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GQ James Dec 2020
Why hate on me when you can love on me,
The hate is getting deeper and deeper,
You don't wanna see me win,
Only happy when I'm down bad,
The way we treat one another is just sad,
We are brothers and sisters,
Let's make a friend instead being enemies.

It ain't gotta be so animosity between us,
Let's get along and not go to war,
Put the guns down and pick up the bible,
Homicides increasing,
Economy decreasing,
Let's create a new season.

The community bleeding,
Let's stop the bleeding,
Why your family starving and you eating,
Let's all eat and break break together,
Let's stand together,
Stop the separation.

It's a war zone out here in America,
We some animals in this jungle,
Caged in,
Locked up,
Throw the key away like we ain't humans,
We humans so let's stop acting animals,
We are better than the how the world see us.
GQ James Dec 2020
I use to hurt people,
Now I help people,
The pain brought me some peace,
It had me thinking about my life,
Thinking about my choices,
Looking at myself,
Questioning my motives.

Life ain't the same for me,
Don't think the same,
Don't live the same,
Don't feel the same,
God replaced my heart with a new heart,
Was once cold-hearted,
Now I have a big heart.

Facing pain in the eyes changed my vision,
Crying my eyes out left me numb,
What I felt I can't feel no more,
What I was doing I ain't doing no more,
The way I was living i ain't living no more,
Confessed my sins and repented,
God forgave me,
Right my wrongs,
I'm now singing a new song.
GQ James Dec 2020
The moment I look into your eyes I knew,
My mind couldn't deny you,
My heart couldn't deny you,
My soul couldn't deny you,
My life couldn't be lived without you.

I was blind to the rest of the world,
It was our world,
You allowed the unimportant to invade our world,
What's ours can't be touched,
You allowed the outside to invade the inside.

What's lost can't be found,
What's torn can't be repaired,
What's damaged can't be put back together,
What's dead can't be brought back to life.
True Love.
GQ James Dec 2020
Silence my words,
Cut my ties away from it all,
Walk away from you,
Close my eyes,
Close my mouth,
Close my ears,
Lock up my heart.

I can't hear you,
I can't see you,
I can't trust you,
Loving you died long ago,
Letting you go.

I feels no ways,
I'm not mad,
I'm content with my choice,
At some point you're just over it,
I'm silent.
GQ James Dec 2020
How you say you love,
Then show you me you hate me,
Love and hate can't occupy the same space,
Love doesn't hurt you,
Love doesn't bring you pain,
The wrong type of love does,
That toxic love does,
The wrong person will bring you pain.

Don't tell me you love me,
Love don't live here anymore,
The time has expired,
There's nothing left to be said,
Nothing left to do but to sign the papers,
Sign, sealed and delivered.
GQ James Dec 2020
The symptoms of pcos are endless,
It causes many issues for the ovaries,
There's no cure for this but there need to be one,
It makes it harder for her to get pregnant,
It makes it harder for her Emotionally,
It makes it harder for her Mentally.

God has the last say in all of this,
Don't worry for those who suffer from this,
I know it's painful and draining,
Don't give up on having children,
It may be difficult but it's not impossible,
Never knew much about this,
But wanted to speak about it.

Many women are battling with this,
It can be easy but in due it will get easier,
Hang in there and keep the faith,
God has the last say not the doctors,
Anything is possible through the grace of God,
Miracles happen everyday.

The anxiety and depression can get the best of you,
Hold on to your faith,
Stay prayed up,
The symptoms will have you Emotional,
But there's nothing you can,
This is a test so just keep fighting,
God will see this through.
GQ James Dec 2020
Why is it so many put so much importance on ***?
*** is ***. Making love is making love. Fcking is Fcking. Don't make more of it than what it is.
The emotional attachments that many associate with *** is something I'll never understand. For some reason *** is emotional for the female species.

Laying down with a man doesn't have to mean more than just that. If y'all are connected and bonding with one another I can understand the emotional attachments. Sometimes you just have casual encounters. Separate your emotions from the ****** encounters we experience. Not everyone is emotionally involved, some are just looking for a night of pleasure.

A man and a woman share pleasure but sometimes they share more. The connections can become deeper than just *** if you allow yourself to feel.
Many keep their guards up but the right one can allow you to feel safe to let your guard down.

Don't play with anyone's emotions, because it never ends well when emotions are involved. Emotions can be lethal depending on how deep you're involved. Meaningless affairs can get ugly when they were suppose to be simply and fun. That's what happens when emotions get involved. Playing with someone's emotions for your own benefit just ain't right.
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