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 Jun 2015 Eve
Vernon Waring
Once a year
my sister visits the grave
of Montgomery Clift

She travels one hundred miles
to kneel in a Brooklyn cemetery
and weep before his
   modest headstone

I marvel at her romanticism
aimed at this mangled wreck
of an actor
this helpless mess of a man
pumped up with drugs
and rough ***
a haunted matinee idol
cavorting on the cusp
of madness

On her way home
she stares out
a bus window

She remembers his tremulous voice
and brooding eyes
his sullen features
overwhelming the giant screen

Soon she will fall asleep
dreaming of him holding her
in his anxious fragile arms
while the gray streets of Brooklyn
rush by
 Jun 2015 Eve
Ivy Swolf
A girl once investigated her tousled
      subconscious, for starry-eyed symbolism in
dreams was a better navigator of
      real life than battery-powered bleakness of
her daily alarm. When little boys pretend to be
      sailors they forget to be lost under foreign stars
as well, kneeling on wooden decks and blistered
      knees just to plead with the unrelenting new
moon to tranquilize its harshness, just a little bit,
      to peal a layer of its sinister skin and
shed some light on the
      twisting abyss ahead. Among all the apologies
sowed deeply in my ribcage
      there is a haunting song reverberating
in my bones that is
      faithless to what my chapped lips preach.
just word ***** while looking at the moon at midnight.
 Jun 2015 Eve
Curlan Eiruc
Third One
 Jun 2015 Eve
Curlan Eiruc
As low as nicknames go,
I chose the worst for you,I chose this as your position,
your time,
your place to me,
even if you're my third one,
you're all I can see.

You're my third one,
the third person to make me swoon,
You're my third one,
Though the first to make me feel torturingly alive,
You're my third one,
and you know what they say,
Third time's a charm.

I still feel guilty calling you Third

When you're my first
right now,right here,
Open or close,
My eyes,
They see your cheery white teeth
in your amazing smile,

My eyes,
They stare at your confident lazy eyes
coolly seeing,hiding your emotions in it's golden brown depths,

My eyes,
They appreciate your Greek-like,straight nose,
long with strength and sharp with confidence,

My eyes,
They see your mouse-like ears,
keen to casually hear
conversations you may not seem to care.
My eyes,
They see your fine build,
veins running downs places,up and over your tiny muscles.

My eyes,my heart,
they don't see your personality,
they only see the cool outside shell you've built around it.

you let go of that cool aura,
you goof off,you laugh,you act silly
with your friends.

And I'll stand there,
not even ashamed to stare
your perfection a glare
like your sun rays bear.

You like your sports,
your music,
your Dota 2.

I want to know everything about you.

That's the sad part,isn't it?
For me at least,I don't know about you.
For you.

Get a hold of yourself,self.
The audience aren't here for screaming.
They want sadness ,tragedy,romanticism.
But ****,I can only give you guys 2.
There's no romance but in my head,my dreams,
torturing me with false hope and implanted feelings

No sadness but in my heart,
I can't have him,
I know,
I'm slowly tearing apart.

We don't talk,we don't speak,
we look,we glance,we sometimes take a dare and stare,
that's the only tweak.

There's no tragedy but in the non-romantic relationship between his friend and me,
I was called a stalker,
my best friend rudely rejected for small favors,
that's a tragic crushing history.

There were chances I could've taken,
if you,my Third One still sat on the bus,
when your sister wouldn't be between us,
but day after day
It slowly became a bust.

More sadness?
Well,summer's here.
I can't see you no more,
you didn't show the last week of school or the few days before.

I admit,I'm stalking you.
But I need you to stop stalking my mind,taking over my thoughts,my vision,
making me blind.
Maybe I'll forget about you the next 2 months.
It'll be hard but I'll try.
now and may be forever,
lasts my thirst.

A/U-****,it's long.
 Jun 2015 Eve
Old Soul
 Jun 2015 Eve
Old Soul
As one doorway in life opens
It seems that another door has to be closed,
I tried for a while to balance it out
But I know all too well how this part goes.

I will spend more time at work
Less and less time at home,
Days without talking to you
I am now all on my own.

The hardest part is leaving you
But I have to do this alone,
I need to do something good for myself
No more talks on the phone.

But they say home is where your heart is
And I can not picture you anywhere else,
But here next to me
Helping me out.

I love you to pieces
You were where my mind went,
Until my promotion
Now my time is spent.

I am so lost on what to do
To stay or to leave,
All I know is one thing
I need to focus on me.
 Jun 2015 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
And Death knocked at my door and asked if I was ready with my Coffin
"Coffin for what?",I asked
"It will be your roof to save you the rain",Death replied.
Have you come with some morphine?",It was my turn to ask.
"Morphine?", said death in confusion.
Yes,Morphine, I'm not going down without a fight so by the time I hit the canvas you'll need it to soothe the pain
No, I wasn't ready for a fight",Death sighed, guess you'll have to die another day.
I'm inspired by people who battle cancer, It's ******* them just incase you haven't seen one
 Jun 2015 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
"Someday I'll get over you"*
Is the biggest lie I told I and you
 Jun 2015 Eve
Ignatius Hosiana
I'm planning to cross the ocean
I'm planning a swim under the sun
I'm planning to hit and follow the road
I'm planning to lift all my load
I'm planning to endure the hurt
I'm planning to fix my heart
I'm planning to tightly embrace
Water my faith and bloom in grace
I'm planning to give it another try
Even if it might as well make me cry
I'm planning to osculate again
And walk with you in the rain
I'm planning to forgive that day
Even if it still feels like yesterday
I'm planning to get up and get going
On a train, yatch or a boeing
I'm planning to lift myself from down
And instantly leave this town
Pulling my socks,tightening my laces
'Cause I'm planning on going places
There's a peace I seem not to have
I'm planning to find it, and to love
I'm planning to write another chapter
One that ends with happily ever after
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