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Flita Fernandes Mar 2016
She glides along the waxy floor,
Mind at peace and heart at war.
The witching hour sounds nearby,
With impaired grace, her body sighs.

In the quiet, she spinslike the sun,
Of violent energy and a star so bright.
Shrouded in darkness she quivers,
As a glow meets her riveting eyes.

A lone little flame-abusing the wax,
Trickles down onto the mahogany,
Tears on her cheek mirrors the sight.
Hours and minutes last an eternity.

She keeps swaying on calloused tips,
Tresses like a ravens broken wing,
Drowns her saddened breathing.
Her mind still denies and she keeps on dancing.
Note: The term Lasya, in the context of Hindu mythology, describes the dance performed by Goddess Parvati as it expresses happiness and is filled with grace and beauty. She is believed to have danced the Lasya in response to the male energy of the cosmic dance of Tandava performed by Lord Shiva.This term obviously contradicts the poem as it shows the tortured and emotional stages of the dancer. Rather than being happy she still expresses her pain and darkness with grace and beauty.
Flita Fernandes Nov 2015
Drops of heavenly tears, endless and bound
By truth, surround the moon and I
The moon, woeful over the heart of blue
And I, seek the soul of you

We walked, late into the dusk
Down across the edge of dark
Where rays blazed through the night
And the sea gave birth to light

But as the dew settled, we parted ways
In Triumph and fear, end of infinite days
All that remained-was music, of the shore
And waves to launder the imprints of our soul

And as I write,drifts-these eyes of mine
Into the moonlit yonder of milky shine
With love so deep and how it fled pain
For it shall reverberate until we meet again
Flita Fernandes Aug 2015
It may be madness,
Through the passion of beauty, it shines.
The sinful visage of love,
Like flesh upon vanity it chimes.
For beauty is scarce when the soul is lain in the tomb,
Because truth, like love, is life within the lungs of a new dawn.
  Jun 2015 Flita Fernandes
In vain, the priest attempts to exorcise
He struggles hard to cease the demon’s rise
His prayers prove to be of no avail
She's almost sure they will completely fail

Contorting limbs, in pain and immense fear
From one of those alluring eyes, a tear
Cannot control the one inside no more
Without a pause she screams, so sick and sore

The wretched spawn is crawling right within
Her aching throbbing belly weak and thin
Some spikes are seen already tearing flesh
She feels each one just like a dagger's slash

With blisters-covered skin, expelling pus
There is no true escape from all this fuss
Entirely drenched in sweat, in **** and tears
Atrophied head rotates, her judgement nears

Amidst the blackened blood, now flowing out
Applying strength, ignoring cry or shout
Exuding putrid smells, an horror-born
Keeps screeching out as if destroyer’s horn

*Possession, Defilement and Birth by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
I fear for my mental faculties :/
Just kidding, but sometimes my mind is a really scary place xD
Flita Fernandes Jun 2015
As I wait for my flight,
I look around and take in the sight,
Of people milling all around,
A giggling child, a mother with a frown.

Wondering about love and dreams,
I see a couple silently weep,
Of forgotten vows and lost promises,
A dying garden filled with black roses.

The building of a new career ,
Are the thoughts of the lone sighing teenager.
The silent reader with a book on her thighs,
Fictional reality living in her eyes.

And as I sit, glancing at my watch,
In my mind a new thought gives a knock,
Of how this thin walled infrastructure,
Is the core of dreams and desires.
just a short write , while I was waiting for my flight :)
Flita Fernandes Jun 2015
She dreams with her eyes open,
Of imaginary worlds and tales unspoken.
Page after page, of castles and storms,
She reads until the waking dawn.

Late night as the world falls asleep,
She curls with her cup, another page to read.
A yawn muffled by bookish thoughts
And the scent of imaginary forget me nots .

She places her book on a nearby counter,
With the caress of a gentle lover.
Glancing at her bookshelf she goes to sleep,
Dreaming of the thousand lives she once lived.
To all the bookworms who always read "just one more page" till the book ends
  Jun 2015 Flita Fernandes
There he falls to his knees
Stung by a thousand bees
Close to his dying wife
Slowly draining of life

“No! This cannot take place!
Right here in my embrace,
My beloved soon dead!
Oh Lord, take me instead!”

“Cease all the liquid flow
And shine thy holy glow
Gently upon her spirit
She’s almost at her limit!”

From out of smoke and fire
Appears a spectre liar
To bring a twisted deal
That only blood may seal

“But what explains thy presence!?
To carry out her sentence!?
Wert thou sent by my lord!?
I’ll strike thee with my sword!”

His blade is raised but stilled
The eyelids as if peeled
Limbs paralyzed in terror
‘Twas that an awful error!?

‘Tis the odd spectre’s hold
On his form now so cold
Approaching the young girl
His words, start to unfurl:

“Of her I shall take care
If only wouldst thou dare
To grant to my possesion
Assets, for my collection”

“For riddles I care not!
Of those I’ve heard a lot!
What could someone like thee
Do now, to set her free!?”

Raising arms high above
It starts to cure his love
Making it seem so true
But stopping half-way through

“Thou art a seraph, right?
Please, bless her with thy light!
Please, what desirest thee?
Take anything from me!”

“To make her again whole
Requires thy own soul
It will suffice to mend
The wounds of a dear friend”

“Well, If it must be so
As I won’t let her go
My essence may fill hers
Seems like that she concurs”

Their fate was swiftly sealed
Turns out she was not healed
Both meant for hell’s inclusion
‘Twas all just an illusion

*The Promise Of Hell by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
That was surely my longest write until today, and one I'm very proud of, still can't believe I wrote it xD
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