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Nisa Jul 2018
love is a weird thing.
love wrapped his arms around you sometimes like always and
maybe this is what the hopeless romantics meant when they said sometimes home is not a place
love is like religion
where the worshippers would never hesitate to jump from the highest mountain to the lowest surface of the ocean
your head will bleed and you will still carve smiles using your lips, followed by the eyes and say thank you
how silly-
when he smiles
all the wilt flowers come back to life and bloom
and bloom
and bloom like its a spring season in december
its august and its rainy here but flowers
they last longer when he grins from ear to ear
like a silly man, like a precious silly bean
when he laughs
the chaos in my mind disappear
all the tics and all the screams up there just went quiet
its the moment of contentment
i wish to last
maybe not forever but give me a moment.
i can't stand eye contact
so i stare at him when he's not looking
and oh dear god
if this is a dream, i wouldn't mind trapped here
i wouldn't mind encounter the demons i see in the corner of my bed
i would approach them, shake their hands like an old friend
as long as i can be with him
for a little longer
when those lips spill the word love
i don't recognise it
h e l p me-
hate is the opposite word of love and
my doubts are loud
i hate the fact that my doubts are draining his love for me
my eyes are covered
and my ears are being plugged with earphones whispering he's lying.
my love,
i love you
i'm scared of heights but i'm an idiot and i would jump from the highest mountain in the name of love.
i said please-
do not get tired of me
i want to trust you
let me put my trust on you
i'm trying.
i promise.
Nisa Apr 2018
i live in a house
at the corner of the 3rd street
with white painted walls
made out of bricks of fake happiness and shattered hopes
like how my mother and my father
treated their emptiness like an old friend
and caged their love in the basement

i live in a house
with tiled staircases
and silenced curiosity
where the whys and the hows and when did it all started
all the questions
recycled, in my head at least
but none of us get the answer
none of us have the answer

i live in a house
where yelling is a way of communicating
and screams are lullabies
where good night kisses are slamming doors
where the bed feels like the only safe place when it should be the mothers arms and the fathers love
where i kneel down hoping god could at least end this
i do not want to see the sun anymore
the sun means another arguments and another heartbreak
until it numbs
until it has nothing more to destroy

i live in a house
by the corner of the 3rd street
where i could not call home
a house that makes me feel
h o m e s i c k
like i am in an unfamiliar town
not only lost
i am invisible
i am there but i am not there
and my voice feels like as if it were to disappear
every time i cry for help

just maybe
if mother and father
could look at each other
and feel something instead of nothing
feel love instead of cold regrets and unreasonable angers
maybe i could be at home again
maybe if my echoed voice
could reach you
and you acknowledge it
maybe i would be at home again
Nisa Mar 2018
flower petals shower the streets
soft wind kisses our skin
spring whisper, “I’m here”.
Nisa Mar 2018
I have been living with my sadness for as long as I remember
And I have long forgotten how to live properly as a human being
with various emotions

It is like I have been thrown in an ocean
and no matter how hard I try to swim and chase the light
I always ended up drowning
As if my leg were pulled deeper and deeper
and the air became a stranger to me

So when you said you wanted to leave
I was not surprised
Because it was always like this
People left because
I was

but nonetheless i want to think that this tragedy
is not because of my sadness
it is simply because the right one has not yet to find me.
Nisa Feb 2018
the fact that i’m unable to get close to your heart
its frustrating, irritating.




it’s like i’ve sunk into the darkness
and even if my eyes are closed,
even if theyre open,
no matter how much i strained them,
only black is spread around me.
and inside that place,
im standing paralysed,
at a loss of my own destination.
Nisa Feb 2018
lately there is something off between us
i do not know what it is
nor do i want to have doubts
look at me again
not with the cold eyes
but with the eyes that says,
“it’s okay, i am here”.
embrace me with your warmness
and let me fall in deeper and deeper
kiss my skin until you remember
that my being belongs to you
and only you.
i want my love to reach your heart.
i hope my love reach your heart.
will it reach you?
i hope it reaches you.
Nisa Feb 2018
“do you still love me?”,
i asked.

and i waited for minutes,
for hours,
for days,
every moments,
and i received nothing
but silence.

i should have known,
the absence of his words,
is the answer.
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