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EP Robles Mar 2020
that Knowing came today
  in a casket it lay
a thing revealed   i say
that which lived now dead
the mystery of mysteries
whirling upon my head;
once to live
once to die
and many more hidden
within my rye!

:: 04-03-2014 ::
Rev: 03.01.2020
EP Robles Mar 2020

What spirit imbue that flesh
a love as thy mother in her best
twinkle eye too, heart of gold
that mystic flair balance dew
upon the blade of green-soothe
And touch thy father's heart, too!


And thou tend to good deeds
that love and life bequeath all
a fire and tender twinkle too
thy father so joyous tears sing
and moon and bird-song along
shall forever follow you!


Her lovely grace in turmoil-say
and his heart too shall always beat
for you the world and all its gifts
not of gold or position in world
but that tender spot angels dance
that room which first I met you

:: 03-24-2014 ::
For my daughter; my first-born.  The love of my life and my two sons too! <3
EP Robles Mar 2020
NOT  a goodbye my sweet birds
but that season's  change
o'er time and human need

the burrow may borrow
what little warmth
of heart but the sun sees
the vastness of grand love
we give her\so not a goodbye
little ones but a promise
for tomorrows!

:: 03-22-2014 ::
Rev: 03-18-2018
EP Robles Mar 2020
"AND what of me?" asked fear.

"I have no thing that hugs nor kisses or desires me."

Compassion stared then gently replied.

"But you are not real therefore of no concern.
When this is realized then shall you be set free."

:: NO FEAR ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
doesNOTExist).(bellybutton bushy-
  ***** bouncing bleachers

thurstNow is this moment s t retched as a dying
river's tears  holding /tightly\ her shores
  then doesNOTeXist can never be contained
  within finite space ).( bellybutton bushy-
  ***** bouncing bleachers is never a safe
  place for ***.

  :: 02.25.2020 ::
EP Robles Mar 2020
ONCE is less than MORE    but if you go off
allow something to grab you if you fall
   inside pollen-eye bites when you
   taste blue and smell summer zeros hiding
   a hookah vision ,,__,, defies logic
      bends the Divine Proportion of smAll
   a supra sutra deluxe rule fights cRhyme
      sends the devils running
           higher fly these angels
   so heavy to consider this;
        once is less than more
             is less than
              than zero

EP Robles Mar 2020
ABANDON all senses  to catch the dancing fire
   of indescribable emotions
trapped deeply within the Soul of No Mouth
-- tell the birthing stars  our carbon body is as old
as their grandfathers and grandmothers
  but our love and great Tiny minds grapple
with inconceivable thoughts
       but mostly of grand words structured
tightly around the Spirit of the Poet!

:: 02.29.2020 ::
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