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 Sep 2014 Jaide Lynne
Poetic T
When searching for the lost remember 8 things.

We are vessels. We are circuit boards
swallowing the electricity of life upon birth.
It wheels through us creating every moment,
the pulse of a story, the soft hums of labor and love.
In our last moment it will come rushing
from our chests and be given back to the wind.
When we die. We go everywhere.

Newton said energy is neither created nor destroyed.
In the halls of my middle school I can still hear
my friend Stephen singing his favorite song.
In the gymnasium I can still hear
the way he dribbled that basketball like it was a mallet
and the earth was a xylophone.
With an ear to the Atlantic I can hear
the Titanic’s band playing her to sleep,
Music. Wind. Music. Wind.

The day my grandfather passed away there was the strongest wind,
I could feel his gentle hands blowing away from me.
I knew then they were off to find someone
who needed them more than I did.
On average 1.8 people on earth die every second.
There is always a gust of wind somewhere.

The day Stephen was murdered
everything that made us love him rushed from his knife wounds
as though his chest were an auditorium
his life an audience leaving single file.
Every ounce of him has been
wrapping around this world in a windstorm
I have been looking for him for 9 years.

Our bodies are nothing more than hosts to a collection of brilliant things.
When someone dies I do not weep over polaroids or belongings,
I begin to look for the lightning that has left them,
I feel out the strongest breeze and take off running.

After 9 years I found Stephen.
I passed a basketball court in Boston
the point guard dribbled like he had a stadium roaring in his palms
Wilt Chamberlain pumping in his feet,
his hands flashing like x-rays,
a cross-over, a wrap-around
rewinding, turn-tables cracking open,
camera-men turn flash bulbs to fireworks.
Seven games and he never missed a shot,
his hands were luminous.
Pulsing. Pulsing.
I asked him how long he’d been playing,
he said nine 9 years

The theory of six degrees of separation
was never meant to show how many people we can find,
it was a set of directions for how to find the people we have lost.

I found your voice Stephen,
found it in a young boy in Michigan who was always singing,
his lungs flapping like sails
I found your smile in Australia,
a young girls teeth shining like the opera house in your neck,
I saw your one true love come to life on the asphalt of Boston.

We are not created or destroyed,
we are constantly transferred, shifted and renewed.
Everything we are is given to us.
Death does not come when a body is too exhausted to live
Death comes, because the brilliance inside us can only be contained for so long.
We do not die. We pass on, pass on the lightning burning through our throats.
when you leave me I will not cry for you
I will run into the strongest wind I can find
and welcome you home.
I did a link to this poem a spoken word poem I was very moved by it this is his poem in words... Awesome
 Sep 2014 Jaide Lynne
That yellow lightning bolt
You have new notifications
truly; like my personal brand of ******
my personal, digital addiction;

I eagerly log in
to see which stranger now approves,
of the turmoil deep in me
to see which stranger considers me worthy;
worthy of “following
worthy of paying attention to

Your poem started trending
Which one?  True Love?
OH WOW!  Strangers like my work?
should it even matter?
does it even matter?
**** straight it does!

I’ll tell you why;
People liking my poems means I’m not alone
if I’m crazy, I’m not the only one,
it means that somewhere in this upside down world
understands something about me

Following me means that my voice matters
if in ”real life” I don’t matter
if in ”real life” I’m stepped upon
at least here, people think me worthy

Others can at least identify
it means that I am not alone
it means that I might not be that crazy
it means that somewhere on this Earth
another heart beats –
another flame flickers
against the cold, dark of the World

Really, it communicates that I matter
that I too, have a place in the world
I wasn't prepared for how addicting HP is.  For how cool it is that there are others who see the world like I do
Your name,
When aligned vertically,
Are formed into separate letters;
Letters turned into acrostics

Just like your name,
Are an acrostic;
So many meanings

So many words
So significant
So indescribable
So you

Just you
 Sep 2014 Jaide Lynne
My problem is not the society,
it is the way your minds work.
My problem is not the school,
it is how you imprison us.
My problem is not the laws,
it is the way you interpret them.
My problem is not the people,
it is how they crave for superiority.

And don't even tell me I am too young to understand all the ******* you keep on feeding us. We know the difference between things that can empower us truly and things that are cruel.
As the days get colder, My heart sinks deeper and deeper into depression.
“Cut Cut Cut” Is the only words the ring through my ears. I want to feel pain other then my throbbing heart.
Love me...
I see my friends happiness, I see them moving on.
As I’m stuck behind in my own sorrow.
Im lost. Ever where I look I cant recognize.
Love me...
When my family looks at me all I see in there eyes is disappointment.... hatred.
I lay In my bed for days, hoping it will turn into the sea and I will drown.
Love me...
..... Please
Just love me...
 Sep 2014 Jaide Lynne
Alexis A
I'm terrified
Counting down the hours
The minutes
The seconds
Until you tell her
What I've been doing
20 hours
25 minutes
14 seconds...
Until the end of my life
When my mom will know
What's under my shirt
She'll see the marks
And the crusted blood
And never look at me again
In now just
20 hours
23 minutes
and 57 seconds
I'm so ******* *******...
You think you're safe, but you really aren't. In less than a day, a friend is going to have a conversation with my mom and me about my cutting, and what to do about it. I can already hear the yelling...
The sky is so tragically beautiful;
A graveyard of stars.
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