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Mar 2015 · 466
Last Breath
NZ Mar 2015
From those around...
I hear a cry...
Oh God! Oh God!
My eyes are blind...

From those around..
I hear a cry,
A muffled sob,
A hopeless sigh,
I hear their footsteps leaving slow..
and then I know my soul must fly!

A chilly wind begins to blow,
Within my soul from head to toe,
and then last breath escapes my lips,
It's time to leave and I must go!

So, it is true but it's too late,
They said: "Each soul has its *Given Date",
When it must leave its body's core,
and meet with its Eternal Fate.

Oh! mark the words I do say,
Who knows tomorrow could be your Day,
At last it comes to Heaven or Hell,
Decide which now do NOT delay!

Come on my brothers let us pray,
Decide which now do not delay!

Oh God! Oh God! I cannot see,
My eyes are blind! am I still me?
or has my soul been led astray,
and forced to pay a priceless fee?

Alas to dust we all return,
Some shall *rejoice while others *burn,
If only I knew that before,
The line grew short and came my Turn!

And now, as beneath the sod,
They lay me with my *record flawed,
They cry not knowing I cry worse,
For they go home.. I face my God!
This is an Islamic poem/nasheed(religious song) by Ahmed Bukhatir(sp?)

*Given Date = In Islam, they believe everyone have its given death before they died regardless of young or old, healty or sick.
*Rejoice & Burn = Heaven and Hell
*Record = Muslim believe each deeds are recorded by two angels in each person.
Feb 2015 · 749
Mother's Song
NZ Feb 2015
'May I meet you soon, my yet unseen child,' I always wished as I ­stroked my belly.

Ooo, Ooo (shouts of joy) I wonder how your face looks like? 
Ooo, Ooo, I wonder how your voice sounds like?


I see mysel­f reflected in your big eyes 
as your tears trickled down your ch­eeks

'Mama, mama, come, I'm finished with my food!' 
'Tatata, ta­tata, come,  let's go out for a walk!'

You hugged your knees, cr­ying out your eyes 
Tell me why, I'll listen to everything 
Don't­ worry, I'm not going anywhere 
No matter what happens, I'll be w­ith you 
I love your face when you laugh 
Even when you're down, ­please try to cheer up

'Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru, come, let's sing a s­ong' 
'U-o-on, u-o-on, come, shout your hearts out'

Ki-ra-ra, ki-ra-ra (Shouts of Cheering) may you grow free from care!


Run through snow,­ count the clouds, play in the rain, 
get blown by the wind, get ­buried in flowers, make your grass flutes sing  
with your four l­egs, with your two legs

A new morning,  
a new wind, 
prepared j­ust for you

A new morning,  
a new light, 
a world just for you
A new morning,  
a new rainbow, 
a world full of wonder

No matt­er which of the two roads you choose, 
I would probably no longer­ be able to gaze at you from afar 
Someday, when you set out on y­our journey, 
I'm sure I will see you off with a smile

Uuu, uuu (sounds of crying), 
but perhaps I'll be a bit lonely..
Uoon, Uoon (shout of cheers) Please, live strong.......
This is a mother song for her children, thanks your mom a lot for being there. Even if you don't have any parents or your mother don't like you, cheer up! you will be mother yourself. Have a heart, love your family.

I cried when I read this....
Jan 2015 · 605
The Tears
NZ Jan 2015
The way of the tears is the way to comfort,
Sigh my dear friend so you can rest,
And make emotional supplications in private,
The universe will encompass your voice.

By the will of God all wounds heal,
and the broken,
and the wounded hearts recover,
and the sick,
and the ill become full of strength again,
while before they lay there sick.

- Muhammad Al Muqit
This is the first part of Nasheed written personally and sing by Muhammad Al Muqit, a nasheed singer.

Very inspirational lyric to me.
Nov 2014 · 3.3k
My Best Friend.
NZ Nov 2014
Hello, are you there?
I'm waiting for you here,
I found a gem and it was rare,
Knowing it's you who really care.

My life is a waste,
It's worst than a nest,
When I found you I'm at rest,
Can I give my trust, for you to 'mess'?
That special one in our heart, never fail to hurt and heal us.
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
I'm Sick Of Friendship
NZ Nov 2014
It's enough,
enough of hurting me my dear friend,
It's enough, enough of cursing me.

I know....

I'm fooled by every one of them,
I'm a fooled to trust them.
and I'm sick of it, sick of them and sick of you.

Let me be honest...

I feel sick of your attitudes,
I feel sick of your words.
Let's stop this my dear friend,
Let's stop of being my friend.
I'm easily fooled by them. I never fight for my own.

— The End —