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7.7k · Jun 2014
Renji Jun 2014
They say gravity is a harsh mistress,
It's a force of nature that brings us to our knees, But yet we still appreciate it as if there was no life without it...

Much like many other things in life
5.4k · Jun 2014
Two faced
Renji Jun 2014
We're all two faced ,
One left to  be never found
The other just an illusive smile.
So which do we choose to show?

I'm glad mine is still within the shadows,
I never hope to bring it out... Don't force me to.
It's a cruel ******* world out there.... never thought I'd be able to compress my feelings into poems.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Renji Jun 2014
How could I be so arrogant
To let you slip away
I had you in round arms
But I let you slip away

I want you back
But now it's too late
I've already said goodbye
But I wish I never had.

I want to go back in time
And fix all that was wrong
Change all of my regrets,
which never seems to fade

So please take me back
And catch me when I fall
Cause I need you right now
More than anything at all

My love can never fade
So please... </3
I wish I could erase that night from my life, so you would remain with me :(
1.1k · Jun 2014
Does she miss me?
Renji Jun 2014
Of anything I feel now,
Of all the pain and regret,
The heart break and headaches...

What I fear the most is that she doesn't miss me.
Today, I was crushed again by the thought of her.
780 · Jun 2014
Numbing Regret
Renji Jun 2014
You told me you love me,
You told me you care,
You told me you trust me and I may be the one,
I know you meant  every word you said...

But I'm SORRY I broke that love
I'm SORRY I puzzled your care,
I'm SORRY I mislaid that trust, as it's nowhere to be found.
My every SORRY is bathed in pain...

Once a friend, Once I was
A friend to you as with no one else
Once an angel, Once you were,
An angel to me as with no one else.

Now a stranger who betrayed your trust,
Just an echo in the past.
Once an angel, as you still are,
An angel to me as with no one else.

I'll say it again and ignore the pain,
I'm SORRY...
I'm not one who has any experience in writing poems...
Circumstances brought me to them.
677 · Jun 2014
One in a million
Renji Jun 2014
I like to think we're all one in a million,
From the point we were in our mother's womb,
to the point we crust down in under the city clay.

I like to think we all have a purpose,
a purpose to help, a purpose to hurt
a purpose to aid, a purpose to raid
And a purpose to live.

I like to think we all have our own fate
A fate to meet, a fate to fade,
A fate to cry or a fate to laugh,
A fate to die.

But regardless of what I like to think,
I now realise it's an illusion chained in my state of mind...
I write to delude my self that its still the same...

— The End —