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Nov 2024 · 129
finn Nov 2024
and it's weird because i know you don't like me like that and i know that the boundaries are blurred and that i come on too strong but you play along anyway, and it's weird because i think you're the cutest person i know but you have moments where you hate the way you are, and it's weird because when i miss you i go fishing at the docks like we did that day but i always miss you for a stupid reason because you have your life and i have mine, and it's weird because i would choose you over real life but i know that you need to live more than you've ever needed me
webfishing, dogfish:  "He's just like you! But yknow... more... fishy?"
Jul 2024 · 63
pyramid scheme
finn Jul 2024

just sell

one - start

with one and you

can move up to our

next tier; where you can

buy the products from us

and we take only a ten percent

cut - ten percent only! In fact, we’ll

even give you a discount if you buy in

bulk - we also have a credit system, you

know, where you get five credits for each new

member you recruit, and five credits means you

get a discount on your next purchase, see, so if you

just sign up four friends, it’s totally guaranteed you’ll

make back all the money, didn’t you want some extra cash

for that car? It’s totally trustworthy, just sign on the dotted line!
a pyramid shape :)
Nov 2023 · 3.3k
take a sip
finn Nov 2023
it seems my entire life is defined by drinks.

mother's milk out the womb.

(and maybe those suckles were sweet - it's not like i remember - but her words, for the rest of my life, certainly weren't.)

an hour-long debate, with my best friend at twelve years old - apple or orange juice?

(orange, obviously, is the right answer. we rehash the argument sometimes to this day.)

the day i turn 19, a beer in my hands.

(i'm sat around a campfire with my closest friends, birthdays all older than me - the beer tastes disgusting, as cheap alcohol is, but i'm glad to be there.)

yesterday, i had 1 coffee and 2 mugs of lemon honey tea, 4 glasses of water.

today, no tea, but 2 cups of coffee, a glass of milk, and 3 glasses of water.

i bite at my nails when i'm nervous, swallow down the spit that comes with it, the bile that rises.

last summer, i visited pei, had a raspberry cordial - my favourite drink to date - then bought a case of 4 more to take home with me.

last summer, when i lived in new brunswick, my friends in the same building knew me as the one who would always have a drink in hand - a milk tea, or maybe a pink lemonade, maybe that obscure korean soda i liked.

when i left new brunswick, i took a photo of my 2 trash cans, of the way they were both filled to the brim with empty bottles and cans and jugs.

i still miss the apple cider they made there.

my life is defined by drinks, sips, swallows, taking five minutes to breathe by making myself a nice whipped coffee, trawling the internet for pretty coasters and glassware for an hour in lieu of doing actual work.

Eventually, i close the shopping tabs, take a sip of coffee, and resume with the rest of my life.
i haven't had juice for so long i really need to go out and buy some
Nov 2023 · 115
Blue Couch
finn Nov 2023
It’s evident that the person I thought you were exists entirely in my memory, on that comfortable blue couch in your old temporary apartment - 160 Morton, I still remember the address from when you bought 50 dollars worth of subway for delivery on your dads card because the 6 frozen pizzas you had bought on the monday weren’t enough to last you a week.

The person I thought you were exists only on the second floor of the empty arts building, dancing and singing, on the picnic bench where I told you that you didn’t realize the effect you had on people, in that small campus and our trips to the nearby cities where we confided in each other and you sought my advice, i sought your comfort and the warmth of your hand gripping my shoulder when it was evident my own hands quivered and trembled.

It’s evident that the person I thought you were exists merely in my memory - but that isn’t entirely fair to you, I guess. You’ve always been better lying on the couch, head in my lap, than answering your messages, weeks old and still unread.

But still - does it hurt that much to even pretend you still care about me?

(7 separate messages. It’s been a week. Only when I confront you do you apologize, tell me that you’ve been having a bad time.)

(Explanation. Excuse. Explanation, not excuse. I thought we agreed on this.)

My memory erases the blemishes on our record, the bad moments - a relapse, anger, your hands on her thighs, lounging on the beach yet still asking me to watch your shoes.

Why can’t I be the ******* for once? It’s that emotion again, tenfold but dulled. I’m not angry, just disappointed. Maybe both. I don’t know. I never know when it comes to you.
the person i thought you were
May 2022 · 427
finn May 2022
She stood there, looked me in the eyes
asked in a quivering, cautious cadence,

"How long do half-elves live?"

And it would have been the most heartbreaking thing
If I had still had a heart
(After that girl who was more beautiful than she was living -
but it had to be done.)

But I still answered
As warm as I could
With Melora not by my side,
Not in my heart,
But, perhaps, cooking up a jambalaya
in my stump.

And in that moment
I know she would sacrifice herself
Sacrifice anything
Just to better the lives of others.

That girl is a treasure
And I hope not to forget it.
wholly obsessed w dnd podcasts rn. emily and murph if u ever see this i hope i characterized moonie and meemaw alright
May 2022 · 402
boy (reprise)
finn May 2022
Did I make the wrong choice
When I decided to be a boy
Because I couldn't handle
Being a girl
Who would be a woman.

Because now that I'm a boy
I can't be a man
I can't stand the thought of it.

And all I want is to be a boy
Never a man
Or a woman
Just a boy.
*transes ur gender*
Apr 2022 · 527
finn Apr 2022
i don't want to be a man.
no, not at all - and i never have.
i am not I,
i only want to be a boy
and not, not a man
i will never be a man the way i want to
so i will settle
for just being
a boy.
trans ppl things :thumbsup:
Mar 2022 · 224
finn Mar 2022
last active 409 days ago,
it says.

last status updated
3 years and 1 month ago

June 8th, 2018

I never really knew you
and we never really talked
and we only ever saw each other
and playing
and blogging
but we never really said anything

but the last time you were online was 2 years ago
and the last thing you tweeted wasn't even from you
it was just a retweet of some game promotion
and maybe you forgot about this account
or you lost interest
or maybe you're just simply gone

and your account is about to be terminated
due to inactivity

and I wonder
where, now, are you?
why are you offline?
old friends scoured from where i can find them
Feb 2022 · 123
finn Feb 2022
i am only
only a child.
a boy
who feels too **** small
for the burden of other's worries

i was too young.
having a breakdown at 12 while i tried to stop someone from committing suicide
Oct 2021 · 829
artificial fire
finn Oct 2021

when, pray tell
do you end
going on and on
like a whisper of tv static
leaking in though the back door of my mind


this fire is manmade
it is artificial
and when the fuel runs out
burnout will finally reign
and this hollow head, reaped of all its treasures
will succumb

history class is BRUTAL guys
Oct 2021 · 532
the demon of my dreams
finn Oct 2021
you hung the stars,
yet caused my scars -

when did you go
from silver to sold

why have you gone
in a hurry?
nightmare in a wedding dress.
Aug 2021 · 626
antonym of synonym
finn Aug 2021
A word that is the antonym of antonym -
Not far to be found - synonym.
Though synonym is an antonym to antonym,
Only synonym is a synonym to synonym.
Not unknown to us - being something to ourselves
Yet others will put us down
Maybe, someday, I’ll find my synonym.
acrostic poem for "antonym" ;) hope it makes sense!
Aug 2021 · 670
fibonacci firth
finn Aug 2021
firth -
of the
sea; ebbs and
flows - an inlet of
the ocean at a wide river
estuary, a place where mourning songs are sung and
souls are lost and found and secrets revealed and waters are wide; a place to breathe for once.
the firth is where there is a separation of ways.
where we walk down one river each
and we don’t look back
go forward
a fibonacci poem this time! i've recently been experimenting with different letters for poem+word combos.
Aug 2021 · 438
there is a ghyll
finn Aug 2021
“over drowned summits.
Still white backdrop:
Scattered farms, spiked chapels,
dead ravines, dams motionless in blue steel.”

- Andrey Gritsman, “Last Day Of The Year”

There is no hill
Over by the way -
Rather, there is a
deep ravine that carves
Against the land and
Crushes, erases
In vigorous strokes
All who dare to
Stray too close
Over drowned summits.

As they fall and fall,
There is no forgiveness.
There is fear -
There is despair -
And then there is
The disappointing wash
Of pained acceptance
There is just one
Moment of pause, of
Still white backdrop.

The eyes roam over all
That there is to see
In a world that is soon to
Disappear; to fade into
Darkness and silence and
Whatever else awaits,
To take in the views
Of the living land
One last time -
Scattered farms, spiked chapels.

We travel deeper and deeper and
In the dark, there is a near-silence
That shocks to the core,
Moreso than even the loudest noises.
And finally, the grand finale,
The dull thump of a body
(No one hears it - does the tree really fall?)
And the padded footsteps of a reaper
Having come to claim it’s own - of
Dead ravines, dams motionless in blue steel.
I tried my hand at a glose poem, which references to another poem!
May 2021 · 145
brain and parts
finn May 2021
parts are
and bone
and all that lives

brain is metal
and stone
and all that kills
May 2021 · 358
finn May 2021
The letter lies there, on the desk.
"I wish I could fly," it says.
there is no signature
the edges are crumpled
the envelope is too small
the ink is a bright orange, the last letter smudged
but he wants to fly.

He wants to fly.

So it's all I can do to give him a lift.
Apr 2021 · 654
a boy and a boy
finn Apr 2021
he sings
like there is no one watching
but everyone is watching
and I am watching

and I wish that I could keep this part of him for myself.
There are worse things in this world than a boy who likes other boys.
Apr 2021 · 277
finn Apr 2021
when I was 11 I bought a pack of mentos
I still have the wrapper, a memento
of an earlier time

do you ever wish we could go back to where we were?
Sometimes I taste that candy again and wish that things had never changed
finn Apr 2021
He is the sun.
and orange
and drawing your attention
until you are blinded and sunburnt and in awe and watching as
as He-
as He FLIES.
as He soars, ascends, goes higher and higher and never, ever falls.

what use is a sun,
if not to distract the world from the moon?
the moon glows. It does not take the spotlight.
It is all knowing and lovely and shimmering and illuminating and observant and
and the moon  -the moon is, if not anything else, always there.

The stars twinkle.
They smile,
They offer encouragement.
the stars are beautiful and expansive and appear in the most unexpected of places, on the cuffs of jeans, in the wake of dreams,
in a smattering across the cheeks.
The stars are familiar.

the sky ties them together.
ever changing
full of all that it loves
the sky is large and encompassing and it will always, always
the sky will always
the sky will always
inspired by karasuno first years! (sorry I didn't include yachi but i have no idea how to characterize her TT)
finn Apr 2021
words, fragments,
pieces spilled with ink and paper and thoughts and all that we make.
tinny, echoing,
long forgotten in the din of chatter and love and all that we crave.

the secrets
of the universe are not ours to keep.
they come, fleeting, they stay for a moment.

They leave.

The machines
of the universe are ours to use.
we write, we sing, we listen, we cry, we laugh, we

in the pages of this manuscript
in the notes of this melody
we are forever.
And when the secrets pay us a long-due visit
maybe we can listen, we can read
even if for just a few moments
Nov 2020 · 135
number 1
finn Nov 2020
for a tale
as old as time,
they say

a tale
of love
and time
and life
and dark
and all that
Nov 2020 · 109
finn Nov 2020

it flows

and ebbs

and fades away

i want you to

pass faster,

i will want


of you.

enjoy it

while it

inspired while talking w a friend
Nov 2020 · 117
to the right person,
finn Nov 2020

I haven't met you yet.


that you will lose me


that you aren't real
I'll be gone, before I can ever meet you.
Nov 2020 · 106
vali date
finn Nov 2020
set a date
to validate


no one
tells me

you have

you deserve

you are

i am.
proud of you.

so please
set a date
to validate
sometimes I just don't feel good
Nov 2020 · 137
not me
finn Nov 2020
the eyes

they watch



the ears


and the hand




and the feet

jump off the


i am no longer

Nov 2020 · 124
quod perierat
finn Nov 2020
we are. gone
i am

and you are.


tell me.

will i find you






b  a      c   k.

— The End —