But what we had was Fun
Just fun

Nothing more, nothing less

I liked you
You liked me

No where was love

I'll miss your kind of fun
It was a different kind of fun
An awesome type of fun

It was fun
Just fun
721 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I asked you where you received you Inspiration

I was confused on why I couldn't find mine

Little did I know,

That's what you were

You aren't here for me to love  

You aren't here to comfort me

You are here to open my eyes
679 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
You aren't my sister
Sometimes I wish you were
The monkey bars gave me this blister
But I was playing with you for sure
I love you a bunch
Much more than you think
I love you so much
Even just when you blink
You are the sister I want
No one else Is like you
It Is you that I flaunt
No matter what you do
You and I, Is we
We, Is just you and me
To my cousin who I love like a sister
Shakespearean Sonnet #3
667 · Feb 2017
A deathly love
Jasmine Roper Feb 2017
I'm going to **** you,
I'm going to steal every bit of life, of love, of heart you have.

I don't wish to harm you, I promise it's not my intention,
but I can't find a way around it.

When I **** you It'll be soft, and gentle. I won't physically hurt you I swear.
But you'll die. You'll walk away lifeless, depressed, and empty.

I could've prevented this, you tried to run, but I didn't let you go.
I should've let you fly free, you wouldn't be getting killed by me.

I want you to be happy with me, not give your happiness to me.
I appreciate that you're so willing to help no matter what it cost you,
but I wish is didn't cost you your life.

I really don't want to **** you,
I just can't figure out how to stop.
650 · Apr 2017
As you sleep
Jasmine Roper Apr 2017
I grasp your hand as your eyes grow heavy.
I kiss your cheek followed by another on the back of your hand.
I hold your hand tighter as I feel your grip begin to loosen.
I cuddle up closer as your pulse slows but grows in amplitude.
I breathe silently as you begin to snore.
That awfully adorable sound I can't seem to ignore.
You're calm, at peace, you are asleep.
Watching you wind down is so satisfying to me.
I just wonder if you feel the same when you watch me sleep.
643 · Apr 2015
Hear Me Out
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Alright, check this out.
I know you're hurting
And that It seems like no one understands
But someone,
Somewhere does

Look, hear me out
If you keep this up
You'll be dead sooner than you think
That "person" who gets you 100%
Can't find you from the grave

Listen, let me speak
A few tears will dry
A few cuts will heal
Just stop there
The finish line Isn't as far as you think

Wait, just relax
I promise
If you just stop
Just felt It on my heart
624 · Jan 2016
Dear Mr.Photoman,
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
To the cutie behind the camera.
Thank you for making me look good, without your skills that wouldn't have been possible. Thanks for making my smile look brighter, you use the flash at just the right time. Thank you for putting the smize in my eyes, they've never stood out like that.

     I'm not just meaning the actual pictures, I mean the smile I get when you make me laugh, the way my face glows when I talk about you, the way my heart races when I see you. Thank you for making me beautiful, without you I never would have seen it.
602 · May 2015
Just Cry
Jasmine Roper May 2015
Just cry
happy tears
Just cry
but smile while you're at it
Just cry
the funniest tears you've ever let escape your eyes
Just cry
with joy In your head
Just cry
until tears of joy aren't enough
You can smile
All alone
No tears
Just Joy
600 · Apr 2015
I don't understand
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
What Is this urge I have
I don't understand

This drive to
To Invent,
To design.

What Is this?
I don't understand

How do I act upon It
How do I complete this
How do I start It

Where did It come from?
I don't understand
592 · Nov 2018
Don't Search
Jasmine Roper Nov 2018
Don't bother searching
You're looking in all the wrong places
You can't find someone that doesn't wish to be found
That attention you seek is impossible to find
God placed one person on this earth to give that to you
Sadly that person chooses not to listen
You're lonely, afraid, confused, and desperate.
You just want him to call you beautiful, just one time
But he didn't, hasn't and likely never will.
Stop searching
when you finally give up
let go of that hope
you'll find him
not the father you longed for
but the husband you needed.
583 · Dec 2016
Jasmine Roper Dec 2016
"I love you"
The three words we managed to exchange.

You make me feel special, not in the handicapped kind of way. But like a princess, who needs never cease to be met.

You eat my pain and feed me smiles. You dry my tears and hold my heart.

You tell me I'm beautiful, something I've never believed to be true; but it sounds a whole lot  different when it coming from you.

I tell you that I love you, you must know it to be true.
I don't feel this way towards anyone but you.

"I love you"
Three little words that we share.
571 · Apr 2015
I ain't even mad
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
You're Mad at me aren't you
You trying to make me regret It
I'm sorry that I don't want you
Once you finally want me
But I told you this
A long time ago
I wasn't gonna wait
And guess what
I didn't
I found a new love
And he's way better  
Than you'll ever be
570 · Apr 2015
So confused
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I'm sitting here
Oh so confused
I'm not exactly what It Is about you
But whatever It Is won't allow me to get over you

You're no different than the average guy
I'm so confused
oh so confused

You tease me
Torture me
Out smart me
And yet I can't seem to move on

I'm so confused
Oh so confused
535 · Nov 2015
So hard and yet so simple
Jasmine Roper Nov 2015
Why is it so hard get you out of my mind
But so easy it was to get you stuck in it

Impossible to forget all the good things
But so simple to ignore the bad

So hard for you to love me the way I love you
But how quickly I forgave you for hurting me

Exhausting to ignore you
But it's a breeze for you to ignore me

It hurts me to hate you
But how effortlessly I can love you
530 · Jan 2016
A Smile...
Jasmine Roper Jan 2016
It's more contagious than the common cold,
More addicting than any drug,
More beautiful than any sunrise,
More comforting than any physical touch,
More entertaining than any movie.

It contains more magic than Houdini,
Contains more sparks than the 4th of July,
Contains more dreams than a thousand years of sleep,
It holds more hope than anything in the world.

Everything in the universe is out of focus
I can't see anything,
Except for one thing.
Something unbelievably real,
incredibly prepossessing
and Insanely attractive
A Smile...
Your smile to be exact.
515 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
At the way she walks

To her vocabulary when she talks

Her neck when she hugs you

Her soft lips when she kisses you

Her heart beat faster as you grab her waist

All five senses point to yes
She wants you
500 · May 2015
Jasmine Roper May 2015
that only makes It worse

that just makes me more wild

I've already held It too long

what do you think I'm trying to tell you

I can't stop suffocating

It because I'm already dead

It just another lie

because they're Inside me

because you see me slowly dying
496 · Apr 2015
Thank God
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I thank God

You sent me here

I didn't want to move

But I'm glad I did

I didn't want to stop loving him

But I'm glad I did

I didn't want to be creative

But I'm glad I did

You placed these people here
In my path
To force me through doors I didn't see

I didn't want to open the doors

so you presented me with the people who would do It with me

And I thank you for that

Thank God

For placing me on the journey I am now In love with
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
She Is completely relaxed and peaceful
The warm sunshine above her little head
A smile so large that was once so dull
The joy that Is handled by a small thread
The water brushes the souls of her feet
The way that the wind blows her bouncy curls
She bobs her head to the beautiful beat
She Is different than the other girls
What makes her happy, yet to understand
Profound at the joy discovered alone
Happiness found without presence of man
She begins to rethink returning home
Deciding between hurt and happiness
Leaves her on a beautiful beach fearless
Shakespearean Sonnet #2
485 · Apr 2015
I want to
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I want to take your picture
Not In a creepy stalker way

I want to capture all that you are In one simple Image

That Isn't possible
Too many pixels

So many undiscovered secrets
The camera can only abduct what the eye can perceive

I want to record you
Not like bugging your house

I want to hear your soft handsome voice when your not around

That's futile
Bad sound quality

Such tone can't be recorded
where as my ear can hear so much more  

I want to video tape you
Not like camera In teddy bear

I want to relive the moments we shared

That's preposterous
Too many feelings

Such feelings can't be video taped
You can only live those feelings once
480 · Dec 2015
Writers block.
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
I place my fingers and attempt to type,
my mind goes blank,
have all my thoughts sank?

I move my hand and try to draw,
But the vision is gone,
I don't know whats wrong.

I'm holding the pen aiming to write,
For some reason I can't,
I'm trying with all my might.

Is there something on my mind?
Is something blocking my train of thought?
Everything in my head has started to rot.

I wish to communicate,
everything I feel,
but my brain refuses to spill.

Maybe I have nothing to say,
I write nearly everyday day.
I just can't seem to describe,
All I feel inside.
479 · Dec 2015
If I...
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
If I didn't text you back that first time we could have avoided the entire situation.

If I ignored your calls, I never would have fell for your voice.

If I didn't face time you before I slept, your image wouldn't appear in my dreams.

If I blocked you from my memory, I wouldn't have created a vision.

If you were one year older or if I was one year less, we never would have meet.

If one thing was out of place I could have avoiding loving you.

If one thing was placed differently, you may have loved me back.
474 · Dec 2015
Pause the world
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
Everyone moves on so fast.

But then there's me.

Sitting here waiting for someone who has never even thought I was cute.

Crying my heart out for someone who couldn't care less about how I feel.

Is it wrong to miss you?

At one point we didn't go a day without saying hi.

I grew so dependent upon you, I never expected you to disappear the way you did.

I just wish I could turn back time.

I wish I could be everything you want.

If only I could pause the world.
474 · Apr 2015
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
I'm alone.
On the deserted Island that Is my own mind.

I'm lost.
In the maze that Is made of my thoughts.

I'm confused.
In the puzzle that Is my own soul

I'm scared
In the darkness that Is made of my heart

I'm stuck.
In the cell of my skin.

I'm cold.
In the shivers of my brain.

I'm stranded.
And don't know how to escape.
473 · Dec 2015
To be with you
Jasmine Roper Dec 2015
I want to love you
But if it's not right what can I do?
You fell for me
I said there will never be a we,
But when I fell for you
All games we're threw.
You claim I'm too good,
That I deserve someone better,
But all I wish is for us to be together.
You may be older and probably don't feel the same,
But how I feel for you won't ever change.
I may grow up, and love someone else
But you will always have a spot on my shelf.
We aren't meant to be,
But I can't stop imagining you on one knee.
It probably wouldn't be perfect
But I assure you I'm worth it.
I'm not saying be with me forever,
I'm just saying never say never.
Even just as friends, our talks last hours.
But together the entire world could be ours.
Yes my love is true,
And right I want nothing more than to share it with you.
472 · Apr 2015
Just Pray
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Pray Just Pray
Pray on It
Pray with It
Pray over It
Pray about It
Pray without It
Pray along Its side
Pray Just Pray
465 · Apr 2015
Is she herself
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
She carries herself better than politicians

She's more talented then the performers on Broadway

She's smarter than a rocket scientist

She's sexier than the "angels"

That's great!
But Is she herself?
465 · Apr 2015
Don't do that
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Don't do that
Pretend like It's over
Because both you and I know It's not

Don't do that
Run from my hug
Because you're just gonna turn around and kiss me

Don't do that
Fake a laugh
Because we both know that laugh was real last night

Don't do that
Walk with them
Because we both know you walk me home

Don't do that
Love me behind the scenes
Because we both know I'm what you want the most

Don't do that
Reject my love
Because we both know you love me

Don't do that
Make me wait In line
Because we both know I'm the V.I.P.

Oh look
You did It anyway

Don't do that
Cut out your heart
Because we both know I don't want It anymore
Don't wait too long
She won't wait forever
462 · Apr 2015
At least I thought I wasn't
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
There I sat
In a pile of my own shame
Crying over my own stupidity
It was my own fault
I allowed myself to love you

I always do It
Fall for the one that shows me attention
I think I ruin It for myself
I try to hard
Or maybe I don’t try enough

I’m yet to understand
how the male brain works
That’s why I want you
To help me figure It out

I wasn’t lost
At least I thought I wasn’t
I didn’t realize I was a victim of the hero syndrome
I thought I really loved you
And I thought feelings were mutual
But I guess they weren’t

you gave me your glasses
so I can see through your eyes
I thought things were clear
But I guess It was just a blurr

You saved me
From the Evil
That Is my mind

You rescued me
From the Imprisonment
Of my own thoughts
And thought that was out of love
But It was just you being you

That’s what I loved
You being you
You as yourself
Is so perfect

I wasn’t lost
At least I thought I wasn’t
454 · Apr 2015
10 word poem - Live
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Live now,
Only God knows If "then" will ever come.
453 · Oct 2016
It's obvious
Jasmine Roper Oct 2016
I know you love me,
don't know why you wouldn't.
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