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 Apr 2017 James M Vines
Colorful and faultless souls, deprived of screaming out a name,
Limited in a box that controls ourselves,
Holding tight to an only thing that keeps us sane

Blinded and innocent,
Dreaming and weeping
We fight through our madness
Hoping not to deal with our pain

Burning and aching,
Drowning and breaking
We speak to the silence as it slowly consumes us,
Fading and remaining all the same,
Day after day

We watch the struggle and kiss away our wounds
Embracing the killer thing that makes us okay

Maybe with our tears or maybe with the rain...
Numbing our weakest and darkest parts,
The ones that keeps blasting our madness toward the stars but ****** to fail
Day after day.
Physics taught me

that deeper water

has more


and it made me think,

about people.

Deep people

were under pressure

because they sank

as they carry

the problems

on their backs.

While shallow people

will just float

and will never


the hidden beauty

of the ocean.
 Mar 2017 James M Vines
No thing grows,
No bird flies.
Flowers- they shrivel;
Die in my mind.

Dark as night,
Quiet like fear.
Terrible as monsters;
All pain resides here.

Warmth isn't found,
Light is scarce.
Silence stabs ears
Like a dagger's pierce.

The toxic air,
The deadly sand.
You haven't guessed?
**I am the wasteland.
March 25, 2017.
Rhyme scheme: second and last line end rhyme. Stanza one and three: near-rhyme. Stanza two and four: rhyme.
It can happen any place any time.
The feeling of you not being who you are or what you want.
The iron grip in your chest telling you that you are wrong.
The darkness in your heart telling you that this is not what you are.
Feeling that you are a girl when you are meant to be a guy.
Feeling like a guy when you are meant to be a girl.
Feeling like you will never get to the point of being who you want to be.
Feeling alone in the battle of this of identity  and your soul.
Alone you feel and nothing can fix it.
But it will slowly go away in time.
Leaving you woth little confidence and power to make it through the day.
Gender Dysphoria happenes to a lot of people. Not just transgender people. But gender fluid and gender queer. And a whole lot more people out there.
 Mar 2017 James M Vines
 Mar 2017 James M Vines
when i feel your gaze rest upon me
a weight is lifted from my heart
and another is placed upon my throat.
for when you (who is perfect)
and i (who is ******)
join eyes like the mixing of mud and
you steal my words and tear out my voice
imprison me within your sight
and i comply.
for it is you (who is perfect)
and i (who is ******)
why is it that after all this time it doesn't feel like prison?
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