i dreamt of you and i last night
in a time that hasn’t come quite yet
in the warmth and bright of June’s light
creating memories we could never forget
dont you wanna be my baby
don’t you wanna swim in the blonde of the summer
ice cool and your eyes blue, stunning
like a perfect visit to the rainy days, ******
carry me painlessly to the docks
and you’d ask me to strum my guitar a lot
the songs i’d use to put you to sleep
on the nights that we’d pray that we wouldn’t get caught
but it was summer anyway
the birds chirping took our breaths away
your curves so neat under the moon
my skin glistening like bubbles to champagne
the colour red contrasting to the season
you whispered always looks the best on you darling
tanned deep like all the girls you’ve ever loved
and drinking cold coffee, eyes sparkling
one day by the rivers edge, i know
those words will roll off your tongue
bring on our golden days ahead
alive, in love, and young
This is the title of my poetry book that I'm working on (hence why I haven't posted on here!). Will be providing little snippets here and there (: