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I tell myself
I don't need anyone
but the truth is
no one needs me
this is not mine it's just a quote I found in an anime and it's just beautiful and I felt it.
is patience
when the summit seems far
youβ€˜ll get there
gaze at the stars
in wonder
as you did
all the way up
I was feeling
and dark.
I put
rocks in my
to uplift my
to climb
out of the hole.

I want to
run on
the clouds
touch the sun;
go 180 around
the third turn.
Feel nothing but
the wind;
go out like
Earnhardt Sr.
a blaze of
Last lap
last run.
My wings are clipped and broken
The freedom I love has gone
I no longer soar over the green fields and forests
I'm doomed in a cage to remain

Do I blame the virus?
No for the virus is just that
A virus is blameless, a virus does not hate

No but I do blame you
The ones who refused to separate
Refused to wear a mask
Allow me to breath your infected breath

And so for you idea of freedom
Another million have to die
Your belief in freedom
Means that I can no longer fly
My heart can only
feel his pain
as he cries out in silence
me close
with sketches

He flicks his hand across the paper
pretending to erase,
cleverly removing me
from his field of vision

Mother and son connection
a generous gift
though, even a white lie is too rich in color to keep hidden

Breaking into his creations
The flood gates open
Here come the long lost tears
My sweet B
Told you no walls
I am simply a lemon
I like to think I’m sweet
But I am just a sour soul that you can never eat

I am simply a lemon
with bright happy yellow skin
But, on the inside I am just a sin

Add a bit of sugar and I’ll be bitter sweet
But once the sugar fades away your destin for defeat

I am not a sweet little boy
I’m sour as can be
Why am I a lemon and not a strawberry
You didn't love me
I was a burning building
And you were just looking
For something
To light your cigarette
I studied your face
from below
as your tears
fell through me
and onto the floor
I wanted to comfort you
but I knew
I would only leave you
and scared of the dark
ghosts watch you cry
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