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  Aug 2015 Fran
Hanna Kelley
Every child is born
With a puzzle to do
Some smaller than others
But same in point of view

As you live your life
You search for every piece
You find them in the people you meet
Or in places you find peace

Sometimes your pieces
Don't fit like they should
So you take them out
And find a place they could

Some people are so desperate
To find the right part
That they'll force them in places
That ruins the art

When a piece doesn't fit
Then you set it aside
It will be important later
It will have to be applied

But those people that are desperate
May take those away
They'll find a place that it fits
Along with the price to pay

Puzzles are made
With similar design
So they can get away
With taking what was mine

Too many people
Took what were important to me
So my puzzle is left unfinished
And I can't see what it would be

I can't finish my puzzle
And show my work of art
I can't get a new puzzle
And go back to the start

Selfish people have ruined
The only thing I had
I can't find my pieces
I have nothing more to add

So I throw away my puzzle
Since there is nothing more to do
I walk through the door
This is all because of you
Not everyone will understand this poem.
Fran Aug 2015
Oh grudges how much I hate you
Ruining people's live
Is that so fun to you ?
Oh bummers

Oh grudges, can we stop this game ?
You're hurting me and my friend
With wound and scars that is never healed
Why Imprint everyone's mind with hatred and guilt?

Oh grudges, why are you so wicked?
Stop playing with my heart
Like a toy, it breaks
Stop hiding and go away.

I do not need you in my life
For as long as I live
I just want peace and quiet
Is that just so hard to give ?
Fran Aug 2015
I was lost
Missing in the act
I try to be someone
who i can never be, in fact

Changing myself to someone's liking
Walking on shards
I panicked and can't breathe
when will it end, i wish to know.

I quiver in fear
and all alone
Losing my voice
To which i saw a glimpse of light

She guide me to my once forgotten self
"you're not design to everyone's liking"
Is what she said to me
Just be yourself is all you need

So inconclusive to this poem
I do not wish to make another personality
To which suits the other persons taste?
That is just not me.

Some people might mind
Some people might not
But all you have to remember
Is this poem to yourself.

Forget about these negativity
Forget about these problems
Opinions will be throwing itself in your way
A life problem is never ending
So stop wasting time and think about it

Treat yourself fairly , BE YOURSELF.
Remember this poem
Remember this faith
Just think of the present and the future
Which will dictate.
Fran Aug 2015
From ally to foe
How did we become this way ?
From friendship to disasters
That is all I can say

I dislike you
With a hint of hate
What do I smell?
A foul smell of fake

But even though I hate
There is a part of me sad
I want to tell you so bad
That you're still my friend

I might dislike you
I might be cold
I just want to clear up
Those misty fogs that blocks all

I can't see clearly
Where my paths leads
Just want a friend
Who understands me.
Fran Aug 2015
Remember the boy who cried wolf ?
Remember how many lies must he tell?
Remember the times he cried
And finally, when he did tell the truth
No one heard him

Layers of lies to cover
Layer of lies to hide
But finally as it seems
I can't find a time i don't lie

As the truth unravels
One by one
I hid myself
To seek help
To seek myself  

I can't face you nor him
I can't face God nor humans
So I plead in darkness
Pleading to vain
Pleading to sanity

All for that one last cry for help.
Fran Aug 2015
Assumption such a devil you are
Killing one soul and heart
Inching into ones vains
Seeping through ones blood

The words sticks like a glue
Bonded to ones pride and sorrow
So why assumption
Make such an accusation

Please don't play with me
Don't trample me
Don't crush me
And just stop hurting the poor old me.
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